Princess Beatrix Attends Annual Symposium of 'In Vrijheid Verbonden'

Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands attended the annual symposium of the interfaith network

On the evening of January 27, 2025, Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands attended the annual symposium of the interfaith network In Vrijheid Verbonden at TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht. The theme of the evening was 'Spirituality and Leadership.' After the event, Princess Beatrix held discussions with young people and leaders of religious and philosophical communities.

Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands attended the annual symposium of the interfaith network

Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands attended the annual symposium of the interfaith network

In Vrijheid Verbonden is an interfaith network that brings together individuals from various religions and worldviews to collaborate, present themselves collectively, and advocate for peaceful coexistence and democracy. The Municipality of Utrecht co-hosts the event.

Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands attended the annual symposium of the interfaith network

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  1. I love her smile.

  2. Anonymous28/1/25 14:18

    I like that she is letting her natural hair colour shine through. Interesting embroidery or applique on her blouse, adds a nice touch of colour

  3. Ava Pittman28/1/25 21:26

    She looks very attractive in this ensemble. The top is interesting from what can be seen. Lovely to see her.

  4. La princesse Beatrix est toujours aussi pimpante pour son âge ; j'aime bien la voir sourire !

  5. Anonymous29/1/25 00:20

    Always in style.

  6. Anonymous29/1/25 00:42

    Such a warm and beautiful smile! Always love seeing Princess Beatrix. She looks marvelous here and her top has such intricate and beautiful embroidery.


  7. Anonymous29/1/25 03:13

    Elle aura 87 ans ce 31 janvier. Même âge que Sofia mais tellement moins bling bling.

  8. Anonymous29/1/25 09:45

    La reine Beatrix a un style qu elle s est créée depuis toujours et cela lui convient

  9. Anonymous29/1/25 14:42

    It is always interesting to see a natural, lined face, grey hair, no visible cosmetic intervention, and discover that one can look very attractive at this age. Queen Silvia has done a great deal to her face and hair but close-up photos reveal a mask-like face that still gives away her age and more, which is a pity really.
    🌞 Virginia


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