King Charles and Queen Camilla Host a Humanitarian Reception

The Princess Royal and the Duchess of Gloucester. ShelterBox, Islamic Relief Worldwide and Christian Aid

On February 20, 2025, King Charles III and Queen Camilla held a reception at Buckingham Palace in London, celebrating exceptional individuals and organizations making significant contributions to humanitarian efforts across the globe. Several notable guests were in attendance. King Charles III and Queen Camilla were joined by The Princess Royal and The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester.

The Princess Royal and the Duchess of Gloucester. ShelterBox, Islamic Relief Worldwide and Christian Aid

The Princess Royal and the Duchess of Gloucester. ShelterBox, Islamic Relief Worldwide and Christian Aid

The Princess Royal and the Duchess of Gloucester. ShelterBox, Islamic Relief Worldwide and Christian Aid

The reception marked the anniversaries of four charities: International Health Partners, of which the King has been Patron since 2004; ShelterBox, which the Queen has supported since 2007; Islamic Relief; and Christian Aid. This year commemorates the 20th anniversary of International Health Partners, the 25th anniversary of ShelterBox, the 40th anniversary of Islamic Relief Worldwide, and the 80th anniversary of Christian Aid.

The Princess Royal and the Duchess of Gloucester. ShelterBox, Islamic Relief Worldwide and Christian Aid

The Princess Royal and the Duchess of Gloucester. ShelterBox, Islamic Relief Worldwide and Christian Aid

The Princess Royal and the Duchess of Gloucester. ShelterBox, Islamic Relief Worldwide and Christian Aid

The Princess Royal and the Duchess of Gloucester. ShelterBox, Islamic Relief Worldwide and Christian Aid

The Princess Royal and the Duchess of Gloucester. ShelterBox, Islamic Relief Worldwide and Christian Aid

The Princess Royal and the Duchess of Gloucester. ShelterBox, Islamic Relief Worldwide and Christian Aid

The Princess Royal and the Duchess of Gloucester. ShelterBox, Islamic Relief Worldwide and Christian Aid

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  1. Anonymous20/2/25 23:26

    Oops photo 4 is not very becoming, especially if that is what her dress looks like on her close up. I don’t know if it is the weight of the fabric clinging to her but you can tell she is wearing a slip.

  2. Anonymous21/2/25 00:15

    The Duchess of Gloucester looks great. I love her purse and the color of her suit.
    -Royal Watcher

    1. Anonymous21/2/25 18:02

      Always well dressed, lovely lady

  3. Anonymous21/2/25 00:25

    The Duchess of Gloucester is the only one looking good here though she, too, has succumbed to the boots indoors look. The Princess Royal’s skirt does not hang well and the black accessories jar with the white suit. Although Queen Camilla’s dress is her usual style and a nice shade of blue, it does not look a particularly good fit.

  4. Virginia Dogwood21/2/25 01:33

    Princess Anne never ceases to make me smile. I like her suit, but the skirt doesn't hang right in one of the photos and the jacket seems to long for today's styles, but she has a beautiful figure and her own sense of traditional style and I admire her for keeping both. The Duchess of Gloucester is the epitome of class and elegance. As for photo 4 - embarrassing is the kindest word that I can write in this blog.

  5. Anonymous21/2/25 01:34

    Princess Anne looks excellent;style and sophistication.Shoes gloves and bag on point;such a lady.Duchess of Gloucester ;I like her suit,the handbag looks like the Union Jack;how clever is she.Charles is having a laugh with the ladies which he always enjoys.It's all very well not wanting to standout.(Tara)

  6. Anonymous21/2/25 02:28

    Of the three ladies, I love the beautifully tailored suit that the D.ofG. Is wearing and her pearl jewelry looks perfect with it. Q. Camilla looks good too in one of her comfortable dresses accented with some very pretty diamond brooches. And then there’s P. Anne. To me this outfit is well past its prime. (V.M.)

  7. The Duchess and Princess Royal look beautifully groomed, love both their suits, very elegant.

  8. Anonymous21/2/25 04:11

    Princess Anne is the winner here for me. This shapely suits high-lites her amazingly slim figure beautifully. No idea if this suit is vintage or not, but if it is, I'm glad she kept it for so long.
    I also like the Duchess of Gloucester's soft grey suit. The cut and fit of it looks lovely from the side view, and I love her cheeky Union Jack clutch :)
    As for Camilla, blue is her colour as we all know, but I can't say more about this dress - other than to emphasise the importance of wearing the proper undergarments to avoid revealing too much, and other wardrobe malfunctions.
    - Anon 9:13

  9. Anonymous21/2/25 08:48

    Camilla is so pretty!

  10. Anonymous21/2/25 10:00

    It would be nice if she could at least try to look like a queen. ThevDOG manages it…

  11. The Duchess of Gloucester is the most elegant of the three. Unfortunately Queen Camilla's ensemble accentuates in the wrong area or maybe it is just the photos but as has been stated picture 4 is most unfortunate!

  12. La princesse Anne aurait pu être plus élégante dans cet ensemble mais le bât blesse au niveau de la jupe qui pendouille ; elle devrait prendre conseil auprès de la duchesse de Gloucester qui a toujours beaucoup de goût tant au niveau vestimentaire que des bijoux !

  13. Anonymous21/2/25 16:52

    The Duchess of Gloucester is among the top most elegant senior ladies who are over 70 (in my opinion, Princess Benedicte of Denmark and Princess Muna, mother of the King of Jordan, also belongs there)). The Duchess reminds me a lot of my mom in appearance and figure, which is why I have a soft spot for her.

    1. Anonymous21/2/25 20:02

      The DoG is from Denmark, perhaps that accounts for her style. As far as Princess Anne, and perhaps even the queen they are down playing fashion to give attention their work.

  14. Anonymous21/2/25 17:21

    The Queen and Princess Anne both need a hair stylist. The skirt of Princess Anne is too big and does not fit well, and her jacket is too long, the suit is also from another decade. The Duchess of Gloucester looks very elegant.

  15. Anonymous21/2/25 20:02

    Best in a while for Pss Royal, the outfit and the happiness. DLH

  16. Anonymous22/2/25 23:00

    Nice look for the RL's. So nice to see them together at an event.


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