Swedish Princess Adrienne celebrates her 2nd birthday

Princess Madeleine released a new photo of her daughter Princess Adrienne of Sweden, Duchess of Blekinge. Princess Estelle
Princess Adrienne of Sweden, Duchess of Blekinge celebrates her 2nd birthday today. Princess Madeleine released a new photo of her daughter Adrienne on social media to mark that birthday. Happy birthday to you, Princess Adrienne!

Princess Adrienne of Sweden, Duchess of Blekinge (Adrienne Josephine Alice Bernadotte; born 9 March 2018) is the third child and second daughter of Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill.

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. She's gorgeous and sweet and very_Bernadotte. N'est-ce pas?

    1. Anonymous9/3/20 14:32

      She is such a little cutie ❤, but more an O'Neill than a Bernadotte, Dad's colours and lips e.g.


  2. Gun-Lise9/3/20 12:55

    What a cutie! The perfect mix of father and mother!

  3. I think she is very Toledo. South American blood from queen Silvia.

    1. Anonymous9/3/20 20:26


    2. Queen Sylvia is of German decent, not South American. That is The Queen of Spain, Laetizia

    3. @ Unknown, Queen Silvia's mother was Brazilian.

    4. Unknown - Queen Silvia is half-Brazilian. Queen Letizia is Spanish not South American. Queen Maxima is from Argentina.

    5. Anonymous9/3/20 23:32

      Queen Sylvia has a german father but an brazalian mother Alice soares de toledo

    6. Anonymous10/3/20 16:02

      It never ceases to amaze how some people mix South American, which in on itself is not an ethnicity with Spaniards,,,,
      She definitely looks like she favors the grandmother side, and so does Victoria.

  4. Anonymous9/3/20 14:05

    jolie petite fille !! elle a les beaux yeux de sa maman !

  5. Cute child but horrible photo (not in focus, poor lighting, clearly snapped without any effort and it's of rather private nature). It's not the kind of photo I'd choose to celebrate my child's birthday, and certainly not to share with the world.
    She doesn't look Swedish at all, she could pass as a child from the Middle East.
    She does have her father's lips though.
    It's remarkable that none of Madeleine's three kids look even remotely like her.

    1. What does "looking Swedish" look like? I'm hoping your entire post doesn't read as you intended. This isn't an official portrait, just a mom taking a picture of her child.

    2. Happy Birthday Adrienne!

    3. Vanessa, what a rude comment to make. What is wrong with a child that has different features, in your opinion Middle Eastern? Why not rather keeping quiet than saying something like this?

    4. Vanessa, you are sick :)

    5. Agree with you Vanessa. I got in trouble for criticizing an earlier, very casual Foto of Pss Madeleine's older Daughter and was even accused of sexualizing a Child, which of course was never my intention.
      Somehow these pictures are just too intimate to be shared with the public. That's just my humble Opinion.
      Otherwise, Congrat's to a beautiful Family, beautiful children.

    6. Royalty fan

      Vanessa, I most definitely agree with you. She really looks more Middle Eastern, than Swedish. As a matter of fact, I also stared at the 1st photos that were taken, just after she was born, where she also looked more like an Arabian newborn baby.

    7. What?????
      My remark that she doesn´t look Swedish at all and could pass as someone from the Middle East was in response to the first comment asking "very Bernadotte, n'est pas?" That was the only comment there at the time I wrote mine.

      Man, you guys get fired up about everything. I described what she looks like to my eyes. That´s a mere observation. And I stand by it.

      Anja says that Adrienne looks South American. And then goes on and calls me sick.

    8. Anonymous9/3/20 19:31

      My God, why isn*t it allowed to speak your mind on this planet anymore? Is the world completely mad? The world got a collective left brain-wash. So annoying. Frieda

    9. Anonymous9/3/20 19:33

      Dont see how its horrible picture of Adrienne...she looks so cute on that pic. Its a private photo of little girl that was shared on Madeleine's instagram (unless you don't know, then no longer Kungahuset share pictures of Madeleine's and probably Carl Philips children. Otherwise, the pic would have been done by proffessional photographer and more official like those of Victoria's children).

    10. Vanessa, you said "horrible foto"??? She is a child, very cute, foto taken by her mother... That is what I meant...

    11. Anonymous9/3/20 20:02

      Yes, Vanessa, I agree with you about the photo; but my issue is with the off-the-shoulder dress on a two-year-old. Considering the goings-on nowadays, surely someone could have fixed Adrienne's dress. After all, it's a birthday photo, not a casual "at the beach" snap, but this might be Madeleine pushing her Florida experience (who knows).

      Adrienne is a beautiful little girl.

      And I agree with Anon 10:31, that nowadays we are seemingly not allowed to speak our minds or have differing opinions (at least in public or on a forum). Very sad.


    12. Anonymous9/3/20 21:03

      But Vanessa, there’s no need to complain about Anja saying that Princess Adrienne looks south american. She has south american genes so that’s a fact and a compliment I’d say. I’m pretty sure you like to follow the lives of the royals and my guess is that you KNOW about Queen Silvia’s genes. And then you make a comment saying that Adrienne looks middle eastern?
      You’re the sick one, Vanessa. You knew that that comment would create backlash, so don’t act surprised.

    13. Sehe ich auch so !!

    14. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences. We are free to speak our minds, and other are free to respond and disagree. I don't know why people are surprised when their vile remarks are challenged or met with disdain.

    15. Anonymous10/3/20 01:44

      ^ YES. What Anna said. People shouldn't be so surprised.

    16. Anonymous10/3/20 02:44

      Critique a 2-year-old child's clothes seems to go too far, and why is ethnicity being brought into this? Who cares what she looks like? She is a beautiful little girl. Nothing else matters.

    17. Anonymous10/3/20 04:59

      Lets not forget that this was PRIVATE picture of Adrienne taken by her mother which she shared on her Instagram.
      This foto was not taken by photofrapher, photoshopped and then shared at official court media.
      I wouldn't be surprised if Madeleine stopped sharing fotos of her children when she is being bashed for every pic (horrible foto, wrong clothing, etc).
      Madeleine is critizesed anyway. Now the tabloids can start blaming that her child do not look "Swedish".
      Take a moment and think how nasty comment would make YOU feel ... if they were said by strangers about you...about your child...would you feel good or bad?

    18. Anonymous10/3/20 06:44

      Quotes from Vanessa:
      "Horrible photo"
      "She doesn't look Swedish at all".
      By posting this kind of callous comment why are you surprised when people react???
      This is a 2-year-old child you are commenting on in case you have forgotten! The foto was taken by her mother. It was shared on her Instagram account. Don't see anything wrong with this foto and its definitely overkill to call it "horrible".
      Dare to share foto of your loved one and let us comment on it? I think most of us would have more kindness and not to point out flaws if there were any.
      As to her not looking "Swedish"...Adrienne's uncle had curly hair (still has!), CPss Victoria has more dark hair and complexion. Your words may be taken as racism. Not every Swede has to have blond hair and blue eyes and lack of it won't make them look less "Swedish"! Your comment sounded very insulting to all Swedish people with darker hair, eyes and skin! I'm ashamed and really sad to read adult posting something like this to little girl's birthday picture.

    19. Anonymous10/3/20 08:41

      Strange comments to the photo of the cute little Prss Adrienne!
      All Scandinavians are not blondes…… and especiallly not members of the Royal Houses. CP Mette Marit is indeed the only one with, what you in a way called a Swedish/Scandinavian look.
      But Prss Madeleine has taken better photos of her children,I agree.
      I find the the dropped one shoulder strap a bit unfortunate !

    20. Swedish people are seen as blond,blue eyes with pail skin,so if some do not think that the child not look "Swedish ",they are so right.The child is very dark in that way and today we have changed these old opinion about swedish look,so the girl is a swedish very cute too.My reaction of the picture is not if the girl looks swedish,it is how she is wearing the dress.Madeleine who works with childhood should know more than us that the girls position looks like a sexappeal for a grown up women in a dirty magazine.Children should never ever have a look or be easy dressed in a picture.There are men out there selling picture of "sexy" children.

    21. @Vanessa, what a harsh comment. hopefully I am not reading it well, but wow!! What a nightmare we have created with social media sometimes. Any mother posting a picture of her child, has to expect a myriad of comments from the rest of the mothers, who seem to believe that they are better than the rest, talking about being appropriate, judging, and in some cases dissecting the child’s looks and bringing up ethnicity only to show how prejudiced they are....

    22. Trying to reply to various comments directed at me:

      I do find the photo horrible - for sharing with the world. Maybe I should have written "horrible choice of photo". It´s not a horrible photo as such (though of poor quality) but it is not at all suited for publishing on a global forum. Because then, by definition, it´s not private any more. My point is that it had better stayed private.

      To Cherry Blossom specifically: I don´t believe I´m better than anyone. Please stop making such assumptions. I make different choices than other people (in this case: I would not have published that kind of photo, or any at all), but that does not mean that I feel superior in any way. You are calling me judgemental, inappropriate, prejudiced and what not. I said that I find the photo horrible for publishing it to celebrate a young child´s birthday. So what? That doesn´t make me any of what you´ve called me. That makes me outspoken, nothing else.

      Why on earth is it inappropriate to bring up ethnicity? Ethnicity is super interesting, and it is one of the major attributes (if not THE major one) that we define ourselves by.

      Silvia is half Brazilian, that would make Madeleine 1/4, and Adrienne 1/8. Maybe the genes are coming through, but I find it a bit of a stretch to call Adrienne ethnically Brazilian. She is just as little Swedish btw, and has a very much mixed ethnic background.

      Adrienne is a very cute girl. And to me, she doesn´t look Swedish. She could pass as a child from the Middle East (doesn´t mean she is). And in any case, that´s not "blaming" her, nor is there "anything wrong with different features". And my remark is most certainly not racism. Racism is applying value to race. I have NOT done that, ever.

    23. Vanessa, you can go ahead and rationalize your comments. Your effort in trying to deflect doesn't work for me. The fact that you won't post such picture, that in my view and thousands of others is perfectly OK, it's irrelevant here, it's of no importance what "you" would do because nobody really cares ( apart from your loved ones, of course). I still find your original comment, judgemental, condescending, and most of all ignorant in regards of race or ethnicity. You are entitled to your opinion, and a I to mine, I am talking about what you write, not about what you are.
      We are familiar with the usual bloggers here, and I get it , you always dislike most everything, and I suppose is your nature, but on this one you have crossed the line. IMO.

    24. Anonymous11/3/20 06:59

      Comment like she doesn't look "Swedish" was insensitive and ignorant. Blond, blue-eyed stereotype of what a true Swede should look like, is very outdated.
      @Vanessa: I don't understand what are you trying to say with that "she look as someone from the Middle East"? That her father is someone from Middle East, and not Chris???
      I can put your mind at rest and assure you that Adrienne looks a lot like her father looked as a child:
      Adrienne has lot of resamblance to her dad, grandmother and aunt. Not all kids have to look like their mothers. Besides she's only two. Little kids change a lot and we will see how she looks as an adult. But I bet, she's going to be a beauty.
      Choice of photo: you may think you are the best photographer in the world but Instagram is famos of ruining photos (something to do w/Instagram's algorithms). Believe me, I've often wondered what has happened with my gorgeous photo after I posted it at Instagram *sigh*
      I'm happy that Madeleine shares these pics of her little ones. Wouldn't be surprised if she stopped. Why bother, when there are so many disatisfied people out there who find always something to complain about. Even with 2-year-olds. Sad.
      Once again: Happy 2nd Birthday, little Adrienne!

    25. Maria:
      I cannot believe what you and others read into my comment that just isn´t there.
      Where did I suggest that her father is anyone but Chris???? I literally said she has her father´s lips.
      I never said that all kids need to look like their mother. Kids can take after any parent or grandparent, but the likelyhood of having three kids and none of them taking after the mother is rather low. Is a matter of probability.
      I never suggested that I am a better photographer. Where did you get that from? I said that I would not have chosen that kind of photo to publish for the world to see. That´s an entirely different statement.
      And finally, a negative opinion isn´t a complaint. I can dislike someone´s choices and still acknowledge that person´s right to make those choices.

      Cherry Blossom:
      I don´t dislike everything. Most of my comments are positive, if you cared to notice. But you seem to browse this forum for negative comments that you can point your finger at. Like you´ve done further below with Frieda who wrote a perfectly reasonable comment. Several times I have been the target of your moral lecturing about what you find appropriate or inappropriate to say. I may have crossed YOUR line (again) as you seem to be easily triggered, but I have never crossed the blog´s line - never has a comments of mine been removed, and in fact more people have agreed with me here and on other topics than you would ever like to admit.

    26. Maria, Chris has ancestors in the Middle East...so what I wanted to say with this is that some people are quite narrowminded both when it comes to geography and history. We are all citizens of the world.

    27. Anonymous11/3/20 19:01

      Vanessa, Princess Madeleine nor her siblings nor Chris O'Neill do not have Middle East blood IIRC. Your comment was strange, confusing. Good you didn't mean nothing bad with it but why post it in the first place? Labelling is never good. It can hurt people and many are ashamed of their skin tone or hair after people have commented on their difference.
      I don't get this obsession to find resamblance with mother or father. Our genome is inherited from our parents, half come from our mother and half from father, so Madeleine's genes are in all three siblings I assure you, including in their looks.
      If you are no better photographer ... why disapprove someone else's picture? I'd understand if her eyes were half closed, her her mouth weirdly or pic blurry or something. Its lovely pic of Adrienne. I hate to think what kind of picture you see in it!

    28. Anonymous11/3/20 20:27

      Vanessa, just give it a rest.

    29. Anonymous12/3/20 04:42

      Vanessa, deflect, distract, and accuse others of lecturing you.... in what world is acceptable to say that somebody’s child may be the milkman’s? Where do you live ? under a rock? would you ever say that to any couple? At this point I think that you are in a parallel universe. And yes, your comments are the usual “Debbie Downers”, of course your comments haven’t been deleted, only because you don’t have to use foul language or overly aggressive language, your skills are mostly a about innuendo, and insinuations.

    30. I didn´t insinuate anything, I clearly and explicitly explained why I felt that the photo was a horrible choice. I will not take the blame for things that other people read into my comment that I never said.

      "The milkman´s" was a joke, and clearly marked as such. It´s a super common joke used when one sibling looks distinctly different than the others. In fact, the joke is so common, it´s got its own wikipedia entry. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milkman_joke
      When did people lose their humour?
      This exaggerated pc culture is absolutely toxic to normal communication.

    31. Anonymous13/3/20 05:01

      So because a crude and demeaning joke is on Wikipedia is OK to make it? And you put the link as if that proves that it is appropriate, please don't use the " we can't say anything because of PC" ... nothing to do with being PC, excuses for lack of respect and vulgarity.... it's never, ever OK, to say that a child looks as to have been fathered by the milkman, you should have learned basic manners years ago, not to mention kindness.

    32. @Anonymous at 11:27 PM (and certain others — you know who you are :-): Here’s a thought: perhaps those who have been piling onto Vanessa could “just give it a rest.”

    33. Anonymous14/3/20 06:13

      Jane, why? are you her defense attorney? There is nothing wrong with debating ideas, also there is nothing wrong about reacting to a comment thรกt is so incredibly catty. I think she doesn't need your support, she really thinks that crude jokes are part of the folklore and should be considered funny, ha,ha!! She even tries to illustrate us, the illiterate folks with some cutesy Wikipedia links, because she thinks we just don't understand the root of the joke, but never considers that most of us would've never said that about any woman, and if it was ever said in jest, a heartfelt apology would've have followed shortly.

    34. CB, let’s just say my heart goes out to anyone who is being ganged up on by people who continue to harangue the individual who has the audacity to attempt to defend themselves. Not everyone’s comments are going to please me, or you, or anyone 100% of the time, and while we have a right to respond, to continue arguing and scolding just to have the last word does not elevate the discussion or the blog but rather has the opposite effect.

    35. Anonymous15/3/20 07:02

      @Jane: Vanessa could have just said sorry, she didn't realize she hurt someone and that's it. Her further comments just made it worse. This beautiful thread turned ugly and was spoiled.
      Its okay when you don't like the picture. But to insinuate that she does not look Swedish but Middle East ... or that milkman joke is okay...sorry but way too many wives and kids have suffered by this kind of "jokes".
      I'm glad Madeleine shared photto, even if it was horrible in some people's eyes ๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒท

    36. Maria - why on Earth should I apologize?
      No one here said they felt hurt or offended. And why whould they?
      I don´t know who you are trying to defend. Or who you think you´re speaking for. If you SJWs could just stop getting upset on behalf of someone else, that´d be great.
      Maybe you should watch some Monty Python :-)

    37. Maria, I understand your point of view but I think that the negativity thrown at Vanessa was excessive, and furthermore I suspect that some of those who kept it going were more interested in feeling superior than in any apology. We can agree to disagree — as mature people do — and let it go. There may be some who don’t want to move on, but that will be their problem. Pretty flowers, by the way ๐Ÿ™‚.

    38. Anonymous16/3/20 04:54

      Vanessa, if you need to ask, then...๐Ÿ˜ง Why do you think people reacted?? I pity your friends, if there are any left...

    39. Anonymous16/3/20 07:17

      I've followed this conversation and couldn't help but wonder if "No one here said they felt hurt or offended", then why they replied to your comment? It wasn't for the sake of arguing or getting last word.

      Some things are better to be left unsaid...even if you don't mean anything bad with it, people can get hurt or offended by someone's carelessly said/posted comment. And please don't start with people being oversensitive. Life is stressful anyway, especially now, why add more?
      No mother can choose or change the appearance of their children. Not all photos and clothes are liked by everyone. But do you have to loudly declare to everyone how horrible or bad you find something?
      Maybe she could have visited photographer, take "proper" photo, but as a mother of 3, maybe she just didn't have time? Or perhaps she found this pic cute (I certainly find it very cute photo, and love Adrienne's expression on it)?

      Would you really say to your Swedish friend that her child look like the Middle East and not Swedish at all? And, oh, why non of your kids look like you? And by the way, you take horrible photos and can not dress your child. Trust me, this friend won't stay your friend for very long because no one needs enemies w/friends like this.


    40. You´re asking the right question, Karina. If no-one here said they felt hurt or offended, why did they reply to my comment. That´s the exact thing one needs to wonder.

      We are all here to express our opinions. And we are all allowed to do so, no-one´s opinion is any more valid than the next. My opinion happened to be negative this time, but that doesn´t change my right to express it. As I´ve said before, I don´t see the point in a discussion where only positive and approving comments are allowed.

      And I will stress one more time: I did not say, or suggest, or insinuate that there´s anything wrong with Adrienne´s appearance. Please stop claiming that. I did not dislike Adrienne´s looks (I literally said she is a cute child), I find the photo horrible - for the reasons I gave above.

      Regarding someone looking Swedish or not: Yes, I would absolutely say that. Because, again, that doesn´t mean there´s anything wrong with said person. Lots of people have told me what they think I look like (ethnically speaking) and that didn´t offend me in any way. It´s interesting to hear about other people´s perception.
      Regarding Adrienne not looking Swedish: She just doesn´t look Swedish, and I´m far from the only person who´s pointed that out. She may have Swedish citizenship but she is only 1/8 of Swedish ethnicity. Meaning that she´s 7/8 something else. She has a very mixed ethnic background because both of her parents and three of her grandparents stem from international marriages. Adrienne likely holds other citizenships as well.

      And lastly, I did not say that Madeleine cannot dress her child. And I did not say that she takes horrible photos. I find THIS photo horrible - for the purpose of publishing it to celebrate Adrienne´s birthday.

      To Jane - thank you.

    41. She does look middle eastern, and those who think that's an insult are the ones being racist.

  6. Like a cute little cherub!

  7. I don't think that Adrienne has any "Swedish" relatives...it depends on what you mean by that, ofcourse, but the has some Middle Eastern heritage. And Italian...and French...etc, etc. Hopefully she'll have a great life no matter what people think of her family, and of monarchy.

  8. Anonymous9/3/20 17:03

    Beautiful mix of her father and mother. She also resamble her grandmother Silvia more than her siblings who have lighter hair and eyes.
    Happy Birthday! Love this new picture of her ❤❤❤ She looks so adorable.

  9. Anonymous9/3/20 17:05

    The Brazilian one !!!
    Essa e a Brasileira !!!

  10. She's cute! Who does she get the darker complexion from? Her dad?

    1. No, not her dad. She's her maternal grandmother. It's definitely Queen Silvia's Brazilian genes.
      I remember photos of Crown Princess Victoria at about the same age, she didn't look much different.
      And what she didn't get from her grandmother on her mother's side, she clearly got from the other grandmother. These are the features of Eva-Maria O'Neill.

  11. Quelle poupรฉe de plus en plus mignonne, ร  croquer... Trรจs bon et joyeux anniversaire ร  elle !

  12. Anonymous9/3/20 18:14

    The milkman's child? ;-)
    An unusual outward appearance in Madeleines direct blonde family. Adrienne resembles her uncle Carl Philip. Beautiful Child. Frieda

    1. Yes, in the line of her grandmother Queen Silvia.

    2. Frieda, would you like your children referrred as the milkman children ?? Don't give me that you are joking, because if you think that your comment is funny, It is not, those off color remarks imply that women cheat on their husbands, and these husbands are mocked by the ones like you. What a medieval concept, and how disrespectful. And, no, freedom of speech has nothing to do with freely insulting people, and then saying, oh my God one can even express their opinion....

    3. Anonymous10/3/20 18:59

      Aye aye, Cherrry Blossom. :-) Frieda

  13. Anonymous9/3/20 20:28

    She looks like the Brazilian side of her family, I love how Madeleine and Chris share real photos of their children it’s so much more natural. Congrats Adrienne

  14. Anonymous9/3/20 22:58

    It’s a lovely casual photo of a very sweet looking little girl. (V.M.)

  15. Anonymous9/3/20 23:51

    She is also very tanned. They do live in Florida. I don't think there's any need to look to genes when there's the sun. LisaMariaParis

  16. Anonymous10/3/20 01:50

    What a cute little girl! It's fun to see those Brazilian genes :)

  17. Anonymous10/3/20 02:23

    Why this obsession to find a relative these children look like? It's like this every time a child's picture pops up here.

  18. I wonder about that too. Ofcourse it can be interesting; we're all incredible mixes, we have so much fascinating history built in,in us, and it's adorable that children sometimes resemble someone so much. But they're certainly their own individuals. It must be at least as interesting to see who THIS little person is.

  19. Anonymous10/3/20 15:54

    Lets try this again. A very happy 2nd Birthday to a super cutie Pss. Showing us the cold shoulder. She must be a Daddy girl. Lovely lace dress or top. r... css.

  20. Elle est magnifique joyeux anniversaire...๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽˆ

  21. Christopher O Neill´s family from his fathers side is from Italy

  22. She is an adorable girl, but that photo is not appropriate from a mother who works at Childhood.

    1. Anonymous12/3/20 01:48

      @Zucchina: You are exactly correct. That was the first thing I thought of. ~Laurel~

  23. She is adorable, but it's not an appropriate photo from a mother who works at Childhood. Very bad choice from princess Madeleine.

  24. Gorgeous little girl - personally I love the photo, it's just a moment in time captured. Hope she had a lovely day.

  25. Hab heute ein Foto von Madeleine gesehen , da schaut sie wie die Kleine aus , besonders die Lockerl - die Haut etwas heller!!

  26. Anonymous12/3/20 06:28

    I checked for the comments on Madeleine's instagram. Some people look at the pic of little girl and see who knows what in it. One example..."can't you dress your child properly? why is part of her body naked?"
    I don't know whether to laugh or cry. They live in Florida. There is hot and humid. Its not like she's posing or showing anything inappropriate.
    Mark my words: Princess Madeleine will soon stop posting photos of her children. She has started to post more rarely, she didn't post anything for Christmas or New Year. Why bother with birthday pics and open yourself to hurtful/nasty/ugly comments. And I wouldn't blame her. Comments like her daughter is a Middle Eastern or that bare shoulder=sexuality [please ask for help if you see little kids shoulder in a sexual way].
    Lots of comments were ugly to read for me, apparently for many others too, but how she must feel should she read any of those comments about her children from the Internet? I hope she won't read them or ignore them.
    And in the end who win? We won't see these kids growing up.
    I'm sorry. I apologize for all the nasty comments posted.
    There are always people who are hard to please and unhappy with their lives. Most people see good and are happy to get those updates. They are so cute and little darlings. Enjoy this special time because kids grow up so fast :)
    /...and sorry for my long ranting, I really didn't expect to see this kind of comments under little girls birthday picture, so I reacted/

    1. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

    2. Madeleien is working with sexabused children and should know that many photos with children dressed half naked is not very good to to consider how exposed a child can be in wrong hands.If this was the only photo they have I can understand,but never ever that a child should be exposed like this.

  27. She's not a good looking child and that's the obvious truth. There does seem to be an intensity to her looks that hopefully will manifest as she gets older. Screw all you b*tches jumping on Vanessa. She doesn't owe any of you Karens an explanation.


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