The Grand Ducal Family Hosts 2025 New Year Reception

Maria Teresa wore a floral dress by Oscar de la Renta, Princess Stephanie wore a Elie Saab gown

On January 15, 2025, the Grand Ducal Palace hosted the traditional New Year reception. On this occasion, Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie received the Prime Minister along with members of the Government, members of the Council of State, the diplomatic corps accredited to the Head of State, as well as representatives of European institutions.

Maria Teresa wore a floral dress by Oscar de la Renta, Princess Stephanie wore a Elie Saab gown

Maria Teresa wore a floral dress by Oscar de la Renta, Princess Stephanie wore a Elie Saab gown

Maria Teresa wore a floral dress by Oscar de la Renta, Princess Stephanie wore a Elie Saab gown

Maria Teresa wore a floral dress by Oscar de la Renta, Princess Stephanie wore a Elie Saab gown

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore Oscar de la Renta floral embroidery silk dress
Oscar de la Renta floral embroidery silk gown

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  1. Anonymous16/1/25 13:40

    Stéphanie is has just an ordinary face!

    1. Anonymous18/1/25 19:07

      ordinary like Catherine in Britain. Makeup can change ordinary into beauty. Stephanie has lovely skin so natural.

    2. Anonymous21/1/25 16:39

      HGD Stéphanie looked much better before and when she just married HGD Guillaume. Her dresses were much better and more beautiful than now. After her two children she still needs time to loose some weight, but also Prince Guillaume should loose some weight. He looked better too when he was younger and just married. Any way they must do whatever they like and what is possible, one cannot know why people are looking different than before, there can be a reason we don't know of. What's count is that they are a healthy and happy family together with their sons.

  2. Anonymous16/1/25 14:38

    I love the dress worn about the Grand Duchess, even though I think it would be more suitable for a beach or garden party. I am not sure about the dress worn by Princess Stephanie but she looks very pretty with the hair done like that. Grand Duke Henri is very handsome; I like the picture no 3. Helena

    1. Anonymous16/1/25 15:36

      Yes Henri is handsome always. I will miss seeing him in the pictures.

    2. Anonymous16/1/25 21:14

      Grand Duke Henri very often looks more youthful than his sons. Helena

    3. Anonymous21/1/25 16:47

      He has always been a good looking man. Look at the pictures when he was a young prince himself. He was very handsome and very athletic. He has a good length too. He looks much like his mother GD Joséphine Charlotte, Princess of Belgium, daughter of Queen Astrid of Belgium, Princess of Sweden. They were beautiful ladies too when they were young.

  3. I can't believe this is the last New Year reception Grank Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa will host. It would have nice to see the whole family attend this event like we have seen in previous years. At the same time I believe this gives us a picture of what this reception will look like in years to come.

    GD Maria Teresa: I am not a big fan of the Grand Duchess' dress and the black shawl/wrap doesn't add anything to her look. Her makeup is nice. She wears the Belgian scroll tiara beautifully, I wonder if its her favorite tiara from the royal collection.

    HGD Stephanie: The princess is the clear winner for me tonight. When it comes to gala looks Princess Stephanie has always been a mystery, she is hard to predict. Tonight however she looks amazing, definitely one of her best gala looks. The dress is simple, but pretty. The orange topaz parure on her is stunning.

    Both men look very handsome for tonight's reception.

  4. Anonymous16/1/25 15:31

    MT's dress is beautiful but the shall is hiding the details (thank goodness for the model photos) - and perhaps this dress would be better for a spring or summer formal reception? Stephanie's dress is nice but a little too matronly, imo. It's almost as if mother-in-law and daughter-in-law should switch outfits.

    1. Anonymous16/1/25 16:48

      My thoughts exactly! MR

    2. I always feel like that when I see them together

    3. Anonymous16/1/25 21:44

      The switch came to my mind too and then without the “ shawl “.

  5. Anonymous16/1/25 16:17

    I didn't remember the new year receptions in the GD of Luxembourg were in gala outfits with military uniforms and tiara's...
    I like HGD Stéphanie's dress. It is simple and suits her. I can imagine her in something similar but in a stronger color.

    1. Agreed. This dress would be much better in royal blue or fuchsia. Beige isn't Stephanie's friend. And although her hairstyle is lovely, the tiara almost disappears in it.
      Sorry, but Maria Teresa looks borderline tacky.

  6. GD Maria Teresa's dress is beautiful and looks marvellous on her. So often she wears things that make her look really dumpy but this is lovely. Princess Stephanie always seems so lovely that it's a shame to criticise but the dress! Why? The colour--well there is no colour---is just depressing and washes her out and the shape is matronly. She looks so wonderful in jewel brights. Hair and jewellery and her smile are all wonderful.

  7. Not exited about any of the two dresses, they are just ok.

  8. Ah, the Grandduchess of the Shawls and Wraps is back in action. The dress as such is beautiful, but why does she always go strapless, or near-strapless, and then wrap herself in a shawl/stole? Completely moot. The future Grandduchess is doing better regarding this issue, though her dress really lacks detail/structure. I am also not so sure about the Citrine demi-parure matching the (ivory? blush?) colour of her dress. It would have been better to wear diamonds only for her on this occasion. The Luxembourg jewel collection is quite substantial, and I am certain there would have been pieces within it that made a better match. I am thinking for example of the Chaumet Choker Tiara, which the HGD had already worn before.

    1. I have to correct myself on the matter of the jewels. It is actually a full parure, not a demi-parure. And this time it is worn with all five pendants on the necklace. Before, she'd worn it with three pendants only.

    2. Excellent comment, you have made very good points, agree with you.

  9. Anonymous16/1/25 18:19

    Ah, the controversial dress is back again, lol.
    I recall the nature of the comments the past times GD MT wore it. I think it looks fine. She likes it and she looks good in it = win - win. The shawl is a nice touch.
    - Anon 9:13

  10. Anonymous16/1/25 18:20

    Guillaume souriant et sympathique, mais qu'il fasse l'effort de perdre un peu de poids, je l'imagine mal dans 15 ans...moins de gâteaux et d'apéros, sire....

    1. Anonymous16/1/25 19:06

      Il n'est pas le seul qui devrait faire l'effort de perdre du poids. Le prince Albert de Monaco mange probablement trop riche aussi. Et le vin français est si bon....

    2. Anonymous17/1/25 08:48

      Agree with both anon 18:20 & 19:06.

  11. Anonymous16/1/25 19:08

    The shawl is crying loud: "So sorry, I know I look somewhat displaced, but I had to be here to hide all those naked areas that should not be there for a reception like this". Stephanie's dress is just a bit boring. Not matronly, because matrons should be careful too to avoid completely boring dress devoid of visible structure or any other feature of interest.

  12. La Grande-Duchesse et la Grande-Duchesse héritiière sont élégantes toutes les deux ; j'adore les bijoux de Stéphanie !

  13. Anonymous17/1/25 19:40

    Both RL look very elegant.


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