King Frederik and Princess Josephine Attend Denmark vs. Portugal Match

King Frederik and his daughter, Princess Josephine watched the UEFA Nations League match

On Thursday evening, March 20, 2025, King Frederik X of Denmark and his daughter, Princess Josephine, attended the UEFA Nations League match between Denmark and Portugal at Parken Stadium in Copenhagen to support the Danish national football team. Denmark won the match with a score of 1-0.

King Frederik and his daughter, Princess Josephine watched the UEFA Nations League match

King Frederik and his daughter, Princess Josephine watched the UEFA Nations League match

King Frederik and his daughter, Princess Josephine watched the UEFA Nations League match

King Frederik and his daughter, Princess Josephine watched the UEFA Nations League match

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  1. Anonymous21/3/25 13:09

    King and Princess, or just a dad and his daughter enjoying some normal time together. Both look chill and pretty cool.
    - Anon 9:13

  2. Anonymous21/3/25 13:40

    Danish dynamite!

  3. Anonymous21/3/25 15:48

    Nice to see them have leisure time.

  4. Anonymous21/3/25 15:56

    Josephine reminds her mother more and more ❤️

    1. Yes, she does. Her sister takes more after their father.

  5. Josephine has grown up into a beautiful young lady!!

  6. P. the original21/3/25 18:06

    What a lovely outing for Dad & beautiful Josephine!
    She looks like the blonde counterpart of her mother.
    So pretty!

  7. Anonymous21/3/25 19:31

    These photos make me think that dad says who wants to go to the game with me, and Josephine says I will. Dress warm and lets go.

  8. Anonymous21/3/25 19:37

    It seems she usually tries to hide her braces when she knows she's being photographed. It's nice to see where her smile actually looks like in the last photo. Very pretty girl. A nice combination of both her parent's features.

  9. Superbes photos où nous voyons Frédéric de sortie avec sa fille qui est devenue bien jolie !

  10. How lovely, father and daughter out and about sharing something they obviously both love. She reminds me so much of her mum, beautiful young lady.

  11. Anonymous23/3/25 02:01

    How wonderful, father and daughter outing.


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