Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene Attend Provale's Charity Gala

Princess Charlene wore a black Callahan wool barathea tuxedo jacket suit by Ralph Lauren, and pearl earrings

On Friday, March 14, 2025, Prince Albert II and Princess Charlène attended Provale’s charity gala evening, organized by the national union of rugby players in France. The event took place at the Four Seasons Hotel George V in Paris. Led by its president, Malik Hamadache, Provale actively works to defend the rights of rugby players and provide them with support.

Princess Charlene wore a black Callahan wool barathea tuxedo jacket suit by Ralph Lauren, and pearl earrings

Sponsored by Thierry Dusautoir, former captain of France’s national rugby team, the evening brought together more than 300 guests, including legendary former players, major figures in rugby, and influential personalities from the sports and business worlds.

Princess Charlene wore a black Callahan wool barathea tuxedo jacket suit by Ralph Lauren, and pearl earrings

Princess Charlene wore a black Callahan wool barathea tuxedo jacket suit by Ralph Lauren, and pearl earrings

One of the highlights of the event was an auction featuring jerseys worn and signed by renowned players, rugby balls, and even unique works of art. All proceeds from the event will go towards funding Provale's initiatives in support of former players facing difficulties.

Princess Charlene wore a black Callahan wool barathea tuxedo jacket suit by Ralph Lauren, and pearl earrings

Princess Charlene wore Ralph Lauren Callahan Wool Barathea Tuxedo Jacket
Ralph Lauren Callahan Wool Barathea Tuxedo Jacket
  1. Anonymous15/3/25 19:58

    Princess Charlène is a pretty woman; in this look, I notice that she has changed her earring style. Which proves that she's open to improvements. Apart from that, I like her pumps.

    Nevertheless, I'd like to see her wear brighter colours; moreover, I've noticed that she seems to like masculine looks.

    I'd like her to dare to wear more feminine clothes, such as skirts, dresses, etc. rather than men's clothes. Not forgetting her shirts; I'd like to see them worn in a more feminine way (a few open buttons rather than all closed ones) and in silk, for example.


    1. Anonymous15/3/25 22:46


    2. Anonymous16/3/25 00:34

      The Princess definitely looks feminine to me. Offer your services as her dresser you seem to have the conviction and clearly Her highness has it wrong ....She looks appropriate for the occasion as I admire the photos from my armchair . Naturally beautiful women Like the princess looks are excentuated by simplisity. I've been blessed to have extraordinary beautiful women in my life. And have seen this daily personified . I seems however your perception of what is best comes from a deep adoration of the Princess and I can't fault that

    3. Anonymous16/3/25 00:43

      Your comment is highly judgmental and rude! No wonder Charlene went awol a couple years ago. If people like you are always offering unwanted, negative advice, the natural response would be to withdraw. I have seen Charlene in -jane

    4. I would not say that because she wore a different earring style it is an improvement but more of a choice to wear a different earring style, have you ever noticed that she has a collection of gold and diamond earrings. Maybe you did not login a few days ago when she wore a powder pink suit, to me pink is very feminine and yes she does wear dresses from time to time and this time she chose a Ralph Lauren suit that a woman is modelling. I would say that she does not choose to wear frilly clothes but you have your opinion and I have mine and I think that this is what the blog is all about!

    5. Anonymous16/3/25 08:14

      Astrid, you’ve written that carefully and as your opinion. I happen to agree, and my opinion is that she does often wear more masculine looks and I too would love to see more softness. For those with different opinions, that’s fine, but write them as your opinion and not denigrating Astrid! This isn’t a competition for who is right, and there’s space for different opinions.

    6. Anonymous16/3/25 08:36

      Thank you for your feedback; I enjoyed reading your comments under mine.

      My aim was not to judge it, far from it.

      I'd like to clarify a few points.

      1-I have a lot of affection for this princess; it's obvious that she's come a long way, and that it's taken her a long time to adapt to this new, high-profile life;

      2-I think that in recent years she has found a style that suits her, and that seems to suit her personality;

      3-I was simply sharing my opinion on how her style could be improved. Because it seems to me that we're on a fashion blog.

      Perhaps that wasn't worded properly? Because I think it's important to show respect for the person and choices of the royals, even if you don't approve of their style of dress.

      But that doesn't change my mind: I wish she would wear skirts, dresses and bright colours more often.

      Because, in my opinion, they would suit her better.


    7. Anonymous16/3/25 09:29

      Improvement? There was nothing wrong in the first place. Black, in particular, is very chic. I love seeing women an elegant black outfit. She isn't wearing men's clothes, it is a woman's tuxedo. Women have worn some feminized form of menswear for a century.

    8. Anonymous16/3/25 10:13

      Thank you for your feedback; I enjoyed reading your comments under mine.

      My aim was not to judge her, far from it.

      I would like to make a few things clear.

      1-I have a great deal of affection for this princess; it's obvious that she's come a long way, and that it's taken her a long time to adapt to this new, high-profile life;

      2-I think that in recent years she has found a style that suits her, and that seems to suit her personality;

      3-I was just sharing my opinion on how her style could be improved. Because it seems to me that we're on a fashion blog.

      Perhaps that wasn't worded properly? Because I think it's important to show respect for the person and choices of the royals, even if you don't approve of their style of dress.

      But that doesn't change my mind: I wish she would wear skirts, dresses and bright colours more often.

      Because, in my opinion, they would suit her better.


    9. P. the original16/3/25 11:01

      Anonymous starring as Astrid 19:58
      You know, frankly speaking , your comment is perceived more as a judgement than as an opinion.
      When you say that Charlene seems to like masculine looks ,it's not clear what you are aiming at or getting at.
      If she wore skirts and dresses, I bet you would get annoyed seeing her statuesque body even more showcased than ever.
      You' ve proved a hundred times that a woman' s beauty hurts you somehow .
      Have you ever considered that she may have chosen this outfit to blend in with the other participants?

    10. Astrid, you've done nothing wrong. You stated your opinion like others do too.

    11. Anonymous16/3/25 16:13

      Sorry, i sent my reply twice.

      I would also like to point out that this is a fashion website that accepts a diversity of opinions. We are not in a dictatorship where a single opinion takes precedence.

      You can share your opinions freely. As long as they are shared with respect, kindness and love.

      I attach great importance to these values.


    12. Anonymous16/3/25 20:43

      Astrid 16:13. "We are not in a dictatorship where a single opinion takes precedence." Well said, I couldn't agree more. You stated your opinion in a polite and respectful way, unlike a certain commenter who likes to bully and censor other posters. Well done.

    13. Anonymous16/3/25 21:20

      I think she looks absolutely smashing here, and not masculine at all. People have different styles, and that's a good thing. It would be boring to see everyone dressing in similar clothes. Preferring more minimalistic style and a simpler colour palette is her style and she probably feels more comfortable that way. Not everyone would feel comfortable in feminine and frilly dresses. I for one dislike wearing skirts and dresses and wouldn't feel myself at all if I had to wear a skirt. People have their own colour preferences as well and hers seems to be of a more muted kind.

    14. Astrid at 16:13, I know how you are feeling because of some comments, I've been there too ;)
      Your comment was simply your own opinion and it was written very kindly and you explained your thoughts good. I do not agree with every word but we all have the right to tell our own opinions (kindly).

      I have written earlier that I miss Charlene's pixie cut but she looks wonderful with those curls. I simply love her tuxido.

    15. P. the original18/3/25 10:13

      @ Anonymous 20:43
      I think you didn't realize what you said.
      You know nothing of Freedom deprivation both in Speech' or any other form.
      Do thank God and the blog administrators that you are still allowed to express yourself in your comments, that you upgrade as " opinions" when only judgements, and negativity can be found in them.
      Thank them all for the mere fact that 3/4 of your nasty and pointless comments are still allowed to get past the filter and that you still can find bloggers ready to talk to you.
      This IS your Freedom of Speech indeed.
      Be grateful for that, as simple as that.
      Enough said.

    16. Anonymous18/3/25 12:11

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    17. P. the original18/3/25 13:38

      @ Anonymous 20:43
      I just want to add that even your bullying and trolling get past the filter!
      You can't ask for more Freedom of Speech, no?
      Be grateful that your so- called " opinions" are tolerated to this extent.
      Please, don't reverse reality as per usual.
      You've proved for such a long time and on a great deal of posters, (no matter the royals involved and their age) and hiding behind all possibile names, signatures and anonimity too, how cruel and judgemental you can be.
      You' re always trying hard to put royal ladies down for one reason or another.
      Your sudden appreciation of some royal ladies isn't convincing in the least.
      I wish you'd have a modicum of this same judgemental attitude to see your own faults and mend them.
      Of course, you can write your absurd tirades aimed at me but you won't get any response from me.
      I only told you the truth and you know it well.
      If I were you, I would take some / a long, very long amount of time to educate myself, read captions and understand contexts and fashion trends, poster after poster.
      Please, think about it before pushing the publish button.
      Gotta leave now.

    18. Anonymous18/3/25 19:11

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Anonymous15/3/25 20:46

    Stunning !


  3. This R L jacket is really splendid, she looks wonderful in this ensemble. I love the white crisp shirt and black button at the neckline. The black pants are a good fit. Her hair looks nice styled in this way, its soft looking and feminine, she suits short hair beautifully. I like her black accessories, the small black clutch is perfect.

    1. Anonymous16/3/25 09:21

      Yes, she is looking very elegant, perfect.

  4. Absolutely Stunning!

  5. Anonymous15/3/25 23:01

    What stunning look. Also, a happy 67th birthday to prince Albert of Monaco.

  6. Anonymous16/3/25 00:31

    J'ai d'abord pensé qu'ils tenaient des oeufs de Pâques ! :D
    Charlène est charmante dans cette tenue. La coiffure un peu ondulée lui va bien et les boucles d'oreilles font un joli contraste avec le noir du costume. Paloma.

  7. Anonymous16/3/25 00:44

    Charlene est toujours élégante dans ces tailleurs noirs. Elle aime la sobriété . Noir et blanc valeur sûre en journée comme en soirée.

  8. Anonymous16/3/25 01:42


  9. Anonymous16/3/25 01:44

    So what is with the length of Prince Alberts trousers. The princess looks nice in her tux, seems to be the trend the severe masculine look.

  10. Virginia Dogwood16/3/25 01:47

    This is one of my favorite outfits. Wow!! Elegant and chic Tuxedo look. I have a black tie event coming up in April and I’d love to have something like this in a less expensive brand. She and the Prince look marvelous. But I also like the lady in the black dress. Very sophisticated.

  11. Anonymous16/3/25 04:51

    Absolutely beautiful

  12. Très élégante Charlène mais une petite touche féminine aurait mieux convenu !

  13. Anonymous16/3/25 10:03

    Love this powergirl pantsuit. She looks smashing in it. The only thing that I would like to ask Charlene is to wear the same hairstyle for a couple of weeks. Sometimes a bit tired of every week something else

  14. Anonymous16/3/25 14:09

    Charlene looks stunning! And her brother is handsome too!

  15. Anonymous16/3/25 14:18

    Very nice and elegant with Victor Victoria vibes. Nice to see her brother there with them.

  16. Anonymous16/3/25 16:01

    Charlene looks smashing in this tuxedo! The wavy hair, dangling earrings, and velvet pumps are feminine and lovely with this menswear look.
    Mrs Cleaver

  17. Anonymous16/3/25 19:52

    I can’t remember a time seeing Princess Charlene looking so beautiful. Something changed in her after her illness and her prolonged stay in Africa. She seems to have found her mojo.
    This is a beautiful and stylish look.

  18. Anonymous17/3/25 06:11

    She is very into trend and as a South African I am proud of her. I just love her hair. Much more soft and feminine.

  19. Anonymous17/3/25 06:11

    She is very into trend and as a South African I am proud of her. I just love her hair. Much more soft and feminine.


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