Princess Sofia Leaves Hospital with Her Newborn Daughter

Princess Sofia gave birth to a daughter at Danderyd Hospital in Stockholm

On February 7, 2025, Princess Sofia gave birth to a daughter at Danderyd Hospital in Stockholm. She is the Princess's fourth child. The baby weighs 3,645 grams and is 49 centimeters long. On February 8, 2025, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia left Danderyd Hospital with their newborn daughter and returned home to Villa Solbacken.

Princess Sofia gave birth to a daughter at Danderyd Hospital in Stockholm

Princess Sofia gave birth to a daughter at Danderyd Hospital in Stockholm

King Carl XVI Gustaf, alongside Crown Princess Victoria, will announce the baby’s name and duchy at a cabinet meeting on February 10. A Te Deum service will be held on the morning of February 10 at the Chapel of the Royal Palace.

Princess Sofia gave birth to a daughter at Danderyd Hospital in Stockholm

Princess Sofia gave birth to a daughter at Danderyd Hospital in Stockholm

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  1. How very wonderful, isn't it!

  2. Anonymous8/2/25 16:26

    Congratulations to them!
    -Royal Watcher

  3. Anonymous8/2/25 16:30

    Välkommen lilla prinsessa!!!
    Du föddes in i en mycket kärleksfull familj!!!


  4. Anonymous8/2/25 17:36

    I feel a little sad for them to be picked up by a photographer here as the caps indicate to me they were going for anonymity, just 24 hours after the birth, very likely hoping to sneak back home to their kids. They graciously smiled but I think they would have not had caps on if they’d anticipated a photo call.

    1. Anonymous8/2/25 21:02

      They probably wore caps simply because they were tired and not "dressed up" for a photoshoot.

  5. Rossella đź–¤8/2/25 18:03

    Felice per questa bella famiglia, benvenuta alla piccola.

  6. Anonymous8/2/25 18:14

    En Suède mon couple préféré avec celui que forme Madeleine
    2 couples discrets

  7. La petite princesse est la bienvenue ; j'ai hâte de connaître son prénom !

  8. So exciting, a precious Princess

  9. Anonymous8/2/25 22:18

    Sofia looks so happy!

  10. Virginia Dogwood9/2/25 00:40

    Taking their adorable bundle home with them. Love Sophie's jacket and turtleneck. I admire her approach to warm and comfortable clothing and not feel the need to be decked in out in high heels for appearance sake.

    1. I think since she isn't married to a crownprince nobody ecpects her to be dressed up. Other royal ladies don't have this freedom.

    2. Anonymous9/2/25 17:46

      To be fair Coralie, no Swede would expect any new mother to exit hospital with heels. It’s such a practical culture.

  11. Congratulations to the happy family!! A little princess AT LAST!!

  12. Anonymous9/2/25 03:35

    Sofia toujours aussi mignonne. Le papa semble plus fatiguĂ© que la maman…

    1. Anonymous9/2/25 16:59

      Oui, j'ai pensé la même chose aussi.
      Sofia a un très beau sourire. Paloma.

  13. Anonymous9/2/25 11:55

    Congratulations! Sofia looks great. Helena

  14. P. the original9/2/25 14:06

    Little one's parents look radiant.
    It's so nice to see Princess Sofia doing well and engaging with people outside the hospital.
    Blessings for this beautiful family.
    Every newborn brings a message of hope in this messy world.

  15. P. the original9/2/25 14:07

    * into this messy world

  16. Anonymous9/2/25 15:32

    Sofia looks absolutly faboulas here. Carl Philipp seems to be very tired but who can blame him. Wish them all happiness with their little girl.

    1. Anonymous10/2/25 17:03

      15.32 It’s very difficult to see who it is under the cap!

  17. Congratulations to the most beautifu and happy royal couple in Europe.

  18. Anonymous9/2/25 21:29

    One can see their happiness, finally they have a little Pss. Waiting for the first picture and her name. I believe she'll be spoiled rotten by everyone. Best wishes to them all.

  19. Anonymous10/2/25 21:48

    Love Sophia's outfit, she looks so well! Happiness rules!!


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