Princess Maria-Olympia Attends Burberry's AW 2025 Fashion Show

Princess Maria-Olympia wore a green belted cotton overshirt by Burberry during London Fashion Week 2025

On Monday, February 24, 2025, Princess Maria-Olympia of Greece and Denmark attended Burberry's Autumn/Winter 2025 Fashion Show at Tate Britain in London during London Fashion Week 2025. London Fashion Week took place from Thursday, February 20, to Monday, February 24. Princess Maria-Olympia wore a green belted cotton overshirt by Burberry.

Princess Maria-Olympia wore a green belted cotton overshirt by Burberry during London Fashion Week 2025

Princess Maria-Olympia wore a green belted cotton overshirt by Burberry during London Fashion Week 2025

Princess Maria-Olympia wore Burberry Green Belted Cotton Overshirt
Burberry Green Belted Cotton Overshirt

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  1. Oh! what a shame.
    Apparently Princess Maria-Olympia’s pants didn’t get back from the cleaners on time.
    She still seems to have her back problem when she stands up straight.
    Perhaps the wide belt acts as some type of support.

    1. P. the original25/2/25 14:18

      Nooo, Deadeggs!!😉

    2. And face problems. Obviously she isn't able to close her mouth.

    3. Anonymous25/2/25 17:03

      It does rather seem that it’s a jacket missing its pants, yes!

    4. Anonymous25/2/25 17:39

      At least she has the legs for it.

    5. Anonymous25/2/25 19:01

      Brilliant, Deadeggs. Well said

    6. P. the original25/2/25 19:58

      Anonymous 17:39
      That's one way of being a stunner.
      All of them are stunners, actually.
      As much as these girls can be posey , I think they' re just there to attend a fashion show, after all.
      Maybe they're a bit cocky but this might be just staged for the occasion.
      They just want to have fun.

    7. Anonymous25/2/25 20:34


    8. Anonymous26/2/25 02:03

      First thought I had was: Where are her trousers or leggings? Perfect!!! --Janet

  2. Anonymous25/2/25 13:35

    What a group of vapid young women, I suppose they practice the posing and pouting endlessly, Rem

    1. Anonymous25/2/25 16:16

      Yes. They all look ridiculous, especially that Greek princcess, daughter of Marie Chantal of Greece. Ridiculous and empty.

    2. Anonymous25/2/25 16:30

      Had to look up vapid, perfect description. I do like the shirt but not the length, it would be very nice longer. Okay for the venue I guess.

    3. Anonymous25/2/25 17:00

      Rem, I’m not sure we can say they are vapid based on a few instants of photo evidence; but yes my first thought was: these young girls seems to have all been practising influencer poses. Very posey indeed - in these few photos at least.

    4. Anonymous25/2/25 17:50

      The woman in the first photo on the far right wearing the black jacket looks as if she just smelt something bad she stepped in.

      Well, at some point in life they will get a clue and look back on these photos and shake their heads at their own hubris and bumptiousness (since we’re throwing out words today). ;D

    5. Anonymous25/2/25 20:35

      Agree with 16:16

    6. Anonymous26/2/25 06:55

      Anon 17.50 Haha, it looks like she’s just discovered a new form of "eau de sidewalk."

    7. Anonymous26/2/25 15:00

      Agree !!

  3. P. the original25/2/25 13:53

    I am curious ...what kind of criticism and negativity a stunner like Princess Olympia is gonna arise on this blog? 😁
    Let me think...her overshirt is way too short to begin with...oooohhh scandalous!😂

    1. ... a "stunner"??

    2. Anonymous25/2/25 17:21

      I think it’s too short, but not because it’s “scandalous.” It just looks out of proportion to my eyes. If it were just slightly longer, I think it would be great. The skirt on the woman to HRH P Maria-Olympia’s right is very little longer, but I think it looks fantastic because the proportions are right.

    3. Anonymous25/2/25 19:47

      Maybe if her pose and face grimace weren’t there, we’d all accept her sartorial choice. What we’re grappling with is her attitude. Cheap and undignified.


    4. Anonymous26/2/25 06:59

      Agree with Lily, the issue isn't just about what she's wearing, but how her overall demeanor comes across. The pose and grimace seem to amplify the feeling that her attitude doesn't match the outfit, making it feel less sophisticated.

  4. P. the original25/2/25 13:56

    ..and by the way...Pic 2 must be kinda pof headache & heartache to the usual bemoaner...
    Let's wait and see...

    1. Oh, dear P the original.
      Go easy on us.
      Old biddies are needed to help give a balance to the opinions on NewMyRoyals.
      Ya know what I mean?

    2. Anonymous25/2/25 20:36

      Cheap looking

    3. P. the original25/2/25 20:45

      Oh, @ Deadeggs, you're great!!
      I know I can count on your sense of humour.
      I love making jokes and I guess you do too.
      Thankfully, you and me are on the same wavelength and can still enjoy what are simply meant to be light hearted comments.
      Please, keep making your witty commentaries..
      You've got a huge fan on this!!

  5. Anonymous25/2/25 14:53

    I don't count myself to the usual bemoaners :-) - but I have to admit that these pictures are not in any way different from the usual influencer/model posing, but a bit worse, because done less professionally , so that it looks exaggerated - the pout as much as the Möbius strip-like contortion of the body. As this is not something we come here to find, so no wonder that one can be somewhat negatively impressed. Cheap performance.

  6. Anonymous25/2/25 16:33

    Nicky Hilton looks gorgeous.

    1. Anonymous25/2/25 17:45

      Yes, I agree. Her dress is a mini, but not nearly as short as Olympia's shirt /dress. The colors look vary flattering on her.

  7. Anonymous25/2/25 16:43

    What a surprise seeing Nikki Rockefeller (née Hilton) on here. I wish we could see a full length of that photo. I don’t care much for Maria-Olympia’s dress, but I like her hair and makeup.


    1. Anonymous25/2/25 17:46

    2. Anonymous26/2/25 02:40

      Thank you @17:46 .


    3. Anonymous26/2/25 04:18

      Correction: I meant Nicky Rothschild (née Hilton). @17:46 you were too kind not calling me out for the error.


    4. In case, like me, you don’t know Nicky Hilton, the following link will give some details ……

    5. P. the original27/2/25 10:52

      Thank you for the link,@ Deadeggs.

  8. Anonymous25/2/25 17:42

    These "ladies" are the perfect illustration of someone trying waaaaaay to hard. They just think they are, "All that and a bag of chips!"

    1. Anonymous25/2/25 19:21

      Yup, waaaay too hard is right!

  9. Anonymous25/2/25 17:52

    You know the really funny thing is, this all looks like stuff you could get at Banana Republic - on clearance!

  10. Cette chemise de couleur kaki conviendrait mieux à la princesse à condition que la ceinture soit moins large !

  11. Anonymous25/2/25 19:20

    These are typical Tik-Tok generation young ladies and outfits; young, slim, wealthy influencers, who display both an aura and style that their generation knows and understands. I have no problem with that. It may not be my style, but I was also young(er) once and dressed according to the fashion fads of the day, despite what my grandmothers thought at the time. So I won't begrudge these young ladies to have a fashion fling. Rock on! One day they will be grandmothers and can then roll their eyes at their grandkids clothing.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous25/2/25 20:33

      Hear, hear! Very well said.

    2. P. the original25/2/25 21:10

      I completely agree with you👍

    3. Ava Pittman25/2/25 23:49

      Love it!
      Well said!

    4. Anonymous26/2/25 16:27

      Exactly the way feel! I think we can forget we were young once-upon-a-time and followed trends of our day--and not always with the understanding of our elders.

    5. Anonymous28/2/25 11:21

      It’s not the outfit, it’s cheap attitude

  12. Anonymous25/2/25 21:06

    A useless photo of the "golden" youth, who sweeps parties, fashion shows and makes funny faces in front of the camera. Why does this person even have the "honor" to be on this site? Because he happened to be born with connections to the royal family?

    By the way, Greece has been a republic for almost 60 years and the titles "Prince of Greece" and "Princess of Greece" are neither conferred nor legally recognized by the Greek state.
    The Glucksburg family, which ruled there from 1863-1924 and then from 1936-67, had nothing in common with real Greeks, because they are of German-Danish origin. (Only once did a native Greek get into the royal family - Aspasia Manos in 1919, whom Prince Alexander married despite the opposition of the whole family. They treated her like dirt. ) Their insistence on titles is therefore ridiculous. The Greeks do not miss them.

    1. Anonymous26/2/25 07:03

      It’s definitely a symbol of a bygone era, and it makes sense that some would find the insistence on them out of touch.

    2. Anonymous26/2/25 16:46

      The status of the Greek royals has been stated here before. I suppose they are like anyone else you don't want to see. Sometimes we aren't interested, so we need to move on. I like their addition because it is a balance to some very conservative or outdated clothes we see at times. It is about fashion here, so we should see both ends of the spectrum if only to educate us that there are many different and current styles. It might reduce the "she should...instead of..." that is written here so often. While they can be well thought out comments that I agree with, I find some of the opinions dated at times. Fashion trends change regularly and it doesn't hurt to know what they are, even if we don't like them. I think we need perspective sometimes so there might be less comments, for example, about Maxima or Mathilde wearing an older dress that is deemed to be too short. The young Greeks are very trendy and I like a lot of their choices, even if I couldn't wear them myself.

    3. Anonymous28/2/25 11:25

      I believe it's important to remember that personal style often reflects tradition and the role one plays, especially for royals. While the Greek royals do bring a trendy flair, I think there’s also value in maintaining the more classic, timeless looks we see from other royals like Maxima or Mathilde. It’s not about resisting change, but rather appreciating a broader sense of style that works for each individual and their specific role. Fashion trends are fun to explore, but they don’t always need to overshadow the elegance that comes from more traditional choices.

    4. Anonymous28/2/25 11:26

      They’re not Royal, not legally and not in attitude. They’re just rich and act more like new money …

    5. Anonymous28/2/25 19:16

      Fully agree

  13. Anonymous25/2/25 21:32

    Elle semble être encore en train de chercher son style.

    Je lui souhaite de le trouver. Et surtout, d’éviter de verser dans la légèreté, voire la vulgarité lorsqu’elle se vêt.

    D’autant plus qu’elle est d’ascendance royale.

    Elle pourrait, par exemple, s’inspirer de sa maman. Elle est un bon exemple de chic et de raffinement, au niveau du vestimentaire.

    Néanmoins, elle est une bien jolie jeune femme.
    Des vêtements appropriés rehausseraient sa beauté.

  14. Anonymous25/2/25 21:36

    Néanmoins, cette coupe de cheveux est seyante.

  15. Anonymous26/2/25 00:38

    Peut-être que Maria-Olympia aimerait faire son service militaire (comme son frère), donc elle commence à se préparer : elle a déjà la chemise kaki et le gros ceinturon (mais elle a perdu le képi et le pantalon en cours de route !).
    Elle s'entraîne dur pour se mettre au garde-à-vous. Ce sera difficile pour elle de savoir se tenir droite. Courage, elle va y arriver bientôt ;-) Paloma.

  16. Anonymous26/2/25 00:42

    Oh dear lord.

  17. Anonymous26/2/25 00:42

    My, what ninnies.

  18. Anonymous26/2/25 02:02

    Maria-Olympia looks silly in this shirt--because it is a shirt and not a mini dress. I cannot imagine what happened when she sat down for the runway show, got in and out of a car, etc. Her hair and makeup are wonderful. With the exception of Nikki Hilton Rothschild the rest of these young ladies are poster girls for the influencer generation--too posed and, as my students would say, too extra.


  19. I do not know what these young women have done to deserve so much malice and mockeri from some of us. Their posing is just posing for the cameras and has a little to do with their real lives or intelligence. I've seen many beautiful pictures of Olympia with her family and friends and her mouth is definetely not always open, that's a big insult to say so. There are actually people who have to breathe through their mouths to get enough air.

    I do not know these women except Olympia but I hope they had a great time together. They all are looking good in their own ways.

  20. Anonymous26/2/25 13:00

    A group of hard faced, vapid and narcissistic women…no thanks!

    1. Anonymous26/2/25 15:02

      Agree !! Plenty in the shop window, nothingin the shop !!

  21. Anonymous26/2/25 16:29

    I don't care if they are still called princesses or not. With all their money they could better do something useful with their lives. There are enough possibilities where aid is needed. Not just giving money for good causes but really go to places in the world where help is needed. Take your backpack and go looking for an organization which needs young people to help them (The red cross, Médecins sans frontières, Caritas catolica, and many more). Then I'll look up to their photo and will admire them for their work. Now they are posing useless for a camera instead of doing something meaningfull.

    1. Anonymous26/2/25 19:55

      Absolutely agree! Do they do anything but go to fashion shows and pose like manikin's? Such a waste…

    2. Anonymous26/2/25 21:13

      Anon 19:55. Totally agree. Imagine all the opportunities in life, handed to them on a silver platter, and this is all they ever do.... What a waste...

  22. Anonymous26/2/25 18:10

    Modèle de mode peut-être, mais certainement pas le nôtre, laisser aller, couleur sévère, longueur... , chemise ?, robe ?, quel intérêt ?

  23. P. the original27/2/25 10:03

    Anonymous 19:55 and 21:13

    As far as I know, both Olympia and her mother work in the fashion industry.
    They WORK and earn their livings.
    Same goes for Nicky Hilton and I guess this applies also to the other ladies portrayed here.
    What do you exactly know about all of them?
    You only need to google Wikipedia and other sites to get correct information.
    Don't let your envy make you blind.

    1. Anonymous27/2/25 14:18

      Wikipedia? Correct information???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Anonymous27/2/25 17:39

      Anon 10:03 posing as P. They WORK and earn their livings? Sure they do! Olympia's grandfather is billionaire Robert Warren Miller, I got this information from Wikipedia so it's correct. Wiki also calls them "socalite or heiress" which is not exactly an equivalent for "Member of the Work-force". When she's been asked to model, it's been because of her name, not her talent. The only time they "work" in the fashion-industry is when they attend their shows and spend a fortune afterwards. Nice work if you can get it. Don't let your bias make you blind.

  24. Anonymous27/2/25 13:59

    Both Olympia and her mother come from great wealth (as do the other charmless posers in this article) so they can afford to ‘work’ in the fashion industry. If they weren’t rich and connected no one would look at them twice or give them the time of day. They offer no substance, no concern for anyone but themselves and if they are envied it’s by those who think that wearing the latest ugly frock and posing with an opened fish mouth is the way to live their lives. And they are probably boring as heck too. No thanks!

    1. Anonymous27/2/25 17:39

      Spot on!

    2. P. the original27/2/25 17:44

      So @ Anonymous 13:59, given that they offer no substance and no concern for anyone and all the rest, why are you still here commenting on how they spend their time?
      Same words , same trallallà from you.
      Attending a fashion show does not mean in the least having nothing else to do.
      You haven't got much to do yourself if you bother to come here and repeat the same things about them over and over again.
      Do you know what?
      I think that your putting them down at all costs stems exactly from their coming from great wealth in the first place
      And this annoys you much more than their outfits and their young age.
      Hopefully your ' no, thanks" means you' re not going to repeat yourself a hundred more times and give it a break.

    3. Princess Marie-Chantal is a smart and hard-working businesswoman who sells children's clothing she designs in a succesful company she founded in 2000.
      You could say that she brings bread to the table and is not an useless person.



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