Queen Letizia Receives Representatives from Various Organizations

Queen Letizia wore a Marsala color knitted maxi dress by Indi&Cold, and black leather boots

On March 18, 2025, Queen Letizia hosted three official events at the Zarzuela Palace in Madrid. She first met with a delegation from the Women's Foundation and beneficiaries of the Soledad Cazorla Scholarship Fund, created to support minors whose mothers were murdered by their father, partner, or ex-partner.

Queen Letizia wore a Marsala color knitted maxi dress by Indi&Cold, and black leather boots

Queen Letizia wore a Marsala color knitted maxi dress by Indi&Cold, and black leather boots

Next, Queen Letizia met with representatives from the Federation of Associations of Deafblind People of Spain (FASOCIDE), an organization dedicated to raising awareness of the needs of the deafblind community and promoting the development of high-quality specialized services.

Queen Letizia wore a Marsala color knitted maxi dress by Indi&Cold, and black leather boots

Queen Letizia wore a Marsala color knitted maxi dress by Indi&Cold, and black leather boots

Queen Letizia wore a Marsala color knitted maxi dress by Indi&Cold, and black leather boots

Queen Letizia wore a Marsala color knitted maxi dress by Indi&Cold, and black leather boots

Finally, Queen Letizia received a delegation from the Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT). The association's president, Maite Araluce, presented Queen Letizia with the XIII 'Truth, Memory, Dignity, and Justice' (Verdad, Memoria, Dignidad y Justicia) Award, which had previously been awarded to King Felipe and Queen Sofía.

Queen Letizia wore a Marsala color knitted maxi dress by Indi&Cold, and black leather boots

Queen Letizia wore a Marsala color knitted maxi dress by Indi&Cold, and black leather boots

Queen Letizia wore a Marsala color knitted maxi dress by Indi&Cold, and black leather boots

Queen Letizia wore Indi&Cold marsala color knitted maxi dress
Indi&Cold Marsala Knitted Maxi Dress

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  1. Anonymous18/3/25 17:20


  2. Anonymous18/3/25 17:31

    Nicely put together as only she can wear.

  3. This dress is a welcome change from all the pantsuits lately. It's a lovely colour and looks more fitted with the black belt.

  4. Anonymous18/3/25 18:38

    I love this dress on her. It fits her like a glove.

    She's very feminine, this queen, and seems to know which dress to choose to show her off to best advantage.


  5. Anonymous18/3/25 19:08

    The dress is a lovely fit but I find the colour a bit muted on QL. Just imagine it in bright red - wow! (V.M.)

    1. Anonymous18/3/25 22:55

      I agree. Her coloring is better suited to vibrant colors. It is a lovely dress and fits her so well. It also looks great with the boots.

  6. Anonymous18/3/25 19:50

    The dress is becoming, but overknee boots are a no for me, at least not for the queen of Spain, that is all I wish to say.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous19/3/25 06:20

      Virginia, I think these boots only come up to the knee, not over. Check the final photo showing her next to the model. They are simple boots for a simple cut of dress. I like them.

    2. Anonymous19/3/25 07:13

      "not for a Queen of Spain"...🙄 actually It is raining non stop since almost a year...beter for a Queen of UK...for example...what a nonsense!!

    3. Anonymous19/3/25 18:32

      So the boots are actually knee-high instead of over-the-knee. Knee-high boots can still look stylish and elegant, especially paired with a dress. They can add a chic edge without being too daring, even for a more formal setting.

  7. Ava Pittman18/3/25 20:40

    Stunning, she looks feminine and elegant. It’s great to see her in this dress for a change. Love the boots.

  8. This is a question in general. And it is not asked with malice. Why do all our lovely royal Queens and Princesses wear an outfit only once, while having so many expensive outfits that look similar to the last outfit they wore. Sometimes they "rewear" something, but in the life of a $3000.00 pant suit, is it worn 5 times? given away? Couldnt the $$$ that is spent on 10 different pants suits in various shades of gray be better utilized?

    1. Anonymous19/3/25 06:18

      Uba, a completely valid question. We do see more rewears these days (eg this dress for Letizia today), and we do see more high street ie lower cost fashion (eg Victoria wears H&M, Letizia is frequently in Mango), but there is also for sure a great deal of money spent on eg grey pant suits. Royalty has money and I guess a long habit of buying what they want. Some have changed noticeably and consistently - and others (eg Charlene who UFO No More points out each year as spending far and away the most of any royal lady, it’s eye boggling actually ) haven’t yet felt the pressure I guess.

    2. Anonymous19/3/25 07:16

      Letizia wears her clothes even 10 times and owns things from even 10 years and most of them are from Mango, Zara and Spanish brands that are not expensive at all.

    3. Anonymous19/3/25 07:16

      Letizia wears her clothes even 10 times and owns things from even 10 years and most of them are from Mango, Zara and Spanish brands that are not expensive at all.

    4. Anonymous19/3/25 08:34

      Letizia does not have a lot of money, the King and the Queen of Spain get a salary per year and It is more affordable that a President of a Republic, because of that, Spain is a Kingdom but not a Republic.

  9. Virginia Dogwood18/3/25 22:47

    Uba - you are so sensible! Thank you for pointing out that many expensive outfits should be re-worn several times. Frankly, I think it throws off vibes of being snobbish and elitist to waste a lot of money on tons of clothes. Some of our younger royals have started mixing up high and low end designers and I praise that idea.
    On a positive note: the two young girls in their black and white outfits are absolutely stunning, right down to the stylish loafers. Wow!! And Queen Letizia looks great in the dress - this style boot - uhhh not so much.

  10. This is a lovely dress in a great colour. Lucky Letizia to have the figure to wear it.

  11. Anonymous19/3/25 03:15


  12. Robe parfaite pour épouser à merveille sa silhouette ; j'adore la couleur !

  13. Anonymous19/3/25 10:36

    Jolie robe qui lui va bien. Déjà portée en novembre avec des chaussures plates, mais c'est mieux avec les bottes. Le vin Marsala ne semble pas exactement de cette couleur mais c'est un nom original pour cette tenue. Paloma.

  14. Anonymous19/3/25 19:00

    Hello to the queen Leticia from the King


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