Princess Caroline Attends Women of Monaco Awards Ceremony

Princess Caroline wore a tweed jacket by Chanel. Princess Camilla of Bourbon and Princess Maria Carolina

The 4th edition of the Women of Monaco Lunch and Awards Ceremony, held in support of the Princess Grace Foundation, took place at the Monaco Yacht Club on March 11, 2025, with Princess Caroline of Hanover in attendance. Hosted in collaboration with the Women of Monaco Club and Luxury International Magazine, the event celebrated the outstanding achievements of women in Monaco.

Princess Caroline wore a tweed jacket by Chanel. Princess Camilla of Bourbon and Princess Maria Carolina

Princess Camilla of Bourbon attended the ceremony with her daughter, Princess Maria Carolina, and was among the award recipients.

Princess Camilla and Princess Maria Carolina of Bourbon Two Sicilies

Princess Caroline wore a tweed jacket by Chanel. Princess Camilla of Bourbon and Princess Maria Carolina

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  1. Anonymous12/3/25 00:23

    princess Caroline always looks nice in a jacket and pants, though I feel these pants are pooling too much. She can wear jackets with these heavy fabrics, and I note that she wears the sleeves a bit shorter so she is not swallowed up.

  2. Anonymous12/3/25 01:02

    Caroline looks superb as usual--her Chanel jacket is so much better than the awful one Charlotte was wearing for the Chanel show in Paris. Camilla and her daughter look nice--the green suit is lovely on Camilla.


  3. Anonymous12/3/25 02:35

    Nice spring look on Caroline.
    All the ladies are well put together and nicely made up.

  4. Anonymous12/3/25 06:11

    “Princess” Camilla of Bourbon? Here’s what this morning’s research shows: “Princess” Camilla is a billionaire’s daughter, and second wife to the “Prince” who claims a title which the rest of the family lines dispute. These photos show an event dripping with money and plastic surgery and some excuse to award each other prizes ( at an event begun by an event agency but with no real basis for awarding anything; and you can only join if the other wealthy ladies in the club want to invite you in). I’m imagining someone like Princess Anne preferring to stay home and wash the dishes than attend such an event. Ouff.

    1. Anonymous12/3/25 12:38

      @Anon 6:11 lol. Bang on. Love it :)
      - Anon 9:13

    2. Anonymous12/3/25 13:22

      Agree…Princess Anne wouldn’t be anywhere near this nonsense. She does not suffer fools!

    3. Anonymous12/3/25 14:16

      Wow.....somebody's grumpy today.

    4. Anonymous12/3/25 16:12

      Thank you for clarification, I was wondering who the bobble head in the green suit was.She is so thin and tiny that she looks disproportionate.

    5. Anonymous12/3/25 16:40

      Marie, grumpy? - is it meant to be a put down? As I see it, Anon 6:11 has saved me the trouble of looking up this princess and is pretty funny at the same time.

    6. Anonymous12/3/25 17:35

      Agree !!

    7. Anonymous12/3/25 20:51

      “Research?” Is that what you call it when you glance over a Wikipedia article and then misstate a couple of snippets from it? First, Princess Camilla of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duchess of Castro, is the only wife of her husband, Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. He has never been married to anyone else. Princess Camilla IS the daughter of her father’s second wife, but that has nothing to do with her marriage to Prince Carlo.

      Secondly, the Duke of Castro’s Princely title is not disputed. What is disputed is his claimed headship of the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. Those two things are not the same.

    8. Anonymous13/3/25 00:33

      Marie is right. Some of you are sounding grumpy and really nasty. The ladies look nice, surgery or not, titled or not.

    9. Anonymous13/3/25 13:59

      Disgusting comment 06:11

    10. Anonymous14/3/25 21:09

      Agree with 06:11

  5. Quel contraste chez Caroline entre son pantalon léger rose et sa veste Chanel ? qui montre un aspect trop lourd !

  6. Anonymous12/3/25 10:40

    La veste au demeurant très jolie fait hiver et le pantalon annoncé le printemps mais ne vont pas ensemble.
    Goût personnel

  7. Anonymous12/3/25 11:16

    Heaven help, so much for ‘cosmetic surgery’ - nothing is beautiful for me anymore

  8. Anonymous12/3/25 11:27

    Princess Caroline looks classy and stylish here ( the other women not so much….)

    1. Anonymous12/3/25 20:51

      Agree…it doesn’t look like Caroline has ever distorted her face with bad plastic surgery. If she’s had anything done it’s very subtle.

  9. Princess Caroline looks very good here, spring fresh, happy and juvenile. I wonder, does she have a partner currently? As far as I know she is still married to Ernst August. Why though? To keep the title? Anyways, as much as I disliked the Chanel suit on Charlotte the other day, I do like this classic Chanel blazer. Nicely paired with the salmon? pants and bag. Makeup hair and jewelry are also nice. Do I see some blonde highlights?

  10. Anonymous12/3/25 14:33

    Princess Camilla of Bourbon has a special taste with original pieces.
    She is very slim and this suit is very nice with the white blouse.

  11. Anonymous13/3/25 18:54

    Cette mode des pantalons très large est à oublier d'urgence.

  12. Anonymous13/3/25 22:35

    All ladies look great, very well coordinated. Caroline looks very lovely.

  13. I am not a fan of wide pants such as these, but Princess Caroline looks lovely, beautiful and natural.


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