Queen Mary Meets with Simon Kjær Hansen, Director of Queen Mary’s Center

Queen Mary wore a printed silk blouse by Jesper Høvring. Queen Mary’s 50th birthday

On February 21, 2025, Queen Mary held a meeting with Queen Mary’s Center Director, Simon Kjær Hansen, where they discussed, among other topics, the center’s business plan for the next five years. Three years ago, Queen Mary’s Center was launched to celebrate Queen Mary’s 50th birthday. Since then, the Queen has closely followed the center’s work as a member of Queen Mary’s Center Advisory Committee.

Queen Mary wore a printed silk blouse by Jesper Høvring. Queen Mary’s 50th birthday

Queen Mary’s Center aims to address societal challenges through partnerships, collaboration, and research. The center is funded by the University of Copenhagen and is headed by Simon Kjær Hansen, who reports to a Steering Committee composed of the Deans of Social Sciences, Humanities, Theology, and Law.

Queen Mary wore a printed silk blouse by Jesper Høvring. Queen Mary’s 50th birthday

Queen Mary wore Jesper Høvring Blouse
Jesper Høvring Blouse

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  1. Anonymous21/2/25 18:45

    I think she looks great here. Nice business/working outfit with a little bit of flare with the top. She looks great in the glasses as well.

    And I know there's going to be, "She needs to cut her hair," "Her hair is too long," "She's too old to be wearing her hair that long." etc., etc., etc. Give it a rest. If she's likes it long leave it be. At least she takes good care of it and grooms it nicely. Even though I love them both, Max and Vitoria are the ones that deserve hair criticism. Max for sure could benefit from a serious hair cut. That stringy, straw, bedhead look she has is horrible. Victoria on the other hand, has great but never styles it. ???? Those are the two that deserve the hair critiques.

    1. Anonymous21/2/25 19:59

      I agree Anon 18:45 that Mary looks great! But I disagree with your comment “Max and Vitoria are the ones that deserve hair criticism” because no one ”deserves” “hair criticism”. It’s just not to us to criticise these royal ladies like that. Maybe their husbands or kids - but not us.- Mary

    2. Anonymous21/2/25 20:13

      They are entitled to their choices of hair style as we are entitled to our opinion on their choices. Is this not what the blog is about critiquing fashion which includes hair fashion. Seems long locks are in as it was in, time to move on.

    3. Anonymous21/2/25 20:38

      Agree Mary needs a hair cut other than that outfit is lovely

    4. Anonymous21/2/25 20:55

      I agree, nice business outfit. As far as I am concerned Queen Mary has beautiful hair, thick and shiny, it is none of our business if she wants to keep it long. I am also very tired and bored of the recurring comments about Queen Maxima and Crown Princess Victoria's hair.
      Picture no. 3 Mr. Simon Kjær Hansen, looks very untidy. His jacket is too short and tight, and his shirt doesn't look clean. Just awful.

    5. Anonymous21/2/25 22:27

      So it’s okay to criticize Max’s and Victoria’s hair but not Mary’s?!

    6. Anonymous22/2/25 00:57

      Why is it okay to be so hyper critical in the first place? Too many people have an ideal of what these royal's hair "should" look like. It is getting ridiculous. They are human beings, like the rest of us, with all different types of hair and the level of perfection they can achieve will vary. This has become an obsession for some. What right do any of us have to declare Maxima needs to cut her hair short? When Charlene cut her hair off, most of the commenters were clutching their proverbial pearls. No, Victoria doesn't do anything with her hair, but it is her choice. Camilla hair today is the same hair style she had the day she attended Charles' and Diana's wedding, except for the color. I haven't even touched on all the older royals with hair from the 60's and 70's. That is another way of making no effort to look one's best. Settling into a style and never updating it is another form of bad hair. Why in the world did Maxima's and Victoria's hair get brought into a post about Mary? And Mary does not need a hair cut. Her hair is fine just the way it is. Long hair gives options for different styles. Short hair cannot offer the same versatility. We live in a time when women have long hair at an older age. It is not the 50's anymore, when it was expected that a woman cut her hair at a certain age. Instead of being so critical of other's hair, let's make sure we all have our own hair looking thick and healthy, with a modern and flattering style that we keep up on a regular basis.

    7. Anonymous22/2/25 02:29

      If by some means that is her natural hair color, then fine; but it looks too dark. Also, the center part on Mary is horrible, it really doesn't work on a lot of women who think it's fashionable - I hope it goes out of fashion soon. Her outfit is nice & she looks cute in her glasses. ~~Ruthie

    8. No negative comment about Mary's hair, they would be unfair. But yes to Simon Kjær Hansen's jacket is too short, untidy if some of you want...

    9. Anonymous22/2/25 10:05

      Bravo 00:57. The level of personal criticism on this blog IS terrible, often. People write as if they have the right to demean others , both the royals whose pictures we view and other commenters. Can I urge each of you, before you hit publish, reread your comment and consider the feelings of the people you’re writing about and how you’d feel to stumble upon the same written about you. If it’s not kind, revise it. Yes this is a fashion blog and people can write comments, but all that can be done sensitively and kindly.

    10. Anonymous22/2/25 19:06

      All the princesses want to look like princess Catherine…..

  2. Anonymous21/2/25 19:21

    Mary is such a loving and caring person!

    1. Anonymous21/2/25 20:08

      And you know her personally?

  3. Ce chemisier imprimé est bien porté par le mannequin associé à cette jupe courte légèrement évasée ; je le verrais bien également avec un pantalon !

  4. Anonymous21/2/25 19:38

    Stylish & elegant as always❤️

  5. Anonymous21/2/25 20:10

    Lovely blouse, I am sure we will see it more often. As mentioned above her hair could use a cut, this long hanging style ages her imo.

    1. Anonymous21/2/25 22:09

      Well, if this long hair style "ages" her, dear Anon 20:10, then it ages: Charlotte, Ingrid Alexandra, Leonor, Sofia of Sweden, Sofia of Spain, Catharina Amalia, Alexia, Ariane, Elizabeth, Marie .... etc. etc. too. Long hair, worn open, *hangs*, this is the consequence of gravity. Please try to find a better reason than ageism why a woman with full and beautifully groomed hair should not worn it long.

    2. Anonymous22/2/25 00:31

      Anon 22:09…so by your silly argument Isabella and Josie of Denmark, Estelle of Sweden, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia of Spain, Elisabeth and Eleanor of Belgium…all young women are also aged by their long hair?

    3. Anonymous22/2/25 02:34

      2209, long tresses on a younger person has different characteristics and they have youthful skin and it just seems to blend better. Just look at the difference of Catherine’s hair in her 20’s to now. The younger royals dont necessarily suit the long locks, Sofia of Spain imo looks nicer when she pulls her hair back softly. As stated it seems to be the trend for long hair as it was in the. 60’s/‘70’s. And being the trend doesn’t mean it suits everyone

    4. Anonymous22/2/25 10:07

      No doubt her hair is cut regularly. She may well have a hairdresser do her hair daily. She likes her hair this way or she would change it. More power to her.

  6. This ensemble looks good, professional, and elegant. I love her blouse. I also think her hair has got a bit long!

  7. Anonymous22/2/25 01:03

    Always nice to see her. Lovely outfit.

  8. Anonymous22/2/25 01:30

    Everything about her head is droopy. The glasses are low and her hair looks like drapes.

    1. Anonymous22/2/25 09:35

      You really sound like a nice person 🤣😂

    2. Anonymous22/2/25 10:06

      What a mean comment.

    3. Very sad comment, demeaning.

    4. P. the original23/2/25 10:39

      @ Ava Pittman
      Ditto, dearest Ava.
      Yes, a sad and demeaning " comment".
      Anyway, I didn't expect any less from @ Anonymous at all times.
      She just can't enjoy life and accept beauty in other women imo.
      You know, I always wonder how Anonymous must look like...bah...and why she's always judging royal ladies so ruthlessly.

    5. Anonymous25/2/25 13:00

      How I wish that Helen could share the ipaddress with us on this particular anon 🫣

  9. P. the original22/2/25 10:13

    Anonymous 00:57
    This is another sensational comment, I agree with you on all points👍👏👏👏
    It looks like the usual bemoaner here has a penchant for cutting others' beautiful hair!
    I have my own theory about this obsession.
    The ' I hate long hair and want to chop all off' writer has issues with her own hair in the first place so it's s quite easy to resort to hyper critical views about beautiful royal ladies.
    Things get much worse for her when talking about modern fashion and the newest makeup trends, which she knows nothing about.
    As you said, it is not the '50 anymore so this writer can't expect royal ladies to come up and out with an over sprayed short hair helmet and retro outfits.
    She just can't align with contemporary fashion ensembles and hair styles, as simple as that.
    That's why I just ignore the bemoaner's cheap and neverending shots she throws at me .
    She lacks substantial foundation in her ...ehmmm..comments... stemming from a lack of relevant topics and points to talk about.
    Her void comments- topped with a generous amount of rudeness , nastiness and negativity- are consequential.
    If the bemoaner doesn't like and rejects contemporary fashion trends from royal ladies, maybe she is in the wrong place here.
    My claim for ' Freedom of Speech' is as good as the bemoaner's .
    She seems to have also huge issues in comprehending my simple and reasonable statements but that's not my responsinility.
    Thank you for your beatiful and so well articulated comment.

    1. Anonymous22/2/25 17:00

      Thank you for your sensible comment, P. the original! 🧡 Hard to understand the constant hair criticism here. If someone has a long and beautiful hair, why cut it short just because one has reached a certain age...??

  10. P. the original22/2/25 10:24

    Queen Mary looks gorgeous, modern and professional.
    This business outfit looks lovely on her.
    Fabulous hair as well.

    1. Anonymous22/2/25 13:06

      Well said P. the original 👏🎊

    2. P. the original. Agree with you. Doesn't she look wonderful? I would so love to be this well put together, she makes it look effortless ! Hope you are well. Lovely to see your comments. Hugs.

    3. P. the original23/2/25 10:32

      Hello, dearest Ava!
      How nice to read your kind reply, thank you!
      Yes, Queen Mary looks wonderful and effortlessly elegant.
      I think she can pull off a wide range of different outfits, Just like other royal ladies.
      She's so versatile.
      Even her glasses frame suits her nicely.
      Yes, I'm fine, thank you.
      Hope you' re doing well too.
      I'm sure you are well put together too!
      You know, nobody is perfect.
      I myself have my " lazy days"( days off), when I just need to rest and I keep my jumpsuit on and my long hair pulled and twisted in a bun!
      Princess Victoria of Sweden, can you hear me????
      We share the same bun, fancy that!
      I know this would mean I'm gonna be assaulted for my bun this time 😂😉
      Hugs for you too👍👋

  11. Anonymous22/2/25 15:47

    Mary’s hair is as she wants it, but it does not mean it is the best look for her. However stating she needs to shorten her hair does not mean short hair, it just means removing a few inches, brings it in proportion. But it is their choice if they want to look their best or not. The spanish queen has long hair but she keeps it in proportion to her height.

    1. Anonymous22/2/25 19:17

      @15:47 “to look their best”… how they perceive that or how I do or how you do, these all can be different. We cannot presume to know what’s “best” in fashion including hair, but can appreciate a beautifully groomed queen with plenty of resources has exactly the hair style she wants. There is no definitive best!, but many different possibilities.

    2. Anonymous22/2/25 20:52

      Truly an odd comment. An inch or two in length, longer or shorter, is not the difference you think it is.

      Letizia has had much longer hair, and much shorter hair. It isn't kept any specific length. I have never heard of a woman's height dictating the length of her hair. I don't even know what that means. Are you saying the teller a person is, the longer their hair can be?

    3. P. the original23/2/25 10:58

      @ Anonymous 20:52
      I completely agree with you.
      According to this rather odd theory, as I'm tall, I should wear my hair long.
      Well, I have got long hair , actually!.
      At least, @ Anonymous15:47 can find some peace now.
      Her theory is correct😂😉👍

  12. Anonymous22/2/25 20:16

    Why is it that we can state if we like the fit, colour , length of clothing, shoes p, hat and how the person looks with their choices and yet hair comments such as length, style, and how it is worn , all their choice can not be commented on. It is just a critique not criticism of the person. Princess Charlene has short hair and styles it differently, sometimes I like sometimes I don’t. Just nice to see what they. Come up with

    1. Anonymous23/2/25 00:46

      The comments about hair are not always opinions. They are, at times, demeaning and declarative statements that hair "needs to be" shorter, longer, etc. Look at Anon 1:30 above for an example.

    2. Ad 00:46 I fully agree with you but I would not recommend to pay attention to the colleague An 1:30 who is a champion in repeated unpleasant negative comments, and of course without a signature. Opinions can be expressed in a more neutral way. I recognize her style after 3 or 4 words and stop reading them.

    3. P. the original23/2/25 12:14

      Anonymous 00:46


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