Spain’s King and Queen Attend 2025 'In Memoriam' Concert

Queen Letizia wore a black blazer-style dress designed by Marta en Brazil

On March 6, 2025, King Felipe and Queen Letizia presided over the 23rd "In Memoriam" Concert in tribute to the Victims of Terrorism, an annual event that brings together key institutions of the State, the Government, and various social and economic sectors of Spanish society. The concert took place at the National Music Auditorium in Madrid.

Queen Letizia wore a black blazer-style dress designed by Marta en Brazil

Queen Letizia wore a black blazer-style dress designed by Marta en Brazil

Queen Letizia wore a black blazer-style dress designed by Marta en Brazil

The "In Memoriam" Concert in tribute to the Victims of Terrorism is organized by the Foundation for the Victims of Terrorism and sponsored by the RTVE Orchestra, the National Music Auditorium, INAEM, the Montemadrid Foundation, the Ministry of Culture, and the Madrid City Council.

Queen Letizia wore a black blazer-style dress designed by Marta en Brazil

Queen Letizia wore a black blazer-style dress designed by Marta en Brazil

Queen Letizia wore a black blazer-style dress designed by Marta en Brazil

At the memorial concert, Queen Letizia wore a black blazer-style dress designed by Marta en Brazil, featuring long sleeves, a midi length, and front button detailing. The Queen purchased this dress from Aloha Benetússer, the store of Valencian businesswoman Francis Mandingorra, who was affected by the DANA flood.

Queen Letizia wore a black blazer-style dress designed by Marta en Brazil

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  1. It looks more like a coat dress but the one shown on the hanger looks completely different. Letizia must have an altered version because the lower part is transparent and hers is the same fabric throughout.

    1. Anonymous7/3/25 17:26

      I don't think bottom of coat is a transparent fabric. It's an optical illusion from mud on fabric, the result of the flood. (I had the same impression.)

    2. There is nothing transparent on that coat dress. The dress shown by the store owner was completely soiled by the flooding in the Valencia area. Hence the brown-ish stains on the lower part of the coat.

    3. Anonymous7/3/25 19:03

      The lower part is not transparent but covered with mud. She bought it at a store which has been affected by the Dana flood. Read the text just before the last 3 pictures. I think it is a great idea and it is recycling on the highest level. The only thing I do not understand why black again. I would like if I could see her ward robe or dressing room : black on the left wall, red on the right wall. All the rest in another room ?

    4. Anonymous7/3/25 19:12

      It is not transparent, it is mud, it is a dress that suffered the floods in Valencia and Letizia bought it, washed it and wore it.

    5. Anonymous7/3/25 19:13

      It's not transparent, it's covered in mud. The only thing altered is the length, it's a bit shorter than the original.

    6. Anonymous7/3/25 19:39

      That is mud stained not transparent

    7. Anonymous7/3/25 19:48

      Sorry, it is not transparent.
      The mud after the DANA gives that impression.
      Thank you.

    8. Anonymous8/3/25 20:41

      @anonymous 19:03- this is a Memorial service. That’s why the Queen is dressed in black. If you look at the other attendees (I’m not talking about people who are outside along the street), they are all in black, too.

  2. Cette sorte de robe au boutonnage croisé donne une belle allure à Letizia - Son époux est toujours vêtu sans un faux-pli avec une cravate à très petits motifs !

  3. Anonymous7/3/25 22:33

    Hello to the king and queen from the King

  4. Photo 4 is adorable. The look on little ones face, I just love it. The King has a real softness, I love it!
    This outfit worn by Letizia looks fabulous. Hanging on the hanger not so much and I'm not talking about the mud. The outfit is transformed on Letizia. Love her colored kitten heels, adding a splash of color. Beautiful.

  5. Anonymous8/3/25 14:59

    She is just a beautiful lady. I believe she followed Melania Trump look from inauguration from 2025.

    1. Anonymous8/3/25 20:17

      No one follows Melania Trump

  6. Maravillosa Reina Letizia, siempre atenta a los detalles que pueden marcar la diferencia para las personas y negocios necesitados de ayuda. El vestido-abrigo es sobrio y elegante como es habitual en Ella. El Rey, tan impresionante como siempre.

  7. El evento es un concierto en memoria de las víctimas del terrorismo. La reina Letizia siempre viste de negro en este acto. El negro en España es señal de luto.

  8. Anonymous8/3/25 20:00

    Fantastic look for Letizia.


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