Queen Mary Attends the Opening of Realdania’s Conference

Queen Mary wore a Knee-length Peter-pan collar dress by Prada, at the opening Our Quality of Life conference

On Thursday, March 20, 2025, Queen Mary of Denmark attended the opening of Realdania's conference 'Our Quality of Life' at the Train Workshop (Lokomotivværkstedet) in Copenhagen, Denmark. The Queen delivered the opening speech at the conference.

Queen Mary wore a Knee-length Peter-pan collar dress by Prada, at the opening Our Quality of Life conference

In 2025, Realdania celebrates its 25th anniversary. Realdania was established in 2000 following the sale of Realkredit Danmark to Danske Bank, with approximately EUR 2.7 billion set aside for 'philanthropic' purposes. Realdania is a private association in Denmark that supports projects in architecture, urban development, and planning.

Queen Mary wore a Knee-length Peter-pan collar dress by Prada, at the opening Our Quality of Life conference

Queen Mary wore a Knee-length Peter-pan collar dress by Prada, at the opening Our Quality of Life conference

Queen Mary wore Prada Knee-length peter-pan collar dress
Prada Knee-length Peter-pan collar dress
  1. Anonymous20/3/25 16:03

    Nice fitting, but a bit too school marm for my taste.

    1. Anonymous20/3/25 17:50

      Well said, it’s a little bit boring.

    2. Anonymous21/3/25 07:55

      you mean classy

  2. J'aime beaucoup les lignes de cette robe mais pas du tout avec le col Claudine ; vraiment à mon goût les boucles d'oreilles que je vois composées d'un diamant et d'une grosse perle ?!

  3. Anonymous20/3/25 17:57

    Something about this isn't working for me. I don't know if it's the dark hose and shoe combo, the sleeve length (either go long or go short), the white Peter Pan collar, the lack of a pop of color, or the "blah" hair but, something's off. She's neat and tidy as per her usual but something's off.

  4. Anonymous20/3/25 18:31

    I would like this dress on a young woman in her twenties or thirties, combined with loafers, but definitely not on Mary.

  5. Anonymous20/3/25 19:02

    I applaud Queen Mary’s ethos on sustainable fashion. More and more we see her turning to her closet rather than buying new. This Prada dress is a prime example, we know she’s had this in her closet for sometime. She paired it well with her Pearl jewellery.

  6. Anonymous20/3/25 19:22

    I don't like black stockings with this dress.

    1. Anonymous20/3/25 21:47

      I don't either. I think a black high heel boot would have updated this outfit if she didn't want to go with a nude leg.

    2. Anonymous21/3/25 18:20

      I agree that black knee boots would have been a good update.
      - Anon 9:13

  7. Good outfit, but a bit boring. A brooch or even a necklace would have made all the difference.

  8. Wow Q.M. can still wear her Prada dress. She's worn this dress so often in the past and I was wondering if she still had it. She looks nice in it.

    1. Anonymous25/3/25 03:24

      I liked the dress every time she wore it in the past, but this time it looks a lite outdated for some reason. Abby

  9. Anonymous20/3/25 21:14

    A dress for a nurse, many years ago!

    1. Anonymous21/3/25 10:28

      21:14 I take this as a compliment. We nurses always looked our smart best with classic lines like this. Standards these days are a lot more casual in nursing (I do appreciate the practicality).

  10. Virginia Dogwood21/3/25 00:14

    Simple well fitted dress on Queen Mary. The collar bothers me a bit - black piping at the neck would have made a sleeker lot. We quibble a lot, but she looks quite stunning , friendly and approachable.

    1. Anonymous21/3/25 09:25

      Love that last sentence Virginia.

  11. Anonymous21/3/25 01:00

    I have always liked this Prada dress and Queen Mary still wears it well. She has had it for years and it's amazing she still looks as good in it as she did when we first saw it. Mary looks smart in this simple style--it's a professional and business look which is perfect for this event. Her choice of pearls adds a touch of elegance to her overall look.


  12. Anonymous21/3/25 01:03

    Q Mary looks good, but a bit dressed down? Nice fit anyway. She is one of these women who looks good in almost anything.

  13. Its nice to see a rewear of this dress, its chic and stylish. Love the black stockings. !!!

    1. P. the original21/3/25 10:46

      Yes, I love the black stockings & black pumps too.
      So stylish!

  14. Absolutely gorgeous! Looks so pretty, queen Mary always has the most exquisite taste in clothing

  15. Anonymous21/3/25 02:56

    I agree!

  16. Anonymous21/3/25 04:38

    I love the dress, but it's Spring, so the color is offputting for me. She looks scholarly, which suits her.

  17. Anonymous21/3/25 05:37

    I love the simplicity of this, especially the contrast of the grey with the black stockings and shoes. I think it’s a very appropriate business look for the topics of the philanthropic meeting - and very Danish in its clean lines and elegance.

  18. Anonymous21/3/25 06:41

    À very simple, very stylish dress: like it!

  19. Anonymous21/3/25 07:25

    I'm in love with this look, I think it's great on her!

  20. Anonymous21/3/25 09:16

    She have had this Prada dress sooo many ears and it still fit’s her stunning figure. I would have styled her hair more not like this.

  21. P. the original21/3/25 10:45

    I'm sure that this ensemble would be another example of utter perfection without the ehite collar.
    Other than that , Queen Mary looks gorgeous.

    1. Anonymous21/3/25 23:34

      Agree its the collar that takes away from it

    2. Love Queen Mary’s ensemble with its Peter-Pan collar.
      Gives a look of a girl’s convent uniform.
      Fits in well with the tone of the philanthropic meeting.
      p.s. Don’t know why but when I first saw the photos, I had flashes of Woppi Goldberg. 😁

  22. Anonymous22/3/25 02:21



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