Queen Maxima Visits Washington for Discussions on Financial Health

Queen Máxima wore a green leather skirt and green wool short coat by Natan

Queen Máxima of the Netherlands is making a visit to Washington on February 19 and 20, and to New York on February 24 and 25, for discussions related to her role as the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Financial Health (UNSGSA). In Washington, Queen Máxima met with the President of the World Bank, the Managing Directors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), as well as other key stakeholders, to discuss cooperation on financial health.

Queen Máxima wore a green leather skirt and green wool short coat by Natan

Queen Máxima wore a green leather skirt and green wool short coat by Natan

Queen Máxima wore a green leather skirt and green wool short coat by Natan

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous20/2/25 16:25

    What a wonderful look on the Wueen who looks smart and warm. MR

  2. Anonymous20/2/25 17:07

    I think it is the first time I see her not wearing earrings or other jewellery. Still queen Max though, in her green leather

    1. Anonymous20/2/25 19:53

      Die Königin hat doch hier beide Armgelenke voll behängt mit Schmuck?!

    2. Anonymous21/2/25 09:01

      @ Anon. 19:53
      So what. I made the photo bigger. What I saw were 3 thin bracelets on her right wrist. On her left wrist she probably wears what she always do, her watch, the bracelet with the initials of her 3 daughters "AAA" and another or two bracelets with a meaning. She probably also wears her wedding and engagement ring. Nothing extraordinary this is what many women wear every day, including myself.

    3. Anonymous21/2/25 11:47

      Anonyme 17 : 07. Elle a au moins 3 bracelets. Paloma.

  3. Anonymous20/2/25 17:28

    Love the colour, not a fan of leather skirts, but it suits her well.

    1. Anonymous21/2/25 00:02

      My thoughts entirely

  4. Anonymous20/2/25 17:36

    Good work outfit, but it could be improved if the turtleneck and jacket had lighter colors. I have the same skirt and I wear it with a white or lilac turtleneck.
    Unfortunately, the resulting impression is ruined by her messy hair. Surely, various discussants will jump out to defend her hairstyle and will lecture me and other critics that hair is not important, that she does an amazing job, that we are haters, etc., etc.
    Dear opponents, I acknowledge Maxima is certainly a nice and hardworking lady, but I reserve the right to freedom of opinion and I say: Every woman's hair can be styled nicely, you just need to find the right cut and put in a little effort. I also have fine hair, so I know it can be done. (And nevertheless that I don't have the same opportunities and staff as Maxima).

    1. Anonymous20/2/25 21:52

      Hear hear!!

    2. Dear Stephanie, I really appreciate how respectful you made your point, I don't agree, but I think this is how we should make a comment/ critique, without names or mean remarks.
      And yes no earrings?? Never seen that before. The rest of the outfit looks appropriate and warm!

    3. Anonymous21/2/25 01:15

      I appreciate your opinion and your right to express it. I always go back to the same question: Why do comments about her hair need to be repeated every time? I think we have all accepted that this is how her hair usually looks. It would be like pointing out every time Camilla is wearing her black boots or Victoria's hair is in a bun. Some things are constants.

    4. Anonymous21/2/25 02:09

      Anonymous 20/2/25 17:36
      Very well stated!

    5. Anonymous21/2/25 09:06

      @ Stephanie
      I do not like the colors you suggest about QM's outfit. Do you think QM takes her whole staff with her when she is working in Washington and New York ? You could be surprised.

  5. Anonymous20/2/25 17:55

    Présente, impliquée, authentique.

    Qu’est-ce que j’aime cette reine !!

  6. Anonymous20/2/25 18:01

    I would ♥️ wear this outfit.

    1. Anonymous21/2/25 09:09

      The same for me ! The global look is fine for me.

  7. Anonymous20/2/25 18:11

    Maxima gets down to business and she does it very well!
    - Anon 9:13

  8. Superbe allure dans cette couleur verte ; j'aurais bien voulu mieux voir son bracelet ?!

  9. Anonymous20/2/25 20:45

    She is very intelligent,I'm proud of her as an Argentinian.

  10. Seeing Máxima without earrings is a very strange thing. It's like something isn't right or is missing.

    1. Anonymous21/2/25 09:10

      We could see it that way.

  11. Virginia Dogwood21/2/25 01:45

    I absolutely love this outfit - the leather skirt adds just the right amount of edge to this polished ensemble. As I age, my fine hair is thinning, just like Maxima's and I have done everything. Cutting it just to my collarbone has helped - a little. I'd break the palace bank and keep a hairstylist on call since she has to constantly be in the public eye and we the public are so harsh and critical.

  12. Anonymous21/2/25 08:50

    On the first picture Queen Maxima looks like Belgian Minister, Annelies Verlinden. She has often the same style of dresses like Queen Maxima. As a minister on her way to the parliament she walks also with papers in her arms like that.

  13. Anonymous21/2/25 14:40

    Her hair is probably due to menopause. Do you know how much my hair has changed. It's like night and day. I mourn my youthful hair everyday now. That's how much it has changed. And just because you become a royal, aging still works the same for them.

    1. Anonymous21/2/25 15:59

      Very true. It is a sad fact of aging. Unfortunately, as Virginia Dogwood 1:45 said, "[W]e the public are so harsh and critical." It is a pity that so many people cannot be understanding, and would rather go on the attack.

    2. Virginia Dogwood23/2/25 03:01

      Amen! We're in the same boat when it comes to aging hair .

  14. Anonymous22/2/25 01:11

    If someone can carry it of it is Maxima, Lovely green.

  15. Anonymous22/2/25 01:52

    Why are we only talking about what our friend Máxima is wearing? What about the thoughtful substance of her words and actions during this visit? We all need to be better, for females everywhere.

  16. Anonymous22/2/25 11:47



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