Sweden’s Royal Court Releases the First Photo of Princess Ines

Princess Ines is the fourth child and first daughter of Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia

The Swedish Royal Court has released the first photo of Princess Ines, the daughter of Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia. The photo was taken by Princess Sofia. Princess Ines was born on February 7, 2025, at Danderyd Hospital in Stockholm. The baby daughter of Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia has been named Ines. Her full name is Ines Marie Lilian Silvia, and she will be known as Princess Ines of Sweden.

Princess Ines is the fourth child and first daughter of Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia

Princess Ines is the fourth child and first daughter of Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia, and a little sister to Prince Alexander, Prince Gabriel, and Prince Julian. However, following a decision made by the King in 2019, Ines will not hold the HRH title. The King ruled that only his children and the children of his heir, Crown Princess Victoria, would have that status. His other grandchildren, including Ines, remain princes or princesses but without the HRH style.


(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous10/2/25 21:07

    Une bien jolie poupée
    Merci aux parents de publier une photo de leur princesse

  2. Anonymous10/2/25 21:23

    Ouch she is gorgeous 😍 warm congratulations to happy parents !

    1. Anonymous12/2/25 06:34

      Yes, beautiful baby, just 1-2 days "old".

  3. Anonymous10/2/25 21:24

    -Royal Watcher

  4. Anonymous10/2/25 21:26

    Very beautiful baby girl !!

  5. Anonymous10/2/25 21:51

    Awww.... beautiful baby.
    - Anon 9:13

  6. Anonymous10/2/25 22:00

    Tiny Ines has an adorable outfit with a bit of piping and some strawberrys ... not too much, just the right amount to delight us and the colour is absolutely fitting. What a little cutie!!!

    1. Anonymous11/2/25 22:13

      Anonyme 22 : 00, ce ne sont pas des fraises mais des petits coeurs roses !
      Cette petite fille est très belle, comme ses parents. Paloma.

  7. Anonymous10/2/25 22:16

    Adorable girl! May be healthy and blessed!

  8. Anonymous10/2/25 22:42

    Lovely photo of a beautiful baby. Can’t say I love the name but I do respect that it might be a connection to Grandmother Silvia’s Brazilian heritage as Ines is a classic name there and in Portuguese- and Spanish-speaking countries.

    1. Anonymous11/2/25 00:43

      No, it has to do with Sofia's family in Dalarna!

    2. Anonymous11/2/25 01:50

      The name could easily be from both places. Unless they announce the reason for the choice, either could be correct.

    3. Anonymous11/2/25 07:50

      Anon 00: 43..in Sewdish the name would have been Agneta

    4. @anon 00:43, the second name, Marie, comes from Sofia's mother Marie Hellqvist. It can also be that Princess Marie of Denmark will be a godmother, who knows 🤷‍♀️

      So sweet baby, adorable.

  9. Anonymous10/2/25 23:16

    Sweet pretty little baby. So precious.

  10. Anonymous11/2/25 00:41

    The King said her name was Inse! Was that wrong?

    1. Anonymous11/2/25 01:47

      The King is dyslexic. He reversed the last two letters. Her name is definitely Ines, not Inse.

    2. Anonymous11/2/25 03:31

      Hmmm I suggest your comment may be to stir some trouble, unnecessary here. The name was published clearly. Isn’t she adorable. Why not comment instead with congratulations!

    3. Anonymous11/2/25 04:43

      The names was a top secret also to the King until the very minute he entered the meeting for the reveal. Also due to his dyslexia he said Inse instead of Ines 🌸

    4. Rossella 🖤11/2/25 05:33

      Il re è dislessico, si è scusato.

  11. Ava Pittman11/2/25 02:14

    Gorgeous and adorable!!!

  12. Anonymous11/2/25 02:27

    wow she is so cute! such a lovely picture, looks like she is smiling! thanks for sharing Helen, it does cheer up our day :-)

  13. Anonymous11/2/25 02:33

    Just beautiful. Mary

  14. Congratulations to the couple! What a blessing a healthy baby girl, may they have many happy memories together

  15. Anonymous11/2/25 03:23

    Trop mignonne la petite! Et quel plaisir de voir son si joli visage. J’essaie de comprendre pourquoi certains ne montrent pas le visage d’un tout petit bébé et je ne comprends pas.

    1. Oui, c'est vrai!

    2. Anonymous11/2/25 14:43

      These days, there can be serious safety concerns. It has been discussed in previous posts. Each family does what they feel is best for their children and family. I respect each family's decision.

  16. Anonymous11/2/25 07:06

    In Sweden many thinks this is a boring name, Ines!

    1. Anonymous11/2/25 08:53

      In Sewdish, It is Agneta.

    2. Anonymous11/2/25 10:07

      Every name is beautiful not boring. Sometimes names are changed (made shorter or translated) by the parents or family or friends later.
      I like the name Inés, just as I like the Swedish equivalent Agneta.

    3. Anonymous11/2/25 10:17

      Why not just be happy for the family? Nice to see a proper baby pic without its face obscured 👶

    4. Anonymous11/2/25 10:53

      I don't understand why there is so many comments about the baby's name, Ines, Inse, Agnes, Agneta where it comes from, Brazil, Spain, etc. please ladies, stop your silly comments, it is stupid and none of our business. She is her precious little girl and I wish them many happy memories together.

    5. Anonymous11/2/25 14:29

      Anon 07.06, not sure where you got that info from?

    6. Anonymous11/2/25 14:49

      I agree with @anon 10:53 mjt. It is rude to express dislike of a baby's name. She is a beautiful and healthy baby. That is what is important. We all need to remember how we would feel if strangers were treating our new baby this way.

    7. Anonymous12/2/25 06:44

      "In Sweden many thinks ..." Are you Swedish? And then, it should be "many think", not thinks in proper English.

    8. Anonymous12/2/25 15:09

      I am Swedish and I and many with me love the name!

      Also, why do you other Anonymous keep saying Agneta? Ines is a Swedish name!

  17. Anonymous11/2/25 07:52

    She is just so beautiful. - Louise

  18. Anonymous11/2/25 09:43

    Such a beautiful baby, congratulations to the family! I'm sure she has already got a few family members wrapped around her tiny little pinky finger! Something about a dad and a daughter or daughters they tend to forget the word no lol! My son at least lol. I'm so happy for them.

  19. Anonymous11/2/25 09:52

    Ines is also a finnish name for a girl

    1. Anonymous11/2/25 12:11

      Ines is used in a lot of countries, with slightly differing ortography (Ines or Inés in Spanish or even Inez elsewhere). It is not really the same as Agneta or Agnes, but it is said to originate in Latin 'agnus', or else in Greek 'hagnos'. So it is not of Spanish origin, it is just more popular in Spanish speaking countries, but is well used in other countries as well, e.g. Germany (where they have Ines and Agnes too).

    2. Anonymous12/2/25 17:33

      Yes, and we write it also Ines, not Inés.

  20. Anonymous11/2/25 10:08

    I like that she is smiling so beautifully already.

  21. P. the original11/2/25 10:09

    Just my contribution.
    When I was a college student, I was taught that Germanic languages- including Swedish- are normally accented on the first or radical syllable.
    This is called rhyzotonic accent.
    It would take longer to make an outline, so I just want to sum it all up
    That's why Ines should be pronuonced with the stress on the first syllable.
    This baby girl is marvellous and adorable.
    My congratulations on such joyous event.

    1. Anonymous11/2/25 11:27

      It is not s Sewdish name, It would be Agnetha as the ABBA singer, It is Inés, Spanish

    2. You're absolutely right. Regardless of the origin of the name. Ines is a female name that has been used in Sweden for a very long time. In Swedish it's pronounced Eeness.

    3. Anonymous11/2/25 13:02

      To P. the original: You are very right.

    4. P. the original11/2/25 16:11

      Anonymous 11:27
      My comment did not mention the Spanish origin but how Ines should be pronuonced in a Germanic language such as Swedish.
      The origin of a word/ name and how it is pronuonced in a target language are quite different things.
      In most cases, sounds are re- elaborated to adjust to the stress pattern of a target language.
      As I said, It would take much longer to be explained.
      A native Swedish speaker might choose to use the Spanish pronounciation as well.

  22. Quel adorable bébé ; j'ai hâte de la voir grandir !

  23. Anonymous11/2/25 14:01

    P. the original - thank you for this insight. I was thinking the exact opposite - in-NES but it is IN-nes, which is actually far more interesting in my opinion!


  24. Anonymous11/2/25 14:26

    It has been said and confirmed that Inés is a Spanish name. So it must be pronounced like in Spanish and written like in Spanish with an accent. It is as simple as that.

    1. Anonymous11/2/25 16:02

      Not quite as simple, as the natural Swedish pronunciation is differently accented than the Spanish. So she will be ee-nes or ee-nyes, not i-nes, accent first syllable.

    2. Anonymous11/2/25 18:18

      Anon 14:26: No, I am sorry it is not as simple as that. Take "Maria(/Mary/Marie/Mária" or "Eva/Eve" or "Susan/Zsuzsa/Susanna/Shoshana" etc. - you cannot simply declare the country with the most frquent usage to be the country of origin. Some names are an international good, mostly originating in Latin or Greek or Hebrew. Ines is simply one of them.

    3. Anonymous12/2/25 15:11

      It's Ínes, not Inés.
      /Sofia from Sweden

  25. Anonymous11/2/25 14:38

    The little princess is gorgeous! Congratulations to Carl Philip, Sofia, and their boys--I am sure this precious baby girl brings much joy and happiness to her whole family.


  26. Anonymous11/2/25 16:20

    Lucky GIRL, född i varmhjärtad och härlig FAMILJ ... Mitt ärliga GRATTIS till denna underbara Baby-Girl !!!

  27. Anonymous11/2/25 17:10

    So cute.

  28. Anonymous11/2/25 17:36

    Sweden was in chock a couple of minutes, when every one thougt the name of the princess was Inse!

  29. Beautiful baby girl, she has very handsome brothers and excellent parents.

  30. Anonymous11/2/25 20:10

    What a cute little girl. Wishing her a happy life together with her parents and siblings. Finally a normal photo of an adorable girl instead of a hand or foot in black and white

  31. Anonymous11/2/25 20:11

    What a cutie. Best Wishes to the parents and both set of Grandparents.

  32. Anonymous11/2/25 21:43

    I am returning to this picture again and again, just for the pure pleasure to see such a beautiful newborn baby. The form of her little head is simply perfect, which is rare such a short time after the birth.

  33. Anonymous12/2/25 02:10

    Thank God, it was not Inse!

    1. Anonymous12/2/25 10:15

      Actually Inse would be very sweet - as is Ines

  34. Anonymous12/2/25 18:36

    Tre söta små musketörer - Alexander (8), Gabriel (7) och Julian (3) - som ska skydda din vackra prinsessa INES...så underbart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. Anonymous12/2/25 20:31

    What a beautiful little girl. The pride and joy of both families. Welcome to the World little Pss Ines Marie Lilian Silvia of Sweden.


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