Princely Family of Liechtenstein celebrated National Day 2019

Yesterday was Liechtenstein's national day. In order to celebrate the national day, an open-air church service was held and the citizens of Vaduz gathered in the garden of Vaduz castle to meet with the Princely Family. Prince Hans-Adam II, Princess Marie, Hereditary Prince Alois, Hereditary Princess Sophie, Prince Joseph Wenzel and Prince Nikolaus attended the celebrations and the reception held in Vaduz. Staatsfeiertag (National Day) is a public holiday in Liechtenstein that began to be celebrated in 1940 and is always celebrated on August 15.
Prince Hans-Adam II, Princess Marie, Hereditary Prince Alois, Hereditary Princess Sophie
Prince Hans-Adam II, Princess Marie, Hereditary Prince Alois, Hereditary Princess Sophie
Prince Hans-Adam II, Princess Marie, Hereditary Prince Alois, Hereditary Princess Sophie
Prince Hans-Adam II, Princess Marie, Hereditary Prince Alois, Hereditary Princess Sophie
Prince Hans-Adam II, Princess Marie, Hereditary Prince Alois, Hereditary Princess Sophie
Prince Hans-Adam II, Princess Marie, Hereditary Prince Alois, Hereditary Princess Sophie
Prince Hans-Adam II, Princess Marie, Hereditary Prince Alois, Hereditary Princess Sophie
Prince Hans-Adam II, Princess Marie, Hereditary Prince Alois, Hereditary Princess Sophie
Prince Hans-Adam II, Princess Marie, Hereditary Prince Alois, Hereditary Princess Sophie
Prince Hans-Adam II, Princess Marie, Hereditary Prince Alois, Hereditary Princess Sophie
Prince Hans-Adam II, Princess Marie, Hereditary Prince Alois, Hereditary Princess Sophie
Prince Hans-Adam II, Princess Marie, Hereditary Prince Alois, Hereditary Princess Sophie
Prince Hans-Adam II, Princess Marie, Hereditary Prince Alois, Hereditary Princess Sophie
Prince Hans-Adam II, Princess Marie, Hereditary Prince Alois, Hereditary Princess Sophie

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  1. Anonymous16/8/19 12:51

    Wenn man die Fotos so betrachtet, fällt einem auf, dass diese Familie nicht unter Dauer-Medien/Paparazzi-Beschuss lebt.
    Herrlich entspannt sind sie alle und nicht unbedingt darauf aus, ja perfekt auf den Bildern rüberzukommen. Bisschen auch wie bei der Norwegischen Königsfamilie.
    Schöne Sommerkleider.
    Danke für die Fotos.

    1. Anonymous16/8/19 18:38

      Agree. I know very little about them.
      How come do paparazzi not follow them?
      Same as Norway??

  2. Anonymous16/8/19 13:39

    First time seeing this royal family!

  3. Very nice to see this family!

  4. La robe jaune, quelle horreur!

  5. Anonymous16/8/19 16:12

    Who is blonde in the 5th photo?
    What's her name?


    1. Anonymous16/8/19 19:46

      It is either Maria Annunziata or Marie Astrid v. Liechtenstein

  6. Anonymous16/8/19 16:28

    Do not recall seeing this family before. The backdrop of nature's beauty in the last photo is stunning!

  7. Die Bewohner eines kleinen aber feinen Bergvolkes feiern sich, wie nett. Die junge Frau mit dem schottisch inspirierten Schuhwerk finde ich ganz schick. Die Dame mit der Brille erinnert mich an meine Musiklehrerin, es ist eine angenehme Erinnerung. Sie sieht natürlich und hübsch aus.

    1. The woman with the glasses is the Hereditary Princess Sophie of Liechtenstein.

  8. Anonymous16/8/19 19:13

    National Day Liechtenstein 2019. So nice to see so many members of the family joining in the Celebrations. I have't seen Pss Angela and Prince Alphons, since their visit to the Vatican, in which all members were received by the Holy Father. Sadly Pss Marie looks so frail, but glad to see her.

  9. La señora de gafas de vestido floreado?que está en el primer lugar?es la princesa casada con Alois príncipe heredero y princesa descendiente de Sisi

  10. Love the floral dress worn by, I think, Princess Sophie. Nice to see photos of this family on a happy occasion

  11. Anonymous17/8/19 21:27

    They are probably the most private among the royals and also the richest.


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