Queen Letizia Chairs a Working Meeting at UNICEF Spain

Queen Letizia wore a Kocani striped blazer by Hugo Boss, and Boss Aryisa trousers

On March 19, 2025, Queen Letizia of Spain, Honorary President of UNICEF Spain, chaired a working meeting with the Board of Trustees and the Youth Advisory Council on Childhood and Adolescence at UNICEF Spain. During the meeting, nine young participants, aged 12 to 17, discussed key issues such as mental health, migration, climate change, and the challenges faced by children and adolescents in Spain and worldwide.

Queen Letizia wore a Kocani striped blazer by Hugo Boss, and Boss Aryisa trousers

Queen Letizia wore a Kocani striped blazer by Hugo Boss, and Boss Aryisa trousers

Queen Letizia wore a Kocani striped blazer by Hugo Boss, and Boss Aryisa trousers

Queen Letizia wore a Kocani striped blazer by Hugo Boss, and Boss Aryisa trousers

Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss Kocani striped blazer and Hugo Boss Aryisa pinstripe trouser
Hugo Boss Kocani blazer and Aryisa trouser

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  1. Anonymous19/3/25 14:51

    Excellent look for QL. Boss has been a great brand for her in terms of fit and flattery. The soft blouse offsets the more masculine pinstripe suit. (V.M.)

  2. Cet ensemble à fines rayures lui convient mais à mon avis, ce n'est pas ce noeud Lavallière qui apporte de élégance ; un haut ras du cou de cette couleur parme serait magnifique sur elle !

    1. Anonymous19/3/25 21:25

      Je souscris à vos propos !


  3. Anonymous19/3/25 15:45

    Exceptional tailoring, the stripes line up exactly. Though I am not a fan of pin stripe suits, male or female, she looks very nice.

    1. Anonymous19/3/25 16:42

      15:45 very interesting re the tailoring observation - thank you. Love the colour of the blouse.

  4. Anonymous19/3/25 16:02

    The jacket is letting her down, over sized and out of shape.

    1. Anonymous19/3/25 17:17

      I agree, the jacket is too long for her small frame, but I still love the suit and the lilac blouse.

    2. Anonymous19/3/25 21:25

      I agree with you.

    3. Anonymous20/3/25 05:28

      Oversized jacket gives off a relaxed, stylish vibe. It can work really well when paired with the right pieces, giving a more contemporary, effortless look.

  5. I think this looks bad. The colours are ok, and I don´t mind the stripes, but the cut of the suit is awful. Baggy trousers, cropped length, oversized jacket. She is drowning in that jacket, it´s way too long for her. The bow blouse is not my taste to begin with, but it looks especially weird here. Bow blouses simply don´t work with jackets, not even with lapels this lose and long.

    1. Anonymous20/3/25 05:30

      The oversized jacket and baggy trousers are actually on-trend right now, giving it a modern, relaxed feel. The bow blouse adds a bit of femininity to the outfit, and when styled correctly, it can work well with the right jacket.

  6. I like the classic look of the pinstripe suit but the big tie of the blouse just doesn't blend in well and looks odd. It stands out too prominently and detracts from the suit. In contrast, a simple blouse as shown on the model doesn't interfere with the stripes.

  7. Anonymous19/3/25 21:24

    Elle a déjà un costume noir à fines rayures (Sandro) porté début mars donc quel est l'intérêt d'en avoir un 2e quasi identique ? Il est chic mais sans doute un peu trop grand pour elle. Une chemise blanche aurait été préférable au chemisier à noeud. La couleur est difficile à définir : mauve ou plutôt bleu ciel ? (Couleur de l'Unicef). Paloma.


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