Crown Princess Victoria Visits the Community Center in Vivalla

Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue Zamia open front tweed jacket by Iro Paris, during visit Örebro Folkets Hus

On Thursday, March 20, 2025, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden traveled to Örebro to visit organizations affected in various ways by the violent attack at Risbergska School in February. The Crown Princess visited a class from Risbergska School, which is currently studying in temporary facilities in central Örebro. The students she met are training to become assistant nurses while also studying vocational Swedish.

Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue Zamia open front tweed jacket by Iro Paris, during visit Örebro Folkets Hus

Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue Zamia open front tweed jacket by Iro Paris, during visit Örebro Folkets Hus

Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue Zamia open front tweed jacket by Iro Paris, during visit Örebro Folkets Hus

Afterwards, Crown Princess Victoria visited Folkets Hus (The People’s House) in Vivalla and met with a group of people deeply committed to their local community. Vivalla is a district and neighborhood in the northwestern part of Örebro. The Folkets Hus association has played a key role as a gathering place in the aftermath of the attack.

Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue Zamia open front tweed jacket by Iro Paris, during visit Örebro Folkets Hus

Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue Zamia open front tweed jacket by Iro Paris, during visit Örebro Folkets Hus

Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue Zamia open front tweed jacket by Iro Paris, during visit Örebro Folkets Hus

Crown Princess Victoria wore IRO PARIS Zamia Open Front Tweed-Jacket
IRO PARIS Zamia Tweed-Jacket

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  1. Très jolie petite veste avec un air Chanel ; sur un haut blanc combiné avec le pantalon bleu-marine, cela aurait donné un look parfait !

  2. Anonymous21/3/25 10:21

    Sounds like an important visit, and a brilliant programme. Victoria looks very good in this springtime blue. Above all she looks very kind and gentle. How lovely.

  3. Rossella 🖤21/3/25 10:26

    Mi piace sempre tanto questa giacca e l'outfit tutto è la scelta giusta per l'incontro, non c'è bisogno di esagerare con gli accessori.

  4. Anonymous21/3/25 11:16

    This is such a pretty look on the Princess! I’m wondering if hers is a bespoke version - the sleeves on the model are 3/4 length, while HRH P Victoria’s are down to her wrists.

    Pale blue must be the new color for spring based on all the pale blue suits we’ve seen here in past week or so, and I think it looks great!

  5. Anonymous21/3/25 12:46

    Malgré mon grand âge, j aime porter des vêtements aux couleurs pastel , bleu, rose

  6. Anonymous21/3/25 13:19

    Victoria looks lovely in this shade of blue. There is something very sincere and innately kind about her. Sweden is very lucky to have her!

  7. Anonymous21/3/25 15:46

    I very much like this jacket both in fit and colour. She looks very nice in blue.

  8. Anonymous21/3/25 15:59

    Un très joli bleu myosotis, un très joli tissu aussi pour la veste chinée.
    Le fin collier semble ravissant, en tout cas bien plus élégant que la chaîne épaisse qu'elle porte assez souvent (le 19 et le 14). Paloma.

  9. This ensemble looks splendid. The pants look great, I much prefer this length on the Princess and no small boots. This outfit looks very elegant. Love the pale blue jacket and the crisp blue shirt.


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