Princess Iman and Jameel Thermiotis Are Expecting Their First Child

Princess Iman of Jordan is pregnant. Princess Iman is the second child and eldest daughter of Queen Rania

On January 24, 2025, Queen Rania joyfully announced that her daughter, Princess Iman, and Jameel Thermiotis are expecting their first child. Alongside the announcement, Queen Rania shared a heartfelt photo in which Princess Iman proudly displayed her growing baby bump.

Princess Iman of Jordan is pregnant. Princess Iman is the second child and eldest daughter of Queen Rania

In the caption accompanying the photo, Queen Rania expressed her heartfelt emotions, writing: 'Both are dear to my heart, but the one to come is even more precious. May God bring it to a blessed end. Two is a couple, three is a blessing.'

Princess Iman of Jordan is pregnant. Princess Iman is the second child and eldest daughter of Queen Rania

Princess Iman, the second child and eldest daughter of Queen Rania and King Abdullah of Jordan, married Jameel Thermiotis in a grand royal wedding held in Amman in March 2023.


(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous25/1/25 12:15

    I don't like the second photo. Too intimate, not for a public announcement. But it’s “modern times”. Irene

    1. P. the original25/1/25 13:23

      Anonymous Irene
      I hope you're not for real, otherwise I should think you do not know what love and happiness in couple mean.
      Being romantic and in love is the best message in a crazy world full of hatred and selfishness.
      Royal they may be, but human and deeply connected one with the other they are for sure.

    2. How is it too "intimate"? Two people standing on the beach in the sunset. What's wrong with that? 🫣
      I think it's a very beautiful picture.

    3. Anonymous25/1/25 18:01

      P. The original…completely agree! Too much awfulness in the world. Let’s try to enjoy the beautiful things.

    4. Anonymous25/1/25 18:35

      You’re entitled to the opinion Irene. Opinion is just that! And it’s got nothing to do with your understanding of love I’m sure (P. The original!!) but you stating your photo preference. Fair enough. I don’t particularly like or dislike the photo but am happy for the couple.

    5. Anonymous26/1/25 23:49

      P the original. As always beautifully articulated and well said. You have saved me the trouble of commenting! Rather strange comment from anon. Hugs

    6. Ava Pittman26/1/25 23:50

      P the original. My sincere apologies, forgot to identify myself re- anonymous lol!

    7. P. the original27/1/25 08:38

      Hello, Ava.
      Oh no, you don't t need to apologize.
      I immediately knew it was you who wrote the comment at 23:49.
      I can identify the type of comments from the way they are written by now.
      Rather strange comment from Anon., yes, as always.
      Strange to say the least.
      Same goes for Anonymous at all times as I bet that she and @Zucchina are the same person mirroring one onother and pretending they express opposite views.
      That's s not a clever move from Anonymous but I'm not surprised in the least by her.
      So, I didn't misread anything .
      I'm sure that once I have replied to one of them, I don't need to bother to reply to the other.
      Enough said.
      Hugs for you, Ava!!

  2. P. the original25/1/25 12:44

    Lovely, lovely and true words from Queen Rania!
    My warmest congratulations to this gorgeous couple!

    1. P. the original. Hello, lovely to see you commenting. I hope you had a lovely New Year and are well and all is good in your part of the world. Hugs !!

    2. P. the original26/1/25 09:33

      Hello, Ava!
      You' re always so kind to me, thank you!!
      Yesterday I wrote a comment for you on Pss Madeleine post.
      I talked about fashion but the purpose of her visit was what counted most, of course.
      New Year started well , at least I had some time to rest and hang with family and friends!
      I hope you're doing well.
      You know, I think Queen Rania made the best choice selecting pic 2 or the bump pic.
      She must be a very loving and proud mother and a sensitive person as well.
      Hugs for you too!!👋

    3. Anonymous26/1/25 16:50

      What a lovely good news to this WORLD. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Ava Pittman27/1/25 03:32

      P the original , thank you for your lovely words. I’m so sorry it appears i missed your Pss M post. I’m so glad you had a break and were able to chill. It’s important to take time out from a busy schedule and just be! Good on you! We have had awful storms, ( amongst the heat) it knocked out our power for 6 days and long nights! We live rurally so it was very challenging but many people worse off so we just have to get on with it. Had a bad dose of Covid ( my first) out of action for a time, so I’m still trying to catch up with everything lol!
      I’ll so happy The Princess of Wales has been given good news rewarding her health, simply wonderful. Keep posting, I learn so much from your comments as well as the other bloggers. Take good care! Hugs

    5. P. the original27/1/25 10:00

      Dearest @ Ava,
      Yes, I could enjoy a blessed break, can't believe it.
      I'm awfully sorry for what you wrote: the storms and also Covid.
      My gosh, it must have been really terribile...
      How are you now?
      I promise I'll pop in on this blog any time I can.
      You are always so kind, to me, thank you!!
      You know, I'm about to head off to work.
      As far as I know, many Aussies live on farms and power knocking out must be really challenging.
      I wholeheartedly wish you a complete and safe recovery.
      I'll keep reading your beautiful comments as soon as I am left some spare time.
      Please, take good care and lots of hugs for you.
      Sorry, gotta leave now.
      Bye, dearest Ava.

  3. Congratulations!

  4. Anonymous25/1/25 14:19

    Love the second photo, what a lovely and touching way to show a growing belly, Rem

  5. Anonymous25/1/25 14:21

    Such beautiful sentiments from Rania. The maternity photo is stunning! Congratulations to the happy couple and the grandparents-to-be.

  6. Anonymous25/1/25 15:28

    The pic showing the pregnancy is beautiful. No naked tummy, no belly button, no nakedness at all, just that pregnant silhouette that is visible for everybody at the moment a pregnant woman leaves her home. Even if she wears a "tent" like in the olden days.

  7. Je ne peux pas dire que la deuxième photo est intime ; elle aurait pu être aussi bien prise à une autre occasion à l'extérieur de chez la princesse Iman !

  8. Anonymous25/1/25 19:52

    Congratulations! I love the pregnancy pic. Helena

  9. Anonymous25/1/25 20:34

    You are vipers. On this site I think you are a group that decides what to think and a different opinion is not tolerated. I am a real woman not a machine. If you want to censor me but the second photo is for a personal album

    1. Anonymous26/1/25 00:35

      You sound very out of touch. Maternity photos like this have been popular for at least 20 years. I think what people are taking exception to is that this is a very joyous occasion and it is not always necessary to make a comment when you are feeling negative. Sometimes it is best to allow others to celebrate without being the party pooper.

    2. I'm very sorry if my comment offended you. I was just very surprised because you think the picture is inappropriate here.
      I understand that we have a different moral world of thought and that's okay.

    3. P. the original26/1/25 11:32

      You're rather confused.
      It sounds paradoxical that Queen Rania, as a proud and modern mother, choose to share her daughter's baby bump with the world while you're talking about morality!
      A growing life is never immoral nor is it a shame to show a married couple so in love in a romantic background.
      I reckon as immoral wars, murders , petty and cynical judgements, stupid conflicts and, above all, negativity at all costs.
      You're trying hard to judge again by a sort of old fashioned standard of morality.
      Does this moot standard apply also to your vocabulary and to your way of bashing everything and everywhere under the sky?
      Live and let live, please!

    4. P. the original26/1/25 11:33

      My previous comment is a reply to Zucchina 08:40

    5. P. the original. Did you read my comment at 15:01 to "Irene" or did you read my comment at 08:40 properly. Why are you stirring the pot here because you twisted my words. I wrote to anon 20:34 that it's okay to me to have different moral world of thoughts because I like the picture but she doesn't. Do not attack me, please.

    6. Anonymous26/1/25 22:55

      @Zuccina I was confused by P. the original's comment as well. I think she must have misread it.

  10. Anonymous26/1/25 18:53

    Congratulations to the couple! Janet

  11. P. the original26/1/25 20:38

    my comment today at 11:32 is a reply to Zucchina 0:840 responding to herself on 25/1/25 - 20:34.

    1. Anonymous26/1/25 23:00

      Oh dear. I think you are still mixed up. I don't believe the 20:34 comment was from Zucchina. I think it was from Irene 12:15. She is the one that has taken offense to the picture, not Zucchina.

    2. P. the original. I have never answered to my own comment and I always have my nickname Zucchina which is the "original" before and after I was a couple of years "Just Me". How on earth did you get the impression that I wrote the comment at 20:34 or are you just bored and want something to argue on this page?

      And thank you @anon 23:00. You got the point!

    3. P. the original27/1/25 08:46

      @ Anonymous yesterday at 23:00
      Please, stop the pantomime.
      You can change your names but you can't produce any reasonable comment at all.
      At least, don't embarass yourself anymore.
      Thank you.

    4. Anonymous27/1/25 10:15

      @P. the original I am anon 23:00. I didn't understand your comments to Zucchina until now. You think she is making comments under different names. If you think I am Zucchina or anon 12:15 (Irene), you are wrong. I don't know if they are the same person or not, and you may know more than I do, but including my comment in that makes me think your assumptions are not true. I usually enjoy your commentary, but this time it is off, at least as far as my comment is concerned.

    5. I do not know should I laugh or should I cry but this is crazy. Never ever has someone else said that I'm having multiple nick names or I'm answering to my own comments etc. Normally I don't even have much time to write here, this is unusual.
      I'm not "an anon", I'm not "Irene", I'm simply @Zucchina, ask Helen if you want.
      And certainly @P. the original does not know me. He has made here troubles before claiming the same from others.
      I won't go any further on this!

      The beach picture is lovely, gongratulations to them and to their families!

    6. Correction to my previous post: She (/he?) has made troubles... 😉

  12. Anonymous26/1/25 21:07

    Very good news, Congrats!

  13. Anonymous26/1/25 23:23

    What a lovely pic of them. Congratulations to the couple. Q Rania will be a grandmother again, she sure is the youngest and most beautiful one.


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