Crown Princess Victoria Meets Participants of the UD Training Program

Crown Princess Victoria wore a burgundy velvet midi skirt and a burgundy silk shirt by Malina

On March 6, Crown Princess Victoria participated in a meeting with staff currently enrolled in the Diplomatic Program, Foreign Administration Program, or Assistant Program at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (UD). The meeting was held in the Karl XV Hall at the Royal Palace. These three training programs prepare participants for service in foreign administration, whether at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Stockholm or at Sweden’s embassies, missions, and consulates abroad.

Crown Princess Victoria wore a burgundy velvet midi skirt and a burgundy silk shirt by Malina

On the same day, Crown Princess Victoria also received Ajay Banga, President of the World Bank, and Minister Elisabeth Svantesson. The World Bank consists of five international organizations responsible for providing financial assistance and advisory services to countries with the aim of promoting economic development and poverty eradication. During the meeting, the World Bank President provided updates on the institution’s current priorities.

Crown Princess Victoria wore a burgundy velvet midi skirt and a burgundy silk shirt by Malina

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  1. Dans cette parfaite association des couleurs Bordeaux, Victoria est élégante ; j’aime beaucoup la robe de la dame blonde à sa droite, la ministre Elisabeth Svantesson.mais pas ses chaussures !

  2. Anonymous6/3/25 18:45

    Même si elle arbore des escarpins, la jupe me semble très longue ; une « knee -length» aurait été meilleure.

    De même qu’un chemisier plus près du corps.

    Néanmoins, cette princesse demeure ma préférée.


  3. Anonymous6/3/25 21:07

    I do not think that this ensemble is very flattering nor the colour. The skirt is too long. And it would be nice if Victoria would sometimes do something else with her hair. This hairstyle gives her face such a stern appearance, while I think she is very friendly warm person

    1. It is my opinion as well.

  4. Anonymous6/3/25 22:01

    The skirt is too long and the look somewhat boring, however, perhaps all this was intentional because it allows her guest Ajay Banga, the president of the World Bank, to shine very brightly. He looks very elegant and slightly exotic.
    🌞 Virginia

  5. Anonymous6/3/25 22:32

    She did something else with her hair and I think the high bun is lovely, she could stick with that. There are quite a lot of more valuable (and interesting) things to do in her job, I understand fully that she does not want to spend time for letting someone pamper her hair daily, which would be necessary considering her difficult hair structure. That skirt of her is very awkward, somehow formless and also too long.

    1. Anonymous7/3/25 11:19

      Très bien dit anonyme 22 : 32, j'ai le même avis pour ce chignon qui lui va très bien. Et même avis pour la jupe un peu trop longue. Paloma

  6. Anonymous6/3/25 23:09

    So sorry to think what I think but Victoria needs a new stylist……so utterly boring looking clothes. She’s such a pretty woman with a great figure and would have looked so nice in almost anything else. Goes for the other lady too who is what I think the Minister of Finance in Sweden. Well, well. ac

  7. Anonymous7/3/25 00:01

    Very pretty color for Victoria. Mr Banga looks quite impressive in his suit!

    1. Anonymous7/3/25 11:23

      J'aimerais ajouter que M. Banga est très fruité ;-)
      Je ne sais pas si le slogan publicitaire français est le même dans les pays britanniques. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas cette publicité, je tiens à préciser que ma remarque est humoristique et pas du tout péjorative. Paloma.

  8. The color is gorgeous. I dislike the skirt, too long, and shapeless. The blouse is okay. Love her shoes and clutch.

  9. Anonymous8/3/25 20:17

    Like Victorias look. Rich plume color.


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