On her birthday on August 4, The Duchess of Sussex launched a new women initiative. On her and on Prince Harry’s non-profit Archewell website, The Duchess launched a global project encouraging people across the world to give 40 minutes of their time to support women going back to work.
Witin this scope, The Duchess asked 40 activists, athletes, artists and world leaders to take part in the initiative by contributing 40 minutes of mentorship to women re-entering the workforce. The Duchess also recorded a fun new video with Melissa McCarthy to speak about the initiative, while her pet dog, Guy, snoozed at her feet.
Sorry, but who is she to preach and teach. No credibility at all.
ReplyDeleteI agree.
DeleteI agree, too. She has no skills that make her a teacher or a mentor, it's all about show.
DeleteIn my eyes, she's not a royal any more, so she should not still have a platform here and everywhere else.
How dare you, Meghan to make such a video, especially the english/queen-thing from Melissa McCarthy was disgusting.
Shame on Meghan to publish such a vid.
If she think's that's cool - it's not.
I'm sorry to say that, but I think this woman is just fake.
ReplyDeleteand their actions simply superfluous.
Ok, it's her birthday so fine. But seriously, why can't these people talk like a normal person without stuffing their mouths with woke words that mean nothing. Jk
DeleteI agree.
DeleteI agree.
DeleteHappy to read on her IG that Princess Eugenie was one of the first to support Meghan's new initiative of 40x40, of mentoring women who are rejoining the workforce. I suspect that those two couples and their children will be close to each other in the years to come.
ReplyDeleteNice idea of having her children's astrology signs represented on her necklace.
- Anon 9:13
I'm not on IG so I didn't see/know about that but it's lovely to hear. Eugenie always comes across as lovely and smart. And I think Meghan's 40x40 initative is a cause worth supporting.
DeleteI'm not sure I share your optimism about the couples or their children being close since Eugenie and Jack seem rather settled in the UK. I thought about the whole thing lately after watching this documentary on Edward and Sophie, and how they initinally tried to work and build their on projects while also doing something for the Crown. We all know that this didn't work out for them. Now of course this is a different era, there are all these deals with major companies like Netflix, Spotify etc. and Meghan and Harry have divorced themselves from any Royal duties but it still makes you wonder how long their brand will be sustainable and can stand on its on with their background as members of the BRF living and at least occasionally working in the UK. This long essay was mostly meant to come to the point of –– I know we live in times where we built our own families (e.g. maybe a few blood relations but also friends etc.) but I must say in hindsight, family connections are important and I wonder if Archie and Lilibet won't at some point miss that they didn't have the opportunity to get to know their cousins, be that Eugenie's, Beatrice's, William's, Zara's or even Peter's children no matter how their parents stand to each other. But then we don't know what will happen in the long run.
Meghan looks radiant, love her hair and smile. I am not keen on the necklace simply for the zodiac aspect – it's this thing where yes, I can see that for some people astrology is a harmless pasttime but here I question it a bit, obviously I do not know her mind but I feel there was often this description of her as a "spirtual person" but especially after her baptism before her wedding I would have been thought that she had been instructed on where Christianity stands in terms of astrology (Daniel 1:20, James 1:5 to name a few). Mind you, I'm not one of those "yoga is un-Christian" people. It's totally fine. Of course this is just my opinion and I'm not here to shame her.
So to conclude, like I said, that's a worthy cause she has set up and I wish her a very happy birthday and many happy returns! -- S.
I fully agree, Anon 9:13. Eugenie's IG is wonderful and so supportive. I love Meghan's necklaces. They are very delicate and represent so much. It's nice to see her again, and with an initiative that has the potential to make a great impact. ~d
DeleteThank you for explaining what the necklaces are, I had no idea.
DeleteI suspect you are correct about the two couples being close as Harry stayed in the adjoining "cottage" when attending Prince Phillip's funeral.
Hi S,
DeleteThank you for your very thoughtful response. It has been reported many times that Harry and Eugenie are close as cousins, and I have noticed many times that Eugenie has been supportive of Meghan and Harry on her IG. Also, Harry and Eugenie seem particularly down to earth people so I'm not surprised if they get along well together. So I merely meant that I could see both of them traveling across the pond in either direction with their families in the years to come to visit each other as cousins often do. Besides both couples being distanced from the throne and from Royal family life as a common tie, their kids are close in age so could get along well when they are older. At the very least, it's a possibility. :)
Also, somehow or other as all the families grow up and evolve into their roles and responsibilities that each has either inherited or chosen, I believe that they will interact more with each other, especially the ones who are little now, who won't be so little in 10 years time.
I also think that all the adults as we know them now are still close enough to welcome each others children into their homes when they are older should the children want to visit. The Queen has so many little Great Grandchildren that it almost a surety in todays world that they are all going to be traveling around in the years to come. They will have a family connection in the US if they ever need one.
- Anon 9:13
Dear --S, well put to words and well said, respectful and nicely. Good for you! I completely agree.
DeleteThere is much validity in your comment, but it is amazing how people invite themselves into other people's families with solutions to their problems. In today's world many families are scattered across continents and still manage to have a personal relationships. Some families bring everything to a halt at least once a year and spend time together. Now that we do not have to wait weeks for hand written letters to arrive, those camera phones keep everyone up to date. Then there is always that one person whom everyone calls to get updates because everyone in the family confides in them. The Sussexes have enough room to accommodate a lot of family if they choose to visit, and they will. Living in the UK just so that children can grow up together negates the dreams and ambitions of the parents and disregards the years of toxic press and disrespect that preceded 'The Interview'.
Predicting that their ventures may fail is too much of a glass half full outlook. They both have enough connections to be invited to work on, or create projects. We should be hopeful for others not look for failure around every corner.
With one of the writers above I wonder indeed how sustainable their brand is. On a certain moment people know everything about Harry's vulnerable mentally health caused by the death of his mother, which was really understandable. But what will be his next focus. I think their influence is dependant on being member of the BFR, which they are not anymore. So how big will their influence be in the future.
DeleteTheir influence as members of the BRF is already embedded in the psyche all around the world (remember, the BRF used the wedding as a PR exercise by hyping it internationally). If that opens doors for them it is all good. What no one can explain is why the other fringe royals have not been able to parlay their connections into the same type of success (E&S). One future king had his proposal turned away by Netflix too. The truth is that it takes much, much, more than being born in the Lindo wing to achieve this. Surrounding oneself with talented people and a willingness to personally get involved in projects at the granular level provides the cornerstone for sustainability.
PS Better Up has just announced that they have landed a contract with British Petroleum (BP) to counsel their employees , and will open an office there. Up next, Munich.
Anon 9:13 -- I have read this about Harry and Eugenie even before the wedding, and Meghan mentioned in the interview how helpful Eugenie and Sarah were when meeting the Queen. That was a very lovely anectode, so I get your point better now. I hope they are in touch through more then social media. Like I said Eugenie always struck me as such a lovely person. Of course travelling with little children is hard but perhaps when they are older.
DeleteMarie –– I value what a peaceful and friendly place this website is where we can all share in our love for the Royals. So I will only say one thing, at no point in my reply have I suggested that Harry and Meghan should have stayed in the UK despite the pressure Meghan was under by the press.
Really! sounds self centred. And the chair with Harry's initial!
Its an Hermes blanket. Placed rather prominently.
DeleteIt is Hermes blanket on the chair NOT the chair with Harry's initial.
You are mistaken about Harry's initial on the chair in the photo. It is a very fashionable Hermes throw blanket that cost around $5000.00. The "H" is for Hermes not Harry, FYI FITZHUGH
DeleteAccording to Hello Magazine, it’s a Hermes blanket that costs £770 (around $1500.00).
Meghan is looking happy and good. I never liked these hair strands by the way. Covers her beautiful face in a way.
ReplyDeleteI saw a video of her serious message. Was a bit surprised about the end when Melissa McCartney started laughing loud at the end cause Harry was juggling behind a window. Although I like a good joke I thought this end was in a strange contrast to the message.
Harry juggling was a blooper, released at the end of the message. It shows Meghan and Melissa in the midst of filming and Harry showed up in the window juggling, which caused the laughter. It was not part of the initial video. ~d
DeleteClearly a planned shot. Notice how the camera is positioned at the perfect angle to catch Harry in the window. Everything in this video is calculated and merchandized.
DeleteBitte verschont uns damit !! DANKE
ReplyDeleteI believe the way this works is that you spare yourself by not reading anything about Meghan in the first place, much less making your usual snarky comment.
DeleteYou have the power in your own hands to spare yourself.
She is so full of herself and hot air.
ReplyDeleteAmen sistah!!
Deletesuch harsh comment why?
DeleteWTF is she wearing? The work she had done on her face is quite good.
ReplyDeleteClothes, dear Mildred. Just clothes. Luckily.
DeleteMM is a self centred human being. Mary I
ReplyDeleteWhat might be seen as self-centered to you, might be seen as being empowered and independent by millions of women who refuse to be Stepford wives and be subjugated by a system.
Delete- Anon 9:13
&Anon9:13- To whom do you refer when discussing ‘Stepford Wives’?
DeleteOn balance and when you look to the facts, what exactly did Meghan have and what had she achieved prior to her wedding to Harry ? She was in a cable tv show, that few had watched ! She only began her charity endeavours in 2015 ! So when you say she is empowering women ! My question is how ? If Meghan was to donate 40 mins of her time, prior to her new found stardom and circle of friends, what advice could she possibly give ? So before unleashing back handed insults to the many women happy to be married and stay at home mothers ! Let’s ask ourselves what , and put aside the messiah like adoration few want to heap on Meghan, is it she has done off her own back ? Her father afforded her the very best of educations! Her first husbands contacts got her the job in Suits ! And her friends introduced her to Harry ! This does not read or chronical the life of an independent woman ! And most definitely not a die hard feminist! If looking for inspiration and determination I would most certainly not look to Meghan for any of those qualities! Ana
Stepford wives? What system?
Delete>>women subjugated by a system<< Seriously? Where do you live? In a muslim country? Because in western societies women are definitely not suppressed. They have equal rights and equal chances as men. In fact statistics proove that girls graduate from highschool with better degrees than boys. Female students outnumber their male colleagues at college at least in certain fields like business administration, law and medicine.
Beth –– I'm sorry, I don't know why we are discussing this here, it hardly seems to be the platform. But I do live in a western country, I have profited from higher education, so I can tell you with confidence that no, sexism is not over and women still only make 81 cents on average where men make 1 Euro. Women still get passed over for jobs in favour of men. This is still a reality. If you are in denial of this, you are playing into the hands of people who like to keep inequality for women a thing. As for university, the inequality in STEM fields for instance is mindblowing and there is often no effort made to encourage girls/women to enter these fields when it would be so important... be that with a look at our future/the job market etc.
DeleteTo at least bring this back to the original post – I hope the charity has the positive impact that Meghan intends. For women who want to re-enter the job market after some time at home or away for whatever reasons, it is truly a barrier and if this charity can provide mentorship that leads to help with CVs, training opportunities etc. then this is surely a great thing. -- S.
@Ana and Funica: You clearly have no clue what a Stepford wife is if you merely think it is a woman who is happy to be married and stay at home. All power to stay-at-home moms!
Delete@Beth: Thought you were beyond such simplistic, patronizing, narrow mindedness than you have just shown, but I was wrong. So be it. If you are blind to how subjugal monarchies in general can be to the men and women in them, including the BRF (and attested by the several women who have experienced it and tried to leave instead of conform, as well as other who have refused to become part of such a system), your thinking and world view has a long way to go.
- Anon 9:13
@Anon 9:13 - Maybe someone should ask the Countless of Wessex her feelings on being subjugated ! Or maybe other royal ladies that have successfully married into a RF ! If you look to these ladies,they had the gift of foresight, and took their time getting to know a system they were marrying into ! And from this blog alone, what we see are happy and successful royal women, taking their position and using it for the greater good ! Where as with Meghan, a close on forty year old woman, divorced, rushed in without time or wisdom to get to know what she was signing up for ! So I ask you, who is the wisest ? I see no subjugation with royal women, I see intelligent women of depth and character, strong in their belief, that they play a part in a cause greater than themselves ! For anyone to state otherwise does them a great injustice! Ana
DeleteGreat answer S. I'm glad to see that there are people like you who understand these issues facing women, even in 'Western societies', when so many others are clueless or deny it.
DeleteI also hope that Meghans iniative meets it's goals in the short and long term. Re-entering the workforce for anyone - but especially women - after a period of absence is extremely difficult, given the number of qualified, educated and often younger candidates in competition, as well as the constantly evolving technology required to do ones job. At the very least, Meghan is advocating for something positive.
- Anon 9:13
@Anon 9:13 I understood your comment. You are not wrong. The problem is that you are conversing with people with extreme biases. For these haters, everything Meghan involves herself in is criticized as being Meghan-centric, everything she wears is unattractive for a variety of reasons, and the decor of her home or the setting of her back yard is overly 'something'. Even her dog was overly posed this time. This is always in the back of my mind when I read the compliments or see no criticisms of other royals. Meghan's evil eye necklace comes to mind. She was bashed terribly for that, yet I have seen a half dozen other royals wear evil eye jewelry, or in Maxima's case, a clutch, and nothing is said. It always says more about the people that are commenting than the person they are commenting on.
DeleteYou are correct that the meaning of a "Stepford Wife" has escaped them. Coincidently, this makes them the perfect target consumer for the tabloids. It is a perfect storm.
@Ana Her views were formed in childhood. She took a stand that was televised on a children's news show at age 11. You may have forgotten that. ~d
@ Anonymous ---S.
DeleteNo, it is not the platform to discuss this. But then again there is not much to say about fashion here ;-) But I have to answer you >>If you are in denial of this, you are playing into the hands of people who like to keep inequality for women a thing. <<
Oh dear, I am not denying anything, I have been working in the field of Human Resources for thirty+ years, I know the relevant data and statistics. I am also a certified Life- and Businesscoach. And guess who are my clients......yes, exactly, mainly women 45+ years who want to get back into the workforce. With this professional background I can well say that 40 minutes of mentorin/coaching by a celebrity who does not even know your country, your circumstances, your education, your professional field is a joke. The whole thing is once again nothing but PR for Meghan, virtue signaling at its finest.
Beth -- I apologize, when I wrote this I was wondering for a moment if I were better to write "If one is in denial of this..." because I didn't mean you personally but people as a whole but then the whole impersonal sentence contruction in English is always very clunky so I left it. I am sorry it led to this misunderstanding. I don't want to do a deep dive into what statistics say or not, I also find there are nuances. I don't know where you are from but not all Western Countries are created equal with regard to worker's and women's rights. All that being said I agree with you with what you wrote regarding this 40min mentoring/coaching initative. I will admit that I haven't watched the video so I do not know which celebrities they have chosen for this – I would hope those are people with a business/academic etc. background and that the initative doesn't end with a 40min talk but that these mentors actually provide their mentees with access to programmes etc. where they can follow up for further development so this can create a multiplier effect of some sort. If that is not the case, I agree with you, it looks like a good initiative but sadly on the outside. Then again I want to remain positive especially in these times so I will wait and see what comes of it or not and judge later.
DeleteAs for virtue signaling – well here's the thing, I don't think this is wrong as such and we all do it. It's become this demonized buzz word when in essence it's only about letting other people know where we stand on certain issues. I think the word you are search for might be performative activism which is a whole other kettle of fish. Personally, I don't think think this is what Meghan is doing here necessarily but feel free to disagree with me. I do think that she wants to build charitable works around helping underpriviledged women but I find myself agreeing to some extend with Gail who posted below that I am not sure that Meghan has a clear vision of what that will entail yet. Hence these (perceived short-cuts) roping in her celebrity friends to help with newborn initiatives. I just hope that in the long run they will build a broader and more thought out foundation.
Thank you for your reply and good luck with your job... I know it job but at the same time a meaningful undertaking.
–– S.
I'm not sure what her aim in life is, and I don't think she knows either. This is a fine project to start, but once again it seems to rely on celebrity. I don't think she is relevant in young people's lives today( I work with mostly 20 and 30 age group). That is the impression I get. For this path she has chosen you need to have some influence or at least recognition from that age group. This is just my view I probably haven't expressed my self well. I like Harry and Meghan well enough I just think they are trying to short cut to success and money and fame which is going to fail. Over all fashion wise she is dressed ok, hair is nice.
ReplyDeleteI like Meghan's make-up and necklace. Love the shoes but seasonly not the best choice. I absolutely hate her tank top. I don't care how much it cost, I always find this style of white, ribbed tank top to be cheap looking.
You are aware that the same style of item can range in price from very expensive to low cost, depending on the type of yarn used? Had to get the word cheap in there somehow didn't you. Marie
DeleteWould you prefer tacky?
DeleteI am aware that the price on this type of tank can range in cost depending on quality of materials. That's why I wrote "I don't care how much it cost...". I can tell from the picture Meghan's is of a nicer quality but the fabric is thin and you can see the outline of her bra things that cheapen a look in my opinion. I would feel this way regardless of who is wearing the outfit.
I did not apply the word cheap towards Meghan.
So now, even though the surface garments may be pricey, it's really her underwear that is the problem. Please, for the delicacy of the forum do not peel away any more layers. That! would be tacky. Marie.
DeleteI agree with E.B.B. It is not about how much the tank top cost. A tank top is not a nice look for a Duchess unless she is out jogging or hanging out at home in her private time. There are Zara dresses that look much nicer than a luxury brand tank top, might have been better to wear one of those.
DeleteWe are zig zagging away from the original implication in the comment. The word cheap was offered, either implying that the garment or the wearer were cheap or has cheap taste (No one says this about men) then it morphed into the underwear making the look tacky, instead of cheap. Now, the clothes are unsuitable for a Duchess. This is an informal skit not a G7 addon for a photo, and, there are no Duchess fashion police in America.
DeleteOriginal commenter said they always find this style of tank top cheap looking. Always implies they feel that way no matter who is wearing it male or female.
DeleteHow nice is that; I have chosen to give 40 things to my sons fiancee; Bethany as she is like a daughter to me . I love their dog he looks pretty laid back. All the best to Lily and Archie. Matilda
ReplyDeleteWhat a great future MIL. Hope she pays it forward.
DeleteSo many negative comments. Happy birthday to the Dutchess of Sussex. I for one support your good deeds. Cheers!
ReplyDelete@Mrs Butterworth;
DeleteI'm in your support group.
Happy Birthday Dutchess of Sussex. Hope it's been a great family day for you. Being a mum seems to agree with you. You have a happy glow about you.
Can't understand the critics with all their hate against one person.
That table is so weirdly grandiose. And the books? And the initiative when she hasn't done anything significant with all the other initiatives?
ReplyDeleteThis is the children's book she just published called The Bench. It has mixed reviews. Its about a father and his son, seen through the eyes of a mother.
DeleteDislike the tank top. Happy birthday.
It's embarrassing to see that some people have the need to disgrace themself with hate and negativity instead of behaving like an adult. Mind-boggling! Meghan look amazing, and Harry is hilarious. This is a great initiative from Meghan. A great way to use her position. So you go girl!(woman ;)) As women we should salut other women not tear them down. Shameful to read what so called adult women, mothers and grandmothers write. Shame, shame, shame. Is this what you learn your kids no wonder there is a so much bullying in the world.
Hear! Hear! Trudy.
DeleteWell said. I agree 100%
- Anon 9:13
While I would generally agree with you and don't have any particular issues with Meghan she wasn't particularly supportive of her sister-in-law was she? I understand her frustration with a false story going around and no-one in the palace prepared to correct it when she named Catherine she knew she would be unable to answer. Not especially kind.
Gev, you write that with a clear conscience? Who welcomes a SIL into the family by demanding that she make changes to her wedding to suit her, then says something to make her cry....and then reverses the story to cause criticism to rain down on her for years!!! while sitting pretty and saying nothing? Harry had been so supportive of Karen and she repaid him by being petty to M. No one is entitled to forgiveness. Karen could have leaked her answer to the press, the same way the original crying story was leaked. Don't be fooled the family uses the press to polish their image (CPB) or hurt the image of others (Diana). M
DeletePerfectly clear conscience thanks M. No idea where you got the information that Catherine (no idea who Karen is) demanded she made changes to her wedding. Truth is we don't know what actually happened apart from both of them getting upset.
DeleteTwo wrongs don't make a right. I don't think either of them comes out of it particularly well.
You've got it wrong, a person working for Givenchy, who was at the bridesmaids' fitting, said that it was actually Meghan who made Charlotte cry. Now Meghan is saying that Catherine made her cry lol. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. Glad Meghan is not my SIL.
DeleteNot sure why this is still discussed who made whom cry in this clearly stressful situation. It's not important and we were not there. BUT if we are just listening to Meghan in the Interview and say that is what happened then we will also have to accept that Catherine apologized to her and that Meghan accepted that apology. They may have not become great friends (yet -- I say yet because life is long) but let's just accept that this is where the relationship stands and it comes from Meghan's own words in the Oprah interview. She didn't talk badly about Catherine or called her names like people in this thread did. Meghan is too classy for that. Catherine is too classy for that. So why are we rehashing things from the tabloids from years ago. Like Trudy said -- it's deplorable women tearing other women down. And that is what the tabloids are doing with this whole alleged Meghan vs. Catherine feud. It bothers me. You can like one more than the other but you do not have to tear one down to lift the other up. Just a thought.
DeleteAnon 1.47 - I'm not tearing anyone down or even placing myself on team Catherine. I have no huge problem with Meghan and I like this initiative she is leading. I was just find her occasionally inconsistent and was replying to the original comment that she hasn't always practised what she preached. In the famous interview she brought up something (true or not) that she knew Catherine would not be able to reply to - I didn't find that especially supportive of another woman, that's all. But if that is what happened, and she says it is, then I understand her frustration at how it was represented in the press and at the Palace refusing to address it. However, I don't think it was a classy thing to do the interview at all. JMO
It's also not classy for the BRF to watch the press continue to replay the "Meghan made Kate cry" story over and over again knowing that one joint statement from Kate and Meghan would have put the whole thing to bed, especially if Meghan's version was accurate. Baptism by fire is not the way to welcome a new member of the family. We can't believe what we hear because there are a few versions going around, and we weren't there. So much of what has gone on in the press would not have gained momentum if the palace, meaning the parties involved, not "spokespeople", would just be allowed speak out. This goes back to the Stepford Wives comment above. The truth is not as important as their image in this family. Why remain silent on everything, giving the tabloids more and more leeway with their stories? In my opinion, we live in modern times with social media spreading stories in seconds and the BRF still handles these matters the way they did in the 1940s when radio was the fastest way to get information out. Their personal family matters should remain private, and when stories like this go viral and create terrible divides, it is time to speak out. ~d
Delete@~d you may well be right about the Palace communications but as I remember they did deny the story initially (as in it didn't happen at all - we now know something did happen). There are still a variety of versions so no, we will never know exactly what happened.
DeleteHowever, I stand by my original point - what should/might have happened to make the situation easier for Meghan and support her arrival in the family didn't happen and I don't think the correct response was to give an interview and in that interview put Catherine in an equally untenable position. That's all.
I like Meghan's initiative, I don't happen to care if Nelson Mandela did it first, I don't take it as meaning literally 40 minutes - I think this idea of women supporting each other is great. That was why I brought up this particular incident because as I said I occasionally find her inconsistent - but that's fine. She's human and that's part of being human - we are none of us perfect all the time (nor should we try to be).
Meghan będzie teraz wspierać innych. Po tym jak sama psychicznie rzekomo nie dała sobie rady. To nie hejt. Po prostu nie wiem co mam myśleć o osobie, która sama sobie zaprzecza.
ReplyDeleteNajpierw była bezradna, załamama, a teraz wystarczyło, że udzieliła pamiętnego wywiadu i już jest dobrze. Nie wiem co jest prawdą, a co jest działaniem niemalże wyreżyserowanym. Tylko kto w to wierzy?
Quelle magnifique initiative - J'aime bien son débardeur ainsi que son petit collier délicat ; je renouvelle mes vœux de bon anniversaire !
ReplyDeleteI have rarely seen such an over curated photo. Even the dog is positioned for maximum impact. The flaunting of wealth is not something that most social justice warriors support. This is not hate, Trudy, just fact. It is suggested in one newspaper article that a Harry was excluded from the video as he didn’t keep with the colour palette!!!
ReplyDeleteThere is a big difference between newspapers and tabloids. When spreading nonsense stories, please get your sources correct.
DeleteDear Anon. It was in one of the top UK broadsheets. Meant humorously, I think!
DeleteThere is a very nice British saying: charity begins at home.
ReplyDeleteI am afraid she didnot live in GB long enough to get to know and understand this.
( by the way: I am not British)
Anonymous/Josh: You are very right. How about giving "40" minutes to her Dad, finally meeting his grandchildren or son in law for the very first time:) ??? It starts at home.
DeleteThe old man will have himself fitted for a new suit for the meeting at a convenience store; he'll call PM to arrange an on air interview on how the visit went; he'll sell the text message of the date and time of the visit to the DM; he'll keep promising to show up then have a heart attack at the last minute and be admitted to Cedars. If he does make it he'll have a hidden camera and have a bidding war with the TV and tabloids for top dollar.
DeleteGive 40 minutes to your father and warm his heart.
@Anon 2:17 Perfectly said! Based on his past behavior, there is no reason to believe he is going to change now. Parental love should not come with a price tag. It should be unconditional. ~d
DeleteHappy Birthday Duchess! Forty is one of those milestones that lets you know that being young and carefree is over, that you may have already lived half of your life, and that it is time to get serious and think of your legacy to your family and the world ...if you think that deeply. This is a worthy cause that we can all benefit from either as a giver or a receiver.
ReplyDeleteMentoring someone can range from offering them words of encouragement, pointing them in the direction of self improvement classes to increase their employability or simply looking at their CV and helping them to put a more professional touch to it. The mentors may know of other avenues to employment not even considered by the person they are mentoring. Quite an impressive list of women have signed up on both sides of the Atlantic have signed up. It will be interesting to have the women tell how their sessions with the mentors helped them move forward. July.
Firstly: Happy Birthday to Meghan! She looks good.
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking about commenting or not but alas, let's risk it. It looks very staged and like she's acting a lot in the video. The cause is a nice one, nothing to say about that. I know they feel better being able when they can choose if they step into the spotlight instead or when they are chosen to be in it. But couldn't they just have released the Zoom call? Wouldn't that have been enough for the cause itself? Now it's all so staged and acted. The setting, different camera angles, the whole presentation of it... Like: Look at me!
I can't put my finger on it, but to me, despite the good cause, it all seems to be about her.
And please don't start with 'you're a Meghan hater'. I don't hate ayone and I've been neutral or positive about her in another posts. These are just my thoughts, as I'm allowed to have.
Sorry for the typos... typing outside on a bench is disappointing đź¤đź¤
DeleteIt's a serious message dressed up as a skit. They all had props etc. Why would this not be staged. The T shirts given to the women were printed and shipped to them. In short this was production, Aye Rosalyn! She put the word out, but think of the value of 40 minutes of the time pledged by the top attorney for the state of California (attorney fees being what they are) to a young person entering law school? or a session with Deepak Chopra for someone who needs that type of guidance. M will never benefit from that ... so much useless negativity!!
DeleteHi Anon 02:72, I guess you can call my comment negative. Maybe it is, maybe it's just an observation. After all that happened since she got married to Harry, all the rumours, rifts, break-ups and the list of things that are said and done, I can't help but wonder how genuine she really is. That has nothing to do with hate or negativity, I'm just letting my thoughts go over all that is said and happened and how she appears to me. Yeah maybe it's negative, or it's just observing things.
DeleteBut apart from that, talking about the initiative: Sure it's nice and admirable. But I am critical to the execution of it. From lifelong experience, I know 40 minutes of talking, sharing or receiving tips and tricks, isn't really gonna help people to get a job. That needs a proper plan, meetings and more than two persons. I for one have been trying to reintegrate for years and it takes several weeks, months (sometimes even years) and a whole group of people and a support system to make it work or even succeed. So I'm sorry, but in light of that, I do wonder if those 40 minutes will do something at all. Because you also need to have 40 minutes with people who have a lot of knowledge, experience and influence when it comes to work, a certain job, reintegration, etc. If you have such people, you need several meetings, plans, coordination, etc. So... then those 40 minutes are (almost) nothing.
But if it does help and the initiative works, then of course it's great!
As usual, she looks amazing. Her style is always on point, and her face is just gorgeous. Love the message she sends, too.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree with you.
Total embarrassment on so many levels. jj
ReplyDeleteHhm. How exactly is that going to work?
ReplyDeleteAssuming that those women re-entering the workforce are struggling to manage themselves - what are 40 minutes of mentorship going to do for their careers? 40 minutes can do nothing in terms of qualifications. And which world leader will invest 40 minutes into an individual if - with the right government policy - they can help millions of struggling people at once. Of course, the fact that people need assistance/mentorship in order to re-enter the workforce, kind of means that said leaders haven´t cared about solving those problems already. Athletes, artists, activists? Hhm. Not exactly prime examples of emloyment. Are they even part of the workforce? And for anyone pursuing such path, what are their obstacles with re-entering the workforce? I can only think of a networking advantage, someone with the right contacts opening the door for someone else. But then again, it´s not about qualifications or skills but about personal favours. Anybody in a position to offer help and guidance, especially to those who really need it, can do so at any time. No need for such an initiative. Unless of course they need positive PR to look good in public. In which case participating in this project is really about themselves. This seems especially true for Meghan: with no real contribution besides asking others, but tying it all to her personally by connecting the initiative´s name to her recent 40s birthday. I also wonder which world leaders she actually knows. Makes her sound relevant but is actually more like name-dropping.
Her tank top is awful.
Of course this initiative will work. Adele will tell her protegee to simply record a lot of blockbuster songs. Stella McCartney will tell hers that all she has to do is design overpriced clothing for rich people. Problem solved.
DeleteWell said. I really think she is overestimating her influence. And indeed it's a bit "gratuite " to ask others to act and don't say something about what y're going to do yourself.
DeleteAgree, Vanessa. I thought the same
DeleteAnon. 6/8/21 - 14.18
DeleteYes, I think she is always underestimating herself.
Whan can she do in the end?
Mocking the BRF seems to have become her only aim and probably work in her life.
She wasn' t able to work as a front royal and now is fooling who knows how to serve their country- UK- with class and dignity.
Sorry, I meant: " overestimatimg herself".
Much hot air, yes. And something else: The one who made all this hot air possible is shown as a clown outside the central "important" happening. Of course, it is her birthday and her action, even if a ridiculously and artificial and showy one. And no one would miss Harry in that room and in that video. But presenting him as a court jester, a fool on the sidelines to laugh about, tops everything for me. It is decidedly not funny. Together with the tea accessoires, the costume of her dialog partner - not letting you to forget who you see, a real British duchess ... ridiculous and cringeworthy. (-Ann.)
ReplyDeleteHmm, isn't this 40x40 idea lifted from Nelson Mandela 67.67 day? Nothing original is it... ks
ReplyDeleteA nice initiative which I applaud. Hope she had a lovely birthday. She looks well and happy. The video was a little contrived but it was supposed to be fun - I thought it was a nice idea. Love the decor in her office.
The tank top looks ridiculous for a serious massage & video, the wrap around her shoulders looks nice, as do the necklaces. How much botox has she had?
ReplyDeleteEen groot toneelstuk. Alles is in scene gezet, puur om symphatiek over te komen.
ReplyDeleteWie wil dit nog geloven? Poekie
Does anyone here find the video over the top and mocking to QEII , with her so called friend wearing funny hats, drinking teas, etc. I guess that sums up their feeling about the queen and RF.
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree with you.
DeleteEverything including Harry playing the fool seems to have been carefully fabricated as a parody of the BRF.
I must say I am awfully sorry for Harry.
Does he have an idea of what he is doing and to what extent he is being exploited?
Does anyone here for second believe if any of her so called 40 friends who signed up would give Rachel a second look if she hasn't married a royal... ls
ReplyDeleteHollywood meets royalty. What a mix match. Did she really think she was going to fit with aristocrats? They are their own exclusive club. Danny
ReplyDeleteHow can she support and campaign for women anyhow after she sacked or forced to go away (reportedly due to mistreatment) part of her former staff made up of women (!) working for her when she was a front royal living in UK?
Inefficient, poorly placed or insubordinate workers are sacked all the time. In the real world, no one gets a lifetime guarantee when landing a job (except for that person with 10 years of very thin work experience). The policy of 'at will' means that a company can fire a worker on any given day for any number of reasons except those reasons that are strictly prohibited by law. It's taken three years and KP still has not produced any facts about the claims they are alleging. A well run company deals with such issues swiftly and moves on instead of leaking internal affairs to the media to create a 'guilty until proven innocent narrative'. AS
DeleteThere are mails ( written evidence) addressed to Prince William' s Personal Secretary reporting complaints about mistreatment of staff ( including women) made by Meghan when she lived in UK.
DeleteYou can fire a person, two people, but not a number of women working for you treating them badly.
And now she even wants to preach about better access to the job market for women!
Inconsistent to say the least and bad taste in myview.
40 persons, mainly celebrities, with no work experience whatever with the normal everyday job market should mentor normal everyday women for better access to that normal everyday job market they don't know ... this is simply ridiculous and achieves exactly one and only one goal: More celebrity news for the initiator and the 40 chosen persons. This is at best delusional, at worst disgusting from a woman who left the very privileged job she herself selected before even trying. (-Ann.)
ReplyDeleteHow do you know "celebrities" have no work experience? They are not like royals--born into their status. Most have worked long and hard to make it to where they are now. That includes many jobs along the way. There are even a few doctors that have become actors or broadcasters. You are also very misinformed if you think this is only for "celebrities" to mentor others. Any woman with experience can mentor a woman that needs or wants it. The point of tapping into well known names is to spread the word. What is so bad about women helping women? One contact can lead to another. It can only help, not hurt. Take the blinders off. Your hate is blinding you. ~d
Delete@ -Ann
DeleteIt is also a slap in the face of professionals like me who has been working 30+ years first in HR and later as a certified Life- and Businesscoach for an emplacement agency with the goal to get women back into the workforce and support women with their career. 40 minutes?? - that's a joke. What comes next? Healing depression in 30 minutes?
These are exactly my thoughts, Beth. Fully agree. I also wrote down my thoughts about this initiative and I'm glad someone else sees this as well, and looked further than only the initiative itself.
DeleteI also fully agree with your previous post at 21:47.
Beth & Rosalyn you both do your profession a disservice by failing to consider that these people will be matched up with ladies who are in a profession that they have some familiarity with and that 40 minutes is a suggested number, not an endpoint. Would M. Obama be matched up with a person who cares for the elderly? Will she walk away from the conversation in the middle of a sentence at :40? Some people may just need positive energy, a pep talk if you will, after the depressingly endless lockdown. Some mentors take an interest in their protegee long after the session is over, another thing that is not foreign to HR. Such linear thinking stifles opportunity and keeps women earning 70 cents on the dollar as opposed to men.
DeleteAll we needed to say was Happy Birthday! instead of this ridiculous nit picking. M
@Anon 18:29 'M': I was think the same points as you wrote! All of them, from your first words. Thank you for saying it so concisely and precisely. There are people in this world who are incapable of thinking broadly sadly, and will never see beyond their own nose.
Delete- Anon 9:13
Okay dears, my last comment on this topic. I've often been neutral or even positive about Meghan, and now that I have my uttered my thoughts about this initiative of hers, it's in all of a sudden 'nitpicking' and 'incapable of thinking broadly and never see beyond their nose'. Golly, that escalated quickly. I have my doubts but also said that it'd be great if it works! Of course I know those 40 minutes aren't to be taken literally, but I was only thinking of how to make this work even further and what is needed for that. O and reintegration is not my profession by the way, I'm actually one of those who are trying to reintegrate for years now.
helemaal mee eens. Poekie
ReplyDeleteSaw this photo in the paper again today and suddenly remembered the photo of Princess Anne’s cluttered homely sitting room, shown when she was watching the rugby earlier this year. The contrast between old school class and modern ostentation is so obvious. I know which one I prefer!! 🤣🤣
ReplyDeleteA person that is mocking the Queen and english culture,and her ridiculus husband who ..plays in the garden...What to comment..Shame to them..
ReplyDeleteWell said Natassa. M
DeleteYes, you got it right.
DeleteYou summed up what is going on exactly.
Rather offensive for the BRF and the English culture.
Shame on this woman and her husband.
I don't like being negative but I will share my thoughts, which I have kept silent about for months. I know it will annoy some of you but I have had it. I'm still incensed that this woman and her husband gave HM grief. I do not care if some of you don't like it. She is a real operator. Zero sense of self sacrifice. I was so happy - elated - when she and Harry married. I watched Harry's Mom get married, watched her divorce, and stayed up all night when she died. My own mother called me at 4am that night , knowing I was awake and that it mattered to me. I was so happy for Harry that he found love. But she was made of thin stuff. I am sick of hearing about them, sick of their complaints, want them to be okay, yes, but do not trust that they are not complete narcissists. It's unreal that she went along with the pomp and circumstance, wore a queen's tiara, and then ditched the responsibility. Wow, a true paper tiger. Is she the first to deal with negativism? No, not at all. I think she realized, later into things, that there is a pecking order to the way things work with the royals, and it didn't suit her. So she fled and naturally her husband stands by his wife, which has my admiration. But he needs to ask himself exactly what other laundry does he plan on airing in their four book deals and still hope to maintain a relationship. He acted brashly and it will never be the same. So many things likely taken out of context. Now, I was not there - and neither were any of you - but I watch these folks for a reason and I do not believe they are blatant racists.
ReplyDeleteThere, I have said it. Again, if you do not like it, so be it. I did like her and thought the world of their love and still think she planned a beautiful wedding, but at this point, I find the negatives too much to stay silent about. What is 40 minutes of mentoring, really? Get in the trenches with real work if you want to make a difference. Give a good, solid, meaningful example if you want to make a difference in the world. Spare me this pablum.
And spare me if you want to defend them, I do not care. This is an open forum and if it offends you, maybe you should think about things from another vantage point. I too can have an opinion.
HM the Queen is a class act, has lived her life in service, and I hope she has peace in her final years.
Oh, BTW, the Duchess looks great. That is never a concern. It's what's inside that troubles. No relationship with her family, no relationship with his, and now his own familial relationship are on the rocks. It is really everyone else's fault? Are any of you going to argue that she bears zero responsibility, and same for him? Why do you frequent this blog to see how they dress if they are such terrible people?
Years from now, may we forget this part and just be glad for their kids and wish the best for them. I am hopeful.
Like you said, we don't know these people. It's a parasocial relationship in a way – we follow them, we get invested in their lives but the connection is still one-sided. That being said, it's hard not to form an opinion based on their very public actions.
DeleteAs for the racist allegations, I think the press was one thing that cannot be ignored (personally I thought they started out rather positive towards Meghan but there was definitely a turning point where things went wrong). As for the palace employees, who knows? And for the family – I don't know if we are allowed to post links here so I will err on the side of caution and not do that but if you remember Lady Gabriella Windsor, the daughter of Princess Michael of Kent, was in a longterm relationship with American-Indian journalist Aatish Taseer (of course now she got married to somebody else). And if you google it – Mr Taseer wrote a very interesting and respectful piece for Vanity Fair titled "Race and the Royals: An Outsider’s View Inside Kensington Palace". I thought it was mighty interesting, mainly because from how this reads he got on well with Princess Michael despite or because of her perceived flaws.
I was criticized above because I wondered about the longevity of their brand without a continued connection to the BRF (and btw, I wasn't offering any solutions as was implied). While I do like the idea of Meghan's charity effort, again, I wish it would dig deeper and establish something with substance. I hope that it will come to that. I read somewhere she is developing a scripted TV series with and for Netflix. That's good and I think brings her back to her craft while not going back in front of the camera. I mean with the rest of these deals that are announced, I feel we do not know really what they entail and what is really for certain (as in how many engagements etc.) so we do not know if this is anything longterm. Like you said with regard to Harry, I find it really taxing at this point. It seems like he has a lot on his mind but it seems exploitative to me now even. Yes, he is exploiting his past and thus the people (like his brother, his mother, his grandmother...) who have lived through this with him, but he also may not understand that the people offering him these book deals are exploiting him as well or he doesn't care because he is angry. Who knows.
Somebody asked above why Meghan and Harry are so successful when Edward and Sophie failed to be -- and I think firstly that remains to be seen although it is undeniable that Meghan has certain entertainment industry connections in the United States and the entertainment industry has changed drastically since the late 1990s. Secondly, from what I recall Sophie was merely trying to continue working her public relations job while Edward's production company made a few documentaries that were focused on passion projects of his that mainly were focused on the history of the BRF, e.g. that one documentary on his great-uncle Edward VIII. Those weren't very commercial films that sold.
As for your question – I don't think Meghan is a terrible person and while I get that the British tabloids are absolutely ruthless, I was saddened at her throwing in the towel rather quickly. But I am not the judge of what one can or can't endure. It may be an unpopular opinion but I think Harry should have prepared her better for all of this. I have read that the Queen had asked Sophie, Countess of Wessex to help Meghan's transition into the BRF but we never seem to hear anything about that. I guess that's a futile point now but still.
So to sum this up, I don't think Meghan is terrible by any account, I still like to see what she is wearing. Here, I only came in to say that while she looks radiant as always, I wasn't comfortable with the necklace. (Look where that got me, I'll try to stop now.)
-- S.
Hope the Meghan bashing finishes soon.
ReplyDeleteSo much to read.
I'm way behind with my housework.
I can see dust everywhere.
If I don't get on with it (the housework) I'm at the risk of my hubby saying something. And that's to be avoided my dears.
Meghan's 40 x 40 initiative is a PR project whose only effect is to promote her brand. Plus, it's an idea taken from Nelson Mandela. Meghan doesn't understand what mentoring is. It is a project lasting several months. The university where I work provides mentoring, so I can responsibly declare that a 40-minute interview with a celebrity who lives in a completely different dimension is one promo event for celebrities.
Delete@S.&dell Their brand is still in its infancy as are several brands the world over and no one can predict the longevity of any brand in today's climate. Covid has proved to be a huge setback, demanding that people retool their way of doing business to survive. Many business are still scrambling to retain or attract clients. Again, many with royal connections have not been able to create a sustainable brand. Some have even resorted to under the table dealings (having birthday parties at the palace, to selling their influence and proximity to the throne for cash). For-profit companies do not invest in people because of their titles so there must be some other traits involved besides the monogrammed silver spoons. Business acumen is a good place to start. On any given day there are several production projects in Hollywood. Many of them die in their infancy. What H&M have done is to surround themselves with people who have already won awards for their work to spearhead their own projects. These people have a reputation to protect and would not align themselves with projects that have little chance of success.
ReplyDeleteAs a future SIL, of course it was nice of Princess M to have a good relationship with the attorney, or risk offending her daughter. However out of all her brooches, the blackface one was just the touch for her first meeting with Meghan.
The book deal is another source of hypocrisy. Prince Charles's book detailed how he was bullied by his father and that his mother was distant. He even implied that he was bullied into marrying a teenager simply for her pedigree. No pearls were clutched.
Harry decides to write a book but he who lived in his own family cannot speak unless some Br. journalist writes for him (A Levine e.g). Harry's publisher (a reputable house) announces 1 book. The BP converts it to a 'tell-all- in-4-parts' with Harry doing his own negotiating with people who have flown in (during the pandemic) and the believers believe. Moreover, the 'journalists' predict the contents, while others tell him what he had better not include in the book.
Harry may have a lot on his mind, but his associates are signing contracts with international firms that guarantee his salary. His foundations such as Invictus are established and will continue to thrive barring an unfortunate event.
H has 1 life to live, and he is entitled to choose whom he loves and whom he works for. If it does not go well, he will have to pick himself up and regroup.
In all of her writings, the Queen has maintained that this issue is a family matter. It still remains a mystery why perfect strangers cannot stand back and allow the family to heal itself no matter how long it takes. That is the only solution. To be triggered enough to make emphatic statements about a person's character based information released with no good intent to the press especially when they were in no position to defend themselves, is fodder for a psychological study.
She likes to mix styles and I don't like it this time - shoes are high class and ment for evening outing with an elegant outfit and top is highly casual so this mixing is very weird. With Harry making fool of himself is another fail for me, bad directoring.
ReplyDeleteAs you are on a fashion blog, I would think you would understand what high-low dressing is. She is wearing cuffed white pants, so I am not sure why you think the shoes don't go with them. The issue most are having is with the tank, which is not a cheap "wife beater" as they are called. It could be cashmere for all we know.
DeleteIf you paid attention to the video, they were shooting a different version of the video when Harry came into view. You can tell they "broke character" when they saw him and started laughing. Instead of looking for things to find fault with, try looking for the positive. There are a lot of very petty things being said about a couple of pictures and it overshadows the message.
It is said how people are treating Megan. I think people should stop being too critical of her and they should concentrate on living their own lives. It is no fault of hers that she married into the royal family while she is considered to be a black person. In the eyes of God we are all his children whether black or white.
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