King Frederik and Queen Mary's State Visit to Finland: Day 1

Queen Mary wore a blue Onirica double breasted coat by Max Mara, burgundy silk blouse, grey skirt. Suzanne Innes-Stubb

King Frederik and Queen Mary are making a two-day state visit to Finland at the invitation of the President of Finland, Alexander Stubb. Denmark and Finland have a close partnership based on shared Nordic values and a common history. On March 4, 2025, King Frederik and Queen Mary were welcomed by the President of the Republic of Finland, Alexander Stubb, and his spouse, Suzanne Innes-Stubb, at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki.

Queen Mary wore a blue Onirica double breasted coat by Max Mara, burgundy silk blouse, grey skirt. Suzanne Innes-Stubb

Queen Mary wore a blue Onirica double breasted coat by Max Mara, burgundy silk blouse, grey skirt. Suzanne Innes-Stubb

Queen Mary wore a blue Onirica double breasted coat by Max Mara, burgundy silk blouse, grey skirt. Suzanne Innes-Stubb

Queen Mary wore a blue Onirica double breasted coat by Max Mara, burgundy silk blouse, grey skirt. Suzanne Innes-Stubb

Queen Mary wore a blue Onirica double breasted coat by Max Mara, burgundy silk blouse, grey skirt. Suzanne Innes-Stubb

Afterwards, Queen Mary and Mrs. Innes-Stubb visited Helsinki's New Children’s Hospital. The hospital, which opened in 2018, is the largest children's hospital in Finland. It treats patients from all over Finland, from newborns to 15-year-olds, for complex pediatric illnesses. There is ongoing cooperation and knowledge-sharing between Rigshospitalet and the New Children’s Hospital. The hospital has won both the Finlandia Prize for Architecture in 2018.

Queen Mary wore a blue Onirica double breasted coat by Max Mara, burgundy silk blouse, grey skirt. Suzanne Innes-Stubb

Queen Mary wore a blue Onirica double breasted coat by Max Mara, burgundy silk blouse, grey skirt. Suzanne Innes-Stubb

Queen Mary wore a blue Onirica double breasted coat by Max Mara, burgundy silk blouse, grey skirt. Suzanne Innes-Stubb

Queen Mary wore a blue Onirica double breasted coat by Max Mara, burgundy silk blouse, grey skirt. Suzanne Innes-Stubb

The Prime Minister of Finland, Petteri Orpo, and Mrs. Niina Kanniainen-Orpo welcomed King Frederik X and Queen Mary at Kesäranta, the Prime Minister’s official residence. Kesäranta is located in the Meilahti neighborhood of Helsinki, overlooking the Seurasaarenselkä Bay. Originally built in 1873, Kesäranta was the summer residence of Finnish architect Frans Ludvig Calonius.

Queen Mary wore a blue Onirica double breasted coat by Max Mara, burgundy silk blouse, grey skirt. Suzanne Innes-Stubb

Queen Mary wore Max Mara Onirica Double Breasted Coat
Max Mara Double Breasted Coat

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  1. Anonymous4/3/25 12:58

    Ms Innes-Stubb elevates the braids to the sphere of the elegant and I simply love it. Why bother with coiffeur and why ruin your hair with a blow-dry if it disappears under a hat - this is simple but extremely beautiful. Other than that, both ladies look impeccable. Also, very good skirt length, if it cannot be knee length, then at least not too long.

    1. I agree! I love her braid, especially under that hat. I also love her outfit and cape. I usually love QMary’s state visit outfits but I’m not loving her boots. I think it’s the color. In my opinion pumps would have looked better with this outfit although probably not as warm and comfortable.

    2. Anonymous4/3/25 14:46

      Great point you’ve made re the plait- great simple hairstyle rarely seen these days in ladies of a certain class - but excellent as well as very neat under a hat. All three ladies are looking very elegant. I’m looking forward to photos from the evening reception!

  2. Anonymous4/3/25 13:17

    Ms Innes-Stubb has very beautiful clothes, like her style very much!

    1. Anonymous4/3/25 21:56

      Ms Innes-Stubb is more funky!

  3. Anonymous4/3/25 13:21

    The first lady of Finland is much more elegant than the Danish queen!

    1. Totally agree. Normally Queen Mary outshines every other lady. Today, her outfit is very sombre in comparison to the look of Finnland's First Lady. Her beige Jackie Kennedy look is perfect.

    2. Anonymous4/3/25 15:31

      I have to agree, the queen’s clothes seem heavy by comparison

    3. Anonymous4/3/25 22:20

      I have to disagree here. Queen Mary is her usual elegant self, dressed in rich colours, seasonally appropriate. The boots are ok, but
      smooth as opposed to slouchy and a thicker heel would have looked better. The finish first Lady looks washed out in this nude/ pink/or beige ensemble and I don't care for the big cape or the braid either . Just an opinion.

    4. Anonymous5/3/25 04:42

      Totally agree! Mrs. Innes-Stubb wins.

  4. Anonymous4/3/25 13:33

    Ms Innes outshines everybody. Since Mary is queen her look is becoming boring.
    Blue is more boring than the bright beige. And long hair doesn't mean automatically looking younger/better. The flowers are lovely.

    1. Anonymous4/3/25 15:43

      I really like the eggplant and blue combination. I wish she had worn an eggplant dress instead of a grey skirt. The skirt does detract from my first impression. I love Mrs. Innes-Stubb's complete outfit, with cape and gloves. Very elegant.

    2. Anonymous4/3/25 16:10

      I don’t find Mary as queen boring at all! - but I also appreciate more conservative styling, and especially for public figures who will be photographed a lot and whose photography records may last for a very long time. Classic works long term, too fashionable doesn’t. I find her very smart in her clothing choices.

    3. Anonymous4/3/25 16:13

      I also noticed a change in fashion since Mary is queen and not for the best. Her husband stays the worst dressed monarch, alas.

    4. Anonymous4/3/25 17:06

      As to "boring" as a comment: of course it is not forbidden to be bored. But this says more of the writer than about the outfit and are we not here to hear about the outfit? Everything and anything can be boring to some of us, but to communicate that something is "boring" is ... well, well, boring :-)

    5. Anonymous4/3/25 21:59

      The less people are boring the better.

  5. Both Mary and Mrs. Innes-Stubb are natural beauties. Wonderful pictures!

  6. Anonymous4/3/25 14:07

    Very chic little capelet on the First Lady of Finland. I also love Q Mary's warm grey skirt and boots!
    Mrs Cleaver

  7. Anonymous4/3/25 14:08

    I know this is not a competition, but comparisons are natural in this instance. And my goodness - Queen Mary always delivers with state visits, but this time, she underwhelms. From the slouchy boots giving too casual a feel, to the strange opening in her headpiece, making it an open pillbox vs. a headband, to the skirt and blouse combo - everything but the coat is a "no" for me. On the other hand, it's almost as though the first lady, knowing she was hosting one of Europe's most fashionable royals, really brought her "A Game" and wowed us. The ensemble is gorgeous, down to the last detail. The only thing I might have changed is the color, for something richer/darker.


  8. Anonymous4/3/25 14:23

    The finnish lady has style!

  9. Anonymous4/3/25 14:47

    Pure Schönheit und Eleganz von Suzanne Innes - Stubb und die schöne Zopffrisur. Diese Frisur hätte ich mir schon längstens bei Prinzessin Victoria von Schweden gewünscht, es sieht immer gepflegt aus, etwas jugendlicher Schwung und hier wunderschön mit der Kopfbedeckung gelöst. -Dorothe-

  10. Anonymous4/3/25 15:29

    Je suis d'accord avec Anonyme 12 : 58 pour la coiffure. C'est dommage d'ailleurs de voir si rarement des tresses. Cette dame brune a une grande classe et fait un peu penser à Maria Callas.
    Les boucles d'oreilles lui vont bien, sans être trop voyantes tout en rajoutant une petite touche de brillant dans une tenue assez discrète mais très chic. Le tailleur crème lui donne une belle ligne.
    Avec la petite cape, les gants et le chapeau tambourin ça donne un style années 50 très glamour. La seule chose qui me semble moins bien est le petit sac beige à cause de la forme, mais c'est un léger détail.
    Elles sont belles toutes les deux et aussi élégantes l'une que l'autre.
    Le gris de la jupe s'harmonise bien avec le chemisier aubergine ainsi qu'avec le bleu du manteau. La petite pochette violette est parfaite et les bottes en velours superbes. La broche semble originale. Paloma.

  11. Anonymous4/3/25 15:31

    Prefer the black boots. Not to keen on the hat/hair.

  12. Quel style élégant chez madame Suzanne Innes-Stubb ; je ne suis pas fan du tambourin mais je reconnais qu'elle le porte à ravir !

  13. Anonymous4/3/25 16:37

    Mary needs a new stylist!

    1. Anonymous4/3/25 19:57

      16:37. You again. Why don't you apply for the job and spare us your one-liners?

  14. Anonymous4/3/25 17:19

    I really like Mary’s outfit, except the boots - both the color and the width up her lower legs look off with this outfit. The button detail on the upper left of her top gives some nice interest. The First Lady looks elegant, but I think the color of her outfit is a bit blah.
    -Royal Watcher

    1. Anonymous5/3/25 01:56

      I do agree with you. I’ve been reading through the comments praising the Finnish First Lady and I’m surprised that her outfit is so popular. I think the colour is very bland and not especially flattering. I like the cape and the shoes but I much prefer Queen Mary’s outfit. Once they remove their coats, I don’t think either outfit is stunning

  15. Anonymous4/3/25 17:43

    From Joann: Here's a thought. Mary probably did her research and realized the First Lady is a fashion icon. So she may have just decided to "dress down" a bit so as not to be in competition. Queens are supposed to be above fashion and that may have influenced her choices.

  16. Anonymous4/3/25 19:18

    Both ladies look very elegant. The Finnish ‘FL’ classic, QM more modern. I really enjoy the rich blue, purple and grey colorcombination. I like the suede boots of QM in stead of the usual pumps.

  17. Anonymous4/3/25 22:44

    I would have loved QM ensemble had it not been for the boots. They look ill fitting,though that might be the style,it ruins the overall look.
    The First Lady knocked it out the park. I’m not usually a fan of all beige outfits, but against her dark hair, it works.

  18. Anonymous5/3/25 01:20

    In photo 8, the two ladies look like twins. Very happy too.

  19. Anonymous5/3/25 03:45

    QM and First Lady look like sisters. The FL of Finland is of Scottish descent. Perhaps they're distant relatives.

  20. Anonymous5/3/25 05:56

    The boots, not right in colour or style. Shame because the rest of the outfit was very polished.
    ~ Peonies

  21. Mary really needs a new stylist

  22. Anonymous5/3/25 21:52

    The Finnish First Lady is channeling Jackie Kennedy. Very chic and polished. And to Anonymous @ 21:59, "The less people are boring the better.," you must love Queen Maxima. She's rarely boring and I enjoy the debate she brings with every outfit and hairdo.


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