Princess Alexandra Gave an Interview to ELLE España Magazine

Daughter of Princess Caroline, Princess Alexandra of Hanover's entire outfit is by Dior

Princess Alexandra of Hanover, daughter of Princess Caroline, gave an interview for the April 2025 issue of the fashion magazine ELLE España. She also became the cover star for the April issue of ELLE magazine for its subscribers. The photos were taken by Spanish fashion photographer Rocio Ramos, and the Princess's entire outfit is by Dior.

Daughter of Princess Caroline, Princess Alexandra of Hanover's entire outfit is by Dior

In this rare interview with the media, the Princess shared her thoughts and insights about her family. She considers herself a "creative, sensitive, and insightful" person, as she mentioned in her conversation with ELLE. Her greatest passion is literature. Princess Alexandra speaks in glowing terms when talking about her mother, Princess Caroline. She not only loves her but also deeply admires her.

Daughter of Princess Caroline, Princess Alexandra of Hanover's entire outfit is by Dior

Daughter of Princess Caroline, Princess Alexandra of Hanover's entire outfit is by Dior

This is not the first time Princess Alexandra has given an interview to a fashion magazine. In 2020, she spoke with Telva. The extended summary of the interview can be read on ELLE Spain's website. This ELLE article also features numerous photos and an interview video.

Daughter of Princess Caroline, Princess Alexandra of Hanover's entire outfit is by Dior
  1. Anonymous22/3/25 22:09

    Well ... No. The outfit she wears in the 4th photo is probably quite nice, but only a part of it is visible and that part ist creased because ... I don't know why, it is as if one wanted to show it in the worst possible perspective. All the other photos show a young woman whose forced posing is thefirst and main thing to notice. Either she is modeling, but then she should be in the background with a neutral expression and the outfits on full display. Or it is a portrait of a young woman, than she should not take on so unnatural and somewhat distorted poses. For me, she offers an unexpectedly unpleasant sight. I don't like anything these photos offer.

    1. Anonymous23/3/25 00:45

      Well said…

    2. Anonymous23/3/25 04:05

      Are you new to the concept of fashion shoots? These photos are very typical of a fashion shoot. The fourth picture does not show any creases. The garment was designed for the fabric to drape across the bodice. Over the years, many royal women have done some version of a fashion layout for a magazine or for personal portraits. It is an artform.

    3. Agree with Anonymous 22:09.
      I look at these photos and think: I don't buy it. Alexandra is not a natural beauty. Her half-sister Charlotte Casiraghi always has been a very beautiful lady, eben though she often has a bad posture, and of course Caroline is a true beauty. Alexandra is average. Why try to turn her into a model? Why pretend something?

    4. Anonymous23/3/25 08:51

      I agree, too, with Anonymous 22:09.

    5. Anonymous23/3/25 09:41

      Agree with Coralie, with comparisons to her family members like Charlotte and Caroline, it might seem like the focus on Alexandra is overblown. It can be frustrating when it feels like there’s an agenda to present someone as something they might not naturally fit. Embracing a more realistic and less idealized portrayal of people is important, and perhaps in Alexandra's case, there’s a push to create a narrative that doesn’t quite resonate with everyone.

    6. Anonymous23/3/25 18:48

      @ Anonymous22/3/25 22:09__________I Agree!!!!

    7. Anonymous23/3/25 20:20


    8. Anonymous24/3/25 13:20

      These just don’t work. Awkward. The black gown does not fit properly at the top. She is a pretty young woman but not a true beauty like her half sister or mother and she is trying too hard here and it’s overall uncomfortable. I wish her well but I hope she finds another direction.

  2. The black gown, 1st photo, across the bust area looks very tight. The rest of the photos are lovely, her outfits look lovely.

    1. Anonymous23/3/25 23:05

      Personally I think the first pic is very sexy and over all the rest is impressive as well!


    2. P. the original25/3/25 10:50

      Hello, dearest Ava.
      Thank you for your kind words in your last comment.
      You know, I'm gonna follow your advice.
      l' ll take out my amethyst necklace again!
      I remember I used to wear it paired with outfits in blue shades , which Is my favourite colours combo.
      Hugs for you too.👍👋

  3. Anonymous23/3/25 00:16

    Beautiful Alex!!! The pictures are stunning!! Loved the video you can see her Grandmother Princess Grace’s smile there! I look very much forward to seeing what her literature ‘project’s’ are!!

  4. Anonymous23/3/25 01:01

    What a beautiful young woman... and she knows it!
    PS. I like it.

  5. Anonymous23/3/25 01:03

    I guess she is trying to look sultry, sexy for the photo shoot to model Dior fashions. I like the first photo except the top is too tight.

    1. Anonymous23/3/25 09:26

      Exactly: sultry is the word. But good models don't do this, because they present clothes, not themselves. So if she wants to be a model, why not, but then behave like one and not like an It-Girl with celebrity ambitions. Paris Hilton is one, but even she poses better because she shows us a celeb prototype, not really herself being sultry. Alexandra is miles away from someone with nobility glowing through from inside like Grace Kelly - here we just have a wannabe.

    2. Anonymous23/3/25 22:32

      @ Anonymous 09:26
      Grace Kelly, although she looked very chic and stylish, was not aristocratic, she became a Princess by marriage. Princess Alexandra is a born aristocratic.

  6. Anonymous23/3/25 01:37

    What a beautiful young woman. Sadly, we never see her with her father. I like her best in pic #3

    1. Anonymous24/3/25 17:08

      @ css
      Maybe she doesn't wish to be seen with her father. If you have followed the life of Ernst August of Hannover even when he was still married to Princess Caroline, you should'nt be surprised.

  7. I never think she resembles her mother at all but in that first photo I totally see it for the first time. These are really beautiful photos. I’m happy for her.

    1. Anonymous23/3/25 13:39

      I agree…I see a bit of Caroline in these pictures especially the second to last one.

    2. Anonymous24/3/25 16:09

      For the first time I also saw a resemblance to her mum.


  8. Anonymous23/3/25 02:40

    Alexandra is adorable…I’ve always liked her gamine charm, but my, she looks quite the polished beauty in photos 1,3 and 4. The other photos, imo, are a bit messy-looking and poorly styled. I do hope that as time goes on, she will be a valued contributor to the life of Monaco and a source of joy and pride to its citizens. — Jane

  9. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful young woman. Perfect mix of her mother and dad's best features. I've really enjoyed watching her grow up.

  10. Anonymous23/3/25 07:10

    I wonder if these images are the real Princess Alexandra, one day she was this wholesome teenager and out of nowhere is a woman who is captivating, glamorous and alluring all at the same time. What an amazing transformation Good or bad! FITZHUGH

  11. Anonymous23/3/25 07:10

    Alexandra looks very young, is she over 15?

    1. She is 25

    2. Anonymous23/3/25 21:11

      What is this crap?? Princess Caroline of Hanover and Monaco is 68 years old!!! You don’t know she couldn’t possibly have given birth ‘15’ years ago!!! Pathetic!!!

    3. Anonymous24/3/25 17:13

      @ Anon. 21:11
      I think it is always the same person who is asking these weird questions. I suppose it is done on purpose.

  12. Anonymous23/3/25 07:22

    die Fotos sehen sehr unnatürlich und angestrengt aus. Sie ist kein Model .

  13. Anonymous23/3/25 08:28

    Pas du tout naturelle , on ne la reconnaît pas

    1. Anonymous23/3/25 14:35

      Je suis d’accord avec vous 😉

  14. C'est vraiment une jeune femme qui a beaucoup embelli !

  15. P. the original23/3/25 10:03

    I do not see anything wrong with these pics.
    Obviously, there must have been one or more professional photographers behind this shooting session giving Alexandra instructions on how to pose .
    A good deal of shots must have been taken and only a selection was published.
    Pss Alexandra is no more a little girl or a teenager .
    She is in her twenties and a young woman can decide for herself.
    She has been attracted by and has been participating front row in fashion shows for quite some time now.
    Despite not being a professional model , she seems to have a knack for posing and that's clear in these pics.
    I completely agree with @ Anonymous 4:05.
    Other royal ladies were invited to pose for photo sessions published in magazines.
    I still remember Princess Diana, amongst others royals, striking poses for non official snaps.
    Moreover, no one is privy to Alexandra's inner world and thoughts except for what she herself said in the interview.
    I sense she is a pretty clever and determined young woman trying to mould her life autonomously.
    She seems to be trying to carve her own peculiar path which might include an official position as a working royal in the Princely Family one day.
    I like the outfits sported in the pics altogether.

    1. Anonymous23/3/25 16:23

      Her own path following her sister and mother to be associated with a design house, in this case Dior versus Chanel. They use high profile people to promote their brand and pay huge amount of money, so nice way to make a living.

  16. Anonymous23/3/25 10:41

    The best pictures of Princess Alexandra I have seen lately. The Dior collection suits her much better than the Chanel clothes.
    To the commenters who say she is not a model, that her poses are not natural, etc... To me she looks much more beautiful on these pictures than in the past. Her make-up and hair are much better too. If the Elle magazine agreed for the pictures, I think they now what they are doing. They are looking for a younger style of modelling and probably found a photographer and a model who respond to the wishes of a young and new generation. In the meantime Princess Alexandra receives money which might be a valuable reason to agree for an interview and posing at the same time in clothes by Dior (which means money too).

    1. Anonymous23/3/25 17:42

      You make great points. I would guess that the negative reactions to these photos and the idea of her participating are from older commenters. She is young, and a lot of fashion is geared toward younger consumers, both literally and figuratively. One does not have to be in their twenties to appreciate fashion or the ways it is presented, but they only need a more youthful mindset.

    2. Anonymous24/3/25 18:27

      100% Agreed.

    3. Anonymous24/3/25 19:25

      Has nothing to do with age. I’m older and I like these pictures. A. looks very good in them. I’m happy for her she can shine too!

  17. Anonymous23/3/25 15:09

    There is nothing special about this girl. Maybe later in life, who knows she may find something of interest to do, but for now she is just a nepo baby.

  18. Anonymous23/3/25 15:24

    To me the one who’s coming closest to the great looks of Grace Kelly in the Grimaldi family is Beatrice Borromeo. Unfortunately we do not see many photos of her on this blog. She is truly beautiful and has great style!

    1. Anonymous23/3/25 18:51

      YES, my thoughts

    2. Anonymous24/3/25 18:30

      Mrs Borromeo - yes.

    3. Anonymous24/3/25 19:32

      Fully agree

  19. Anonymous23/3/25 19:23

    Great pictures, beautifully styled, and she seems to really have the knack for posing -- not an easy feat in any way, most of us "commoners" would freeze totally when photographed for hours in different outfits. She has her mother's mouth, as does Charlotte, too, but her eyes are probably more from her father's side. They remind me of the hooded eyes of the actress Charlotte Rampling or other heavy-lidded beauties. She looks beautiful and at her best here, I would not call her face "average" as someone just did above. :-)

    1. I called her average because I think her face is. This is not a bad thing or an insult or whatever, just - average.
      As for "us commoners": A lot of supermodels (Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford for example) are "commoners".

    2. Anonymous24/3/25 08:20

      Why call yourself a commoner ? Don’t demean yourself.

    3. Anonymous24/3/25 13:09

      Anon 07.02 Princess Alexandra’s face being considered "more common" than aristocratic or idealized, it could be a reflection of how beauty standards vary. Aristocratic faces are often associated with features that are perceived as more "classically" refined or symmetrical, while a "commoner’s face" might be seen as more relatable, with features that feel more accessible or down-to-earth.

    4. Anonymous24/3/25 16:40

      Coralie, I used the word commoners with quotes because I didn't mean commoners in a royal sense but in the sense of non-celebrities. And as for "average", that word can be used in many ways, too. As they say, beauty resides in the eyes of the viewer, and the beauty ideals vary from culture to culture and from one age to another. To my eyes, Alexandra's face is beautiful in a very distinctive way, and I think it shows well in this particular photoshoot. Even though of course life shouldn't be a beauty contest at all.

    5. I beg your pardon. There is no such thing as a "commoner's face" and an "aristocratic face". Monarchy is nothing but a cultural concept which easily can change, as we have seen in history several times.
      It's all about make-up, light, a good photographer and nowadays about tools like Photoshop of course.

    6. Anonymous24/3/25 18:36

      Coralie, yes there obviously is. With all that make-up, light, good photographer etc the overall appearance above cannot be described as elegant or regal. The more angular features, like defined bone structure etc which are often associated with aristocracy are nowhere to be seen.

  20. Anonymous24/3/25 07:49

    La trovo molto bella, ed affascinante, da ragazzina rotondetta ed impacciata alla ricerca di se, a giovane donna affascinante e sicura di se. Se osservo bene il suo volto, posso dire che la parte superiore fino al naso è Hannover mentre quella inferiore: zigomi, labbra mento sono Grimaldi/ Kelly.
    Non ha proprio niente da invidiare a sua sorella o a sua Madre. E' unica! Penso che sua Madre abbia fatto un ottimo lavoro per renderla Autonoma

  21. Anonymous24/3/25 08:06

    WHO wanted her to look like that? A nude model or a young woman in the prime of her life? Well, that wasn't good..

    1. Anonymous24/3/25 16:33

      Nude...??? She has clothes on.

  22. Anonymous24/3/25 16:21

    I agree with some of the comments,these photographs are not flattering in the least. They’re very contrived and forced. It doesn’t feel like her natural environment.

  23. Anonymous24/3/25 18:36

    Some people want her in an ugly-duckling frame. Hope the very beautiful Princess Alexandra has the courage to see her beauty.


    1. Anonymous24/3/25 19:27

      I agree.

    2. Anonymous25/3/25 15:25

      I agree with MESH. Helena


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