Japan's Emperor and Empress Welcome the Recipients of the Medical Service Award

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako met with the recipients of the Medical Service Award

On March 14, (Reiwa 7), Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako met with the recipients of the Medical Service Award, which honors individuals who have made significant contributions in the medical field. The meeting took place at the Imperial Residence, where the Emperor and Empress expressed their appreciation for the recipients' dedication and hard work.

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako met with the recipients of the Medical Service Award

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako met with the recipients of the Medical Service Award

The Medical Service Award is given by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare to medical professionals who have dedicated themselves to providing community-based healthcare in challenging environments, such as depopulated rural areas and remote islands.

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako met with the recipients of the Medical Service Award

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  1. Anonymous17/3/25 01:04

    Empress looks best in pant suits

  2. Le couple impérial est toujours élégant - Masako a beaucoup d'allure dans cet ensemble veste/pantalon ; elle a su adopter un petit chignon bas tressé !

  3. Anonymous17/3/25 19:05

    Great look for Empress Masako.

  4. Ava Pittman17/3/25 20:35

    She wears pantsuits well. This looks fabulous. I love the colour of her shoes.

  5. Anonymous17/3/25 23:45

    I like that HM is wearing pant suits. They suit her height and shape perfectly! She always and without fail turns up to events well polished and oozing elegance and charm.

  6. Anonymous18/3/25 01:51

    The Emperor and Empress always are so elegant and have the most engaging smiles


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