Queen Maxima Visits Post-COVID Expertise Center at Erasmus MC

Queen Máxima wore new outfit consists of a loose-fitting black top and white pleated trousers from the fashion house Natan

On February 18, 2025, Queen Máxima of the Netherlands paid a working visit to the Post-COVID Expertise Center at Erasmus MC in Rotterdam. Post-COVID, or long COVID, refers to symptoms that persist for more than three months after a coronavirus infection. In the Netherlands, between 300,000 and 500,000 adults suffer from post-COVID, with approximately 100,000 experiencing severe symptoms that limit their daily lives.

Queen Máxima wore new outfit consists of a loose-fitting black top and white pleated trousers from the fashion house Natan

Queen Máxima wore new outfit consists of a loose-fitting black top and white pleated trousers from the fashion house Natan

Dutch Queen Máxima spoke with healthcare professionals about the center’s role in supporting post-COVID patients. She also met with patients to hear about their experiences.

Queen Máxima wore new outfit consists of a loose-fitting black top and white pleated trousers from the fashion house Natan

Queen Máxima wore new outfit consists of a loose-fitting black top and white pleated trousers from the fashion house Natan

Since November, four Post-COVID Expertise Centers have been established at the University Medical Centers in Amsterdam, Maastricht, Rotterdam, and Utrecht. The aim is to gain a better understanding of post-COVID through scientific research and specialized care and to contribute to effective treatments.

Queen Máxima wore new outfit consists of a loose-fitting black top and white pleated trousers from the fashion house Natan

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous18/2/25 19:14

    Nice black top and white pants. But the hair! how it's possible that nobody in her entourage tells her to do something about her hair??? This is getting ridiculous.

    1. Anonymous18/2/25 19:57

      These were my first thoughts also. It is amazing that someone who holds the title of queen can go in public with hair like this. It is really too bad because the outfit she is wearing is quite nice, but the hair just ruins her entire look.

    2. Anonymous18/2/25 21:26

      I focus on her compassion, her intelligence, her beauty, and her hair is then completely irrelevant. If anything, the fact that she is imperfect makes her even more relatable to the people she meets. - Mary

    3. Anonymous18/2/25 22:50

      To 18/2/25 21:26 Mary . I do agree with you that the other quality are matters BUT she is representing Netherland! She is queen!

    4. Anonymous19/2/25 01:40

      Agree with original poster, totally agree about the hair, she is representing and entire country.

    5. Anonymous19/2/25 03:43

      I agree but unfortunately it does catch your eye

  2. Anonymous18/2/25 19:55

    Someone needs to tell her a hairdresser will not go amiss

    1. Anonymous19/2/25 02:40

      I don’t think she has one.

  3. Anonymous18/2/25 21:38

    Unfortunatly a messy.look. she can do better.

  4. Anonymous18/2/25 21:49

    Looks like a teenager ( and that is not a compliment)

  5. Máxima is a woman with a strong and extravagant personality and this is reflected in her clothes and jewelry. I think she likes this hairstyle and doesn't care if anyone doesn't like it. It's unconventional for a queen, but Máxima isn't a conventional queen either. She is a beautiful woman and even with this hairstyle she often looks good. Many criticize her insect brooches and she continues to wear them. Typical of her.

  6. Anonymous18/2/25 22:31

    I don't quite understand you all. (1) She does not have dirty hair. (2) she does have thin hair. (3) She obviously does not want to have extensions and (4) to waste her time with blow dry or any other hair related manipulations, except colouring which does not have to happen that frequently. So why are so many blog visitors indignant about the visible evidence for all these facts? Her qualities as queen are hopefully not dependent on the quality of her hair or hairstyle. But the quality of this blog sometimes suffer from these never-ending lamentations about Queen Maxima's hair.

    1. Anonymous19/2/25 01:23

      She does have many admirable qualities as Queen and those should be the main focus but it surely wouldn’t take that much time to style her hair for an everyday event. Most non royal women do it everyday. Like it or not hair, make up, clothes, etc are the first things one sees in a person and do make an impression. I like Maxima very much, she seems highly intelligent, kind, funny and would be interesting to talk to but people on this blog will continue to criticize her hair when it looks messy. That’s a fashion blog for you! And she also gets many positive compliments when her hair is styled well too!

    2. Anonymous19/2/25 01:57

      I know this may cause outrage to many here but it occurred to me recently that I personally find Queen Maxima’s lack of vanity about her unkempt hair quite encouraging ( true also to a much lesser extent about Princess Anne) As someone with very fine hair, (getting even finer with age!) I find the time and effort required to make it look perfect a waste of valuable time and energy. The fact that someone in the public eye seems to have the same view is refreshing. Much though I admire the Princess of Wales, the time and effort to keep that mane of hair, coloured and coiffed to perfection must be considerable.

    3. Anonymous19/2/25 02:59

      While I do not hold the title of "queen", I also have thin hair without extensions. It is not a waste of time to use curlers, curling iron and other related manipulations. It shows that you actually care what you look like and that you do not look like you just rolled out of bed, especially if one holds the title of "queen" and represents a country. The never-ending lamentations will continue as long as her lack of personal grooming in this area continues.

    4. Anonymous19/2/25 03:11

      I agree. Maxima was not blessed with great hair. And I think she also has so much on her plate with being Queen and her U.N. job she doesn't care to take the time on herself. She is not fussed about her hair.

    5. Anonymous19/2/25 04:54

      @Anon 22:31 I believe the reason there are so many comments about Maxima's hair is because the people commenting have nothing relevant to say, so they attack her hair. They probably lack a solid foundation about fashion making it difficult to make intelligent remarks on what she is wearing, so they take cheap shots at her hair. Maxima is an easy target with her avant-garde taste in clothes and jewelry. I would rather see Maxima's hair than the older queens' that have had the same hair styles for most of their adult lives, shellacked into a hardened shell on their heads. Imagine the cost of having a hairdresser on call for every public outing. Monarchies do not spend money the way they did generations ago and it is a good thing for those who have to financially support a monarchy. Maxima has so many delightful qualities, and she is an asset to the Netherlands. It is a pity that so many can't see beyond her hair. The constant bemoaning about her hair does effect the quality of this blog. How much enjoyment can one get reading the same comments over and over again? The criticisms don't help or change anything. Maxima certainly knows the condition of her hair and probably misses the days when it was thick and healthy.

    6. Anonymous19/2/25 07:17

      “Except colouring etc.” : I think you are wrong there: the abominable condition of her hair is a result also of the continued bleaching: she has very dark brown hair of her own.

    7. P. the original19/2/25 10:58

      Anonymous 04:54
      Your comment is ...sensational and so true!!
      To all people- just one, actually- constantly bemoaning I say:
      Crash and burn!
      I just want to add:
      I see a lot o ageism on these blog posts in general and that''s so inspirational to me!😉
      That's why all the repetions , bemoaning, whinining and the like on this site call to my mind some elderly ladies affected by memory issues.
      May I ask the resident blog bemoaner here to focus about her memory conditions more than on Maxima's hair?
      Thank you.

    8. P. the original19/2/25 11:24

      The abominable conditions of her hair??
      Do really address people like this in real life?

    9. P. the original19/2/25 11:43

      * whining
      *Do you really...

    10. Anonymous19/2/25 15:50

      @AnnieM Well said! William has gone on record about Kate's hair, joking that it was a "nightmare". We have seen rare occasions when she has done it herself, like in video calls during COVID or private shopping excursions, and it is frizzy. It takes a professional to tame hair like that unless you are very gifted at styling hair. It is very, very time consuming as well. I can relate because my hair is a similar texture. "Nightmare" is a fairly accurate description. Thank you, also, for mentioning that hair can get thinner with age. I don't think Maxima is doing anything out of the ordinary to damage her hair. She colored it for many years and it was still thick and healthy. It has changed in recent years, probably due to age and hormones. In other words, it is out of her control.

      @Anon 2:59 It is wonderful that your thin hair will hold a curl. I know a few people with thin hair that would be envious--my mother included! That is not the case for all people with thin, straight hair. For some people, it takes a lot of product in addition to tools to get hair to hold a curl. It also takes an aptitude for using the tools and knowing which products to use in the hair that will hold the curl without looking crispy or oily. I don't know that Maxima has the natural talent or time to put into her hair. She may feel her time is better spent doing her work as the queen. In addition, it is very easy to find video of her arriving at the various organizations she visits. There is rain and wind more often than I am accustomed to where I live. I know my hair would be destroyed in that kind of weather. I believe she steps out for her day with clothes pressed and hair brushed, and by the time she arrives at her destination, her hair has naturally separated. Because of the interest and enthusiasm she has at every appearance she makes, I have the impression she is anxious to start her visit with the people she is meeting, not take a side trip to have her hair redone.

  7. Anonymous18/2/25 22:39

    The outfit is very nice. I am beginning to wonder if her hair looks better than it does in photos. Perhaps the high/low lights don’t photograph well. Maybe a blunt cut would look nice. Regardless she is engaged with people.

  8. Ava Pittman19/2/25 00:38

    This was a great visit by the Queen. Her outfit was appropriate for the occasion.

    1. P. the original19/2/25 11:47

      Yes, a great visit.
      Queen Maxima is so empathetic and relatable

  9. Anonymous19/2/25 04:27

    Maxima's outfit is quietly stylish yet still businesslike, and therefore spot on. However I am more moved by her expressions of empathy and compassion than any clothing or deportment. The connection she creates is far more valuable and appreciated as a queen.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. P. the original19/2/25 13:11

      You are exactly right.

  10. Anonymous19/2/25 10:33

    Re those saying it’s normal to “style hair” and wear makeup daily, no not in Europe, and certainly not in the Netherlands. It may be normal in the USA I think. Maxima is in keeping with her people, so I’d like to encourage you to open your eyes to the cultural differences rather than criticising her based on your cultural norms.

    1. P. the original19/2/25 15:06

      Anonymous @ 10:33
      Are you for real?
      Not in Europe, not in the Netherlands?
      I can assure you that you are wrong.
      I'm a globe trotter and see hords of people of all nationalities on a regular basis .
      What you said is baseless.

    2. Anonymous19/2/25 15:51

      Fair point.

    3. Anonymous20/2/25 16:55

      P the original, good on you for being a globetrotter - but you can also let others be right about that which they know better. I am a European citizen, my comments are informed, fair and not at all baseless.

    4. Anonymous1/3/25 18:33

      According to you, Europeans are usually very sloppy and unkempt, right? She can be as casual as she wants during non-working hours, but when she is working as a queen, she must pay attention to her appearance.

  11. Un simple look dans lequel Maxima se trouve bien - Quant à ses cheveux, cela fait un moment qu'ils sont fins peut-être que cela est dû à leur décoloration régulière en blond ; je sais ce que c'est !

  12. Anonymous19/2/25 12:18

    I hope you ladies will stop making comments about Queen Maxima's hair, it is becoming boring.

  13. Anonymous19/2/25 16:11

    Oh dear, I fear this is becoming a bit of a ridiculous conversation here:
    anon.04:54 are you really worried about the costs of a hairdresser for Queen Maxima? And that in relation to the taxpayer for the monarchy??
    Any idea of their wealth and there yearly income?
    I guess it is her choice to spend more on clothes than on hair, and so be it.

    1. Anonymous19/2/25 22:56

      With that attitude, you must have strong feelings about Sophie and Victoria who both throw their hair in a clip, a pony tail, or bun on a regular basis. They both have hair with a lot of texture. Pulling it back is the easiest way of not dealing with it. Using a clip is for lazy, casual hair days, yet they both have made public appearances like that. Both can easily afford to have their hair done daily, yet they don't. Victoria gets a lot of criticism for her ever present bun. It comes down to time and expense to style hair when you don't know how to do it by yourself. There is nothing wrong with being frugal when the people you are representing don't have as much. Both of these women get on with their day with minimal effort. They don't wear much makeup. It is their choice, and that is fine. Others choose to do more. That is their choice. It doesn't change the job they are doing. Would I like to see Sophie and Victoria try harder with their appearance? Yes. It is nice to see a woman working hard at her job and looking fabulous while doing it. It's not going to happen. They prioritize their work over their appearance and it makes them more relatable. Let's remember, Catherine has stopped releasing details of her wardrobe because she felt it was distracting to her work. I think this shift is going to be representative of modern monarchies.

  14. Anonymous19/2/25 17:25

    There is a simple solution for Maxima: as her hair is thin, straight, and she doesn't want to spend a lot of time on it, she should give it a good cut, at least above the shoulders. It would give her a lot more sway and swag. Just do it, Maxima. The long straggly hair does nothing for you.
    Mrs Cleaver

  15. Anonymous19/2/25 23:46

    Nice Combination of this outfit. Like the top more than the pants. Long Covid, yes, I know it very well.


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