Prince Charles Inaugurates School Named After Him in Steinsel

Princess Stephanie wore a twilled scuba silex top by Natan. Prince Guillaume and Duchess Stéphanie

On March 20, 2025, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie, and Prince Charles of Luxembourg inaugurated Schoul Prënz Charles (Prince Charles School) in Steinsel, Luxembourg, in the presence of Minister Claude Meisch and Mayor Fernand Marchetti. Prince Charles School is part of the Prince Guillaume school complex, named after the Hereditary Grand Duke following his birth.

Princess Stephanie wore a twilled scuba silex top by Natan. Prince Guillaume and Duchess Stéphanie

Princess Stephanie wore a twilled scuba silex top by Natan. Prince Guillaume and Duchess Stéphanie

Princess Stephanie wore a twilled scuba silex top by Natan. Prince Guillaume and Duchess Stéphanie

Princess Stephanie wore a twilled scuba silex top by Natan. Prince Guillaume and Duchess Stéphanie

Princess Stephanie wore a twilled scuba silex top by Natan. Prince Guillaume and Duchess Stéphanie

Princess Stephanie wore a twilled scuba silex top by Natan. Prince Guillaume and Duchess Stéphanie

Princess Stephanie wore Natan Silex Top in twilled scuba
Natan Silex Top
  1. Anonymous22/3/25 01:50


  2. This was a lovely family outing. I like Stephanie's outfit, she looks fabulous.

  3. Anonymous22/3/25 05:47

    Welch Freude solche Bilder von dieser wundervollen Familie zu sehen. Alles so harmonisch : ) Prinz Charles erinnert mich immer wieder an seinen Großvater Graf Philippe de Lannoy. Stéphanie, Erbgroßherzogin von Luxemburg sieht hier so perfekt aus, alles schön : ) einfach alles schick : ) -Dorothe-

  4. Anonymous22/3/25 07:26

    It strikes me as an unusual idea to name a school after a kid before he can write. He’s very cute. For Stephanie, she looks lovely; but I don’t think the top is particularly well proportioned for her - sitting too short around her middle, an awkward sleeve length. Natan! I’m on the lookout for someone knowledgeable who can explain how Natan has become a trusted brand in the region when it so frequently (to me) looks less than excellent on the wearer. I’m not in Benelux so may be missing something culturally. Anyone?

    1. I like Stephanie's outfit & think it fits her quite well, according to the targeted style. Yes it has the signature Natan, I am not a 100% supporter of its design and choice of material.
      However I get the feeling that there is here a "Natan syndrome" among bloggers. I think there is a strong willingness from Natan to distinguish itself from other designers.

    2. Anonymous22/3/25 13:03

      @ Anonymous 07:26 & MaryT
      Recently Natan made the same top for Queen Mathilde (bottle green)
      and Queen Maxima (olive green). Their tops were wider and straighter. Shorter tops are fashion. Of course one must always look at the wearer if it suits. Queen Mathilde and Queen Maxima both looked good in their top. Princess Stephanie doesn't. I always have the impression that her tops and blouses (not only those bought at Natan's) are too tight. The same for the sleeves. If a Queen insists on having longer or shorter sleeves, Natan will deliver the sleeve length they asked for.

    3. Anonymous22/3/25 13:28

      He is not the only royal kid who has a building or a school or a boat named after him/her .
      In Belgium, the GD of Luxembourg or The Netherlands, it is the custom.

    4. Anonymous22/3/25 13:51

      If he could write, would you think it was okay? I am confused by your logic. He is the future Grand Duke. His name will be on things forever.

  5. Anonymous22/3/25 08:03

    Stėphanie looks quite normal!

  6. Stephanie looks lovely. Her and Guillaumes little boys are the cutest royal children. So adorable!

  7. Anonymous22/3/25 11:23

    I really like the colour of the outfit and the concept is good but there are some fit issues in the top (tightness, pulling) that detract from the overall effect. I suspect the scuba fabric is to blame. The same outfit tailor made in wool crepe would have been gorgeous. Oh well, Stephanie is a busy mom and this is one of those pull on and go combos that’s handy to have. (V.M.)

    1. Anonymous22/3/25 15:47

      Scuba or no scuba, if you buy your tops too tight, this is the effect you get. People still do always forget that Natan has a couture departement and a ready to wear store. If you have your clothes made according your measurements in the couture dept. they will fit. If you buy them in the ready to wear collection you risk not to find the exact measurements that fits you.

  8. Anonymous22/3/25 12:33

    Stephanie is a beautiful woman and little Charles is such a cutie. Her hair is very nice and I also like her earrings. The outfit as such is nice, however the top is ill-fitting. This shows also how understimated the importance of underwear is, for an well put together outfit. A more supportive bra would have helped. The visible line of the underpants is also back. Helena

  9. Lovely little boy. I like Princess Stephanie’s outfit to a point but she always looks better in colours.

  10. Anonymous22/3/25 15:39

    It looks okay but nothing special. She has a lovely curvy figure, beautiful hair, very relatable royal. Wonderful to see the little prince slowly learning what his future holds, supported by loving parents.

  11. Le haut combiné avec le pantalon serait plus élégant à condition que le tissu ait plus de tenue ; j'aime beaucoup la couleur Bordeaux de son petit sac à mains !

  12. Anonymous22/3/25 19:34

    The winter white is so flattering. Just one size larger for the top would have made it perfect.
    Mrs C

  13. Anonymous23/3/25 01:50

    What a nice family. Stephanie really looks good. Prince cutie is doing a great job.

  14. P. the original23/3/25 11:09

    One of my favourite royal families of all times!
    Charles is more than adorable.
    What a nice initiative.
    They all look marvellous.

  15. Anonymous24/3/25 16:15

    I have a soft spot for this young family. Also lovely to see the soon to be hereditary grand duke doing his duties, with his parents (the soon to be grand duke and grand duchess ) in support.



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