Princess Rajwa Celebrates Her First Mother’s Day with New Photos

Jordan's Princess Rajwa celebrated her first Mother’s Day by sharing new photos of her daughter, Princess Iman

Mother’s Day in most countries in the Arab world is celebrated on March 21, the first day of spring. Jordan's Princess Rajwa celebrated her first Mother’s Day with her husband, Crown Prince Hussein, who shared new photos of their baby daughter, Princess Iman. Crown Prince Hussein and Princess Rajwa welcomed their daughter, Princess Iman, in August 2024.

Jordan's Princess Rajwa celebrated her first Mother’s Day by sharing new photos of her daughter, Princess Iman

In the caption, Crown Prince Hussein remarked: 'To my beloved mother and my loving wife, your presence fills our lives with joy, and your love is the true meaning of giving. Happy Mother's Day.' Princess Iman is the first grandchild of Queen Rania and King Abdullah. Six months later, Princess Iman, the daughter of Queen Rania and King Abdullah, gave birth to her first child, Princess Amina, in February.

  1. Anonymous21/3/25 23:01

    Oh my Princess Iman is as cute as a button. Princess Rajwa is glowing.

  2. Anonymous22/3/25 01:56

    Someone looks like her daddy

  3. Cute little girl. Looks like her dad.

  4. Anonymous22/3/25 02:05

    All the ladies, including the beautiful infant, are gorgeous.
    - Anon 9:13

  5. Oh wow! the little princess has grown so much, she is gorgeous, beautiful photos.

  6. Anonymous22/3/25 02:26

    C’est la première photo où on voit la petite princesse dans les bras de sa maman.
    Elle porte une bien jolie robe et je trouve qu’elle ressemble à son papa.

    1. Anonymous22/3/25 18:48

      Anonyme 02 : 26
      Pourtant il y a bien eu une photo en août 2024, Rajwa portait une robe blanche à motifs bleus, elle était avec son bébé et son époux.
      Et il me semble aussi avoir vu une autre photo d'elle avec sa fille.

  7. Anonymous22/3/25 09:41

    Princess Iman is adorable. Helena

  8. Anonymous22/3/25 11:18

    She is a gorgeous little girl. - Louise

  9. Quelle aorable petite fille à la jolie frimousse !

  10. Anonymous23/3/25 01:52

    What a sweetheart. She must have Dad wrapped around her little finger.

  11. P. the original23/3/25 11:34

    Little Princess Iman is fabulous bundle of joy.
    I see the same eyes look of her beautiful mother in her.
    I like them all, actually.
    This poster exudes tenderness, love and a strong sense of family ties.
    Simply stunning.

  12. Anonymous23/3/25 13:04

    Amina is not a princess. Her mother is princess.

    1. Anonymous23/3/25 14:18

      Why refer to Amina? She is not in these photos.
      - Anon 9:13


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