Queen Letizia Presides Over the Main Event for World Rare Disease Day

At the FEDER event, Queen Letizia wore a black striped suit jacket blazer by Sandro Paris

On March 4, 2025, Queen Letizia of Spain presided over the main event for World Rare Disease Day, an occasion that highlights "pERsonas", the slogan of this year's campaign launched by FEDER to raise awareness of the challenges faced by those living with rare diseases. The event took place at the Príncipe Felipe Auditorium and Congress Palace.

At the FEDER event, Queen Letizia wore a black striped suit jacket blazer by Sandro Paris

At the FEDER event, Queen Letizia wore a black striped suit jacket blazer by Sandro Paris

At the FEDER event, Queen Letizia wore a black striped suit jacket blazer by Sandro Paris

Queen Letizia, who has been supporting the FEDER community for over 15 years, attended the event to reaffirm her commitment to the rare disease community, sharing the progress achieved and the challenges that remain. The event also featured the participation of Mónica Rodríguez, Minister of Health; Adrián Barbón, President of the Principality of Asturias; and Alfredo Canteli, Mayor of Oviedo, among other officials.

At the FEDER event, Queen Letizia wore a black striped suit jacket blazer by Sandro Paris

At the FEDER event, Queen Letizia wore a black striped suit jacket blazer by Sandro Paris

At the FEDER event, Queen Letizia wore a black striped suit jacket blazer by Sandro Paris

Queen Letizia wore Sandro Paris striped suit jacket
Sandro Paris striped suit jacket

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  1. Anonymous4/3/25 22:22

    The suit is a no for me, although I like the way the necktie is tied. I also like the narrow headband holding her hair back

  2. Anonymous4/3/25 23:14

    Très beau costume, les fines rayures sont chics.
    Mais une vraie cravate aurait été plus jolie qu'un foulard qui fait un peu chiffonné. Les boucles d'oreilles semblent très belles.
    Son maquillage est une perfection. Paloma.

  3. Anonymous4/3/25 23:50

    Lol 😄

    1. Anonymous5/3/25 06:44

      @23:50 thank you for your meaningful comment. You have truly added to the richness of thought and sharing here.

    2. Anonymous5/3/25 13:25

      @Anon 23:50 Obviously, you are a deep thinker. Your level of education shines through in your (so-called) comment. Thanks for adding so much to the conversation.

    3. Anonymous5/3/25 17:34

      Il y a longtemps que l'expression "lol" ne se dit plus. C'est périmé :D

    4. Anonymous5/3/25 22:43

      Lol 😄

    5. Anonymous6/3/25 00:52


    6. Anonymous6/3/25 11:46

      Lol, are we laughing at the same thing, or did we both just forget why we started laughing in the first place?

  4. Anonymous5/3/25 01:56

    I really don’t like this necktie and suit look on any woman I have seen wear it - it seems quite severe looking to me.
    -Royal Watcher

    1. Anonymous5/3/25 11:51

      Severe that is the word I was searching for to describe this outfit.

  5. Anonymous5/3/25 03:06

    I love this so much! The suit is beautifully cut and the feminine tie is perfection. I wish she had worn a pointed toe shoe. I think the trousers call for it. I am meh on the head band, but it does soften the overall look.

  6. Anonymous5/3/25 03:42

    Ok, she should've skipped the tie, now she looks like Melania Trump-wanna be. I like the suit though.

    1. Anonymous5/3/25 11:54

      Well maybe not a wanna be but shows it is a trend, that imo can end anytime. It just screams I am powerful

    2. Anonymous5/3/25 14:38

      Please…no woman should want to be like Melania Trump. Ugh!

    3. Anonymous5/3/25 16:55

      Melania is not the first, or only, woman to wear this style. It has cycled around many in the last century. Some women wore an iteration of this look in the 1920s, with Coco Chanel being one of the first to incorporate menswear into her designs.

    4. Anonymous5/3/25 17:06

      Correct, Melania is not the first to wear this look. Furthermore, desiring to dress like Melania is not a bad thing in many women's minds.

    5. Anonymous6/3/25 11:45

      I get what you're saying, but wearing suits and ties is actually something many women have embraced as a powerful fashion choice. It’s not about trying to copy anyone; it’s about personal style and making a statement. For example, Hilary Clinton, Meryl Streep, Janelle Monáe, and Emma Watson have all worn suits and ties as part of their signature looks. The suit itself looks great and fits the occasion perfectly, in my opinion!

  7. Anonymous5/3/25 04:02

    A yes from me for Queen Letizia’s outfit.


  8. Anonymous5/3/25 04:15

    P. E. R. F. E. C. T. I. O. N !


  9. Anonymous5/3/25 05:45

    I am getting androgynous vibes from her outfit! FITZHUGH

  10. Anonymous5/3/25 06:45

    Letizia looks stunning. An excellent suit for her.

  11. Anonymous5/3/25 06:48

    Non non non !
    Ce costume est hyper austère : sombre, l ensemble fait lourd et masculin. A la limite pour le féminiser une jolie paire d escarpins 👡 aurait apporté une jolie touche. Donc là l ensemble plus la paire de mocassin....gros flop pour moi!

  12. Maravillosa Letizia, que ha encontrado la manera de poner un toque original con un foulard que anuda como si fuera una corbata. Así es Ella, no se parece a nadie. Su discurso ha sigo magnífico. Los pacientes de estas terribles enfermedades y sus familias la adoran. Bravo.

  13. Anonymous5/3/25 10:03

    I do not understand the point of this look. This is all about drawing attention to a rare disease, in which case I would have worn or better still, reworn a simple outfit. Now the attention is focused on the shell and not the contents, a pity really, since it is important that a public figure should support this worthy cause.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous5/3/25 12:19

      She was in Oviedo, (Asturias)where she was born, always a special day for her.
      By the way, I live in Oviedo.

    2. Anonymous5/3/25 13:00

      I understand what you are saying, but we need to feel good about what we are wearing. Most of us carry ourselves a little better when we know we look good.

    3. Oye, Virginia ¿pretendes hacernos creer que la Reina Letizia resta el apoyo a las enfermedades raras (TODAS, no UNA) porque se ha vestido con un traje pantalón de estilo masculino? ¿Es una broma?
      Está claro que no has escuchado su discurso, ni el discurso del resto de participantes, que le dan infinitas gracias por haberlos hecho visibles, por su apoyo permanente y su implicación personal con las familias.
      ¿O es que pretendes hacernos creer que tú vienes aquí a observar las Agendas de las Royals y no la ropa que visten? Qué hipocresía...

    4. Anonymous6/3/25 11:42

      Virginia, I think the outfit might be a reflection of her personal style and confidence, which doesn’t take away from the cause. Sometimes, people pay attention to both the message and the messenger, and Queen Letizia has always used her platform to raise awareness. The focus on the cause is still there, even if her look is part of the conversation.

  14. Tout à fait le costume que Letizia arrive à bien porter ; la simplicité de son serre-tête apporte une touche de féminité à son look !

  15. Anonymous6/3/25 00:16

    She looks spot on.

  16. Anonymous6/3/25 00:53

    Oh boy is she dressed to whip those rotten diseases to shreds isn’t she.

  17. Anonymous6/3/25 20:20

    So much more stylish than other attempts at the same look lately (especially from across the pond). Well done, Letizia.



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