Lene Balleby, the Communications Director of the Danish Royal House, retired after 17 years in her position and held a farewell reception at Amalienborg in Copenhagen to commemorate the occasion. On January 30, 2025, King Frederik, Queen Mary, Princess Benedikte, Prince Gustav, and Princess Carina attended the farewell reception at Amalienborg to honor Lene Balleby for her years of dedicated service.
The Fold Harrow Silk Blouse
Celine High Rise Braided Design Trousers
Parmi ces dames, je note que la princesse Benedikte a vraiment beaucoup d'allure même si j'apprécie le délicat chemisier en soie rose de la reine Mary !
ReplyDeleteHow can Carina walk with those shoes?
ReplyDeleteMy thought as well. Looks like she would walk right out of them. I read that royals wear shoes a size larger so they don’t get sore feet while standing.
DeleteAt least one size too big !!
DeleteSizing up is one of the most common hack also used by average women to ease standing and walking when wearing court shoes and high heels in general.
DeleteWhy are you so surprised?
I too had to size up when buying a pair of flat combat boots myself just to feel more comfy in them!
I can assure you it works.
Lovely blouse she wore regularly in the past. The trousers however I do not like to go to a reception indoors. They are probably very warm and are excellent to wear with boots for an outdoor event in combination with a warm winter coat.
ReplyDeletePrincess Benedikte, so elegant. Love her earrings (or better earclips) from Jan Hesselberg, they suit her perfectly. anna e.
ReplyDeleteIs the ring from the same brand?
DeleteWhy is Carina Axelsson not at home with her children?
ReplyDeleteShe is HSH (Her Serene Highness) Princess Carina of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg. And I would assume that her children are with her in Denmark as is her husband.
DeleteBecause she was invited to a farewell celebration? Why do you go out? - cos you want to?!
DeleteGuess her husband undid her shackles and let her out for the day? Why are you asking such a ridiculous question?
DeleteOh for heaven sakes, are mothers never permitted to leave their children? They have nannies, and quite possibly they are up stairs in their beds.
DeleteRidiculous comment !!
DeleteWhat kind of sexist comment is that? Prince Gustav is not at home with his children either.
DeleteWhat a strange question. Do you feel the same about the Princess of Wales? Or Princess Stephanie of. Luxembourg?
Delete@DSC, you can see Prins Gustav in the fifth picture. How nice for both of them to attend a family gathering.
DeletePrincess Benedikte looks as elegant as ever I like Princess Mary’s pink and grey combo and Princess Carina’s teal dress. Love Lene Balleby’s shoes
Benedikte is so elegant!
ReplyDeleteI like Princess Carina's dress. It has a beautiful dark green color and has an excellent length. The communications director's skirt is too long. A shorter skirt in a darker color would have been better. First time I see Princess Benedikte with a scarf draped on her black dress like that. Makes me think a bit of the way Scottish ladies are draping a piece of tartan according the colors of their clan.
ReplyDeleteThat Fold blouse seems to be popping up regularly on Royal European ladies in past months. Mary’s is a lovely colour. Who was wearing it earlier this week… Mette Marrit? Carina’s shoe looks the wrong size? - I want to offer her a little insole to make that more comfortable?!
ReplyDeleteCan't they find something that the others don't wear.
DeleteI love the Fold blouse from the first day I saw it. Very chic, stylish, wearable. No fuss or frills, just elegant. I would love to have this in many colour too.
DeleteUna bella festa!
ReplyDeleteCarina indossa scarpe grandi…
Rossella 🖤
Princess Bebe looks beautifully groomed and so elegant. I love the drape and addition of her scarf. Stylish and chic.
ReplyDeletePrincess C looks stunning in this teal dress, suits her well.
Mary’s blouse is a pretty color but I don’t think I’ll ever like the wide pants look…on anyone.
ReplyDeleteI wish QM would retire those wide pants to the back of her closet. I can’t think of anyone who would look flattering in them.
ReplyDeletePB- As always the epitome of elegance.The scarf draped on her shoulder elevates the dress.
PC - I love the color and fit of the dress,but her shoes seem a little big for her.
I saw that Prince Nikolai of Greece and his fiancé also attended, so it was a truly family affair farewell party!
Prins Nikolai and Chrysi Vardinogianni will be married in a week, 7.2.2025.
DeleteMany of the guests were wearing trainers or boots when they came. I saw the pictures in Billedbladet (billedbladet.dk). Perhaps Princess Carina just forgot to take her shoes with and has loaned a pair from Queen Mary.
I like Princess Carina's dress, she looks very elegant. And I like those wide pants on Queen Mary, I prefere wide ones.
Neither Carina nor Nikolai are "Princess" or "Prince" since they both live in a republic, not a monarchy.
DeleteAccording to Billedbladet Prince Nicolas and his fiance did not take part of the reception. They just happened to cross the palace square at the same time as the guests arrived. They probably stayed in Queen Anne Marie’s appartement at the palace. According to the same source Ms. Balleby handled the press contact at prince Richards death. Hence Gustav and Carina participating. Nice to see that her work is appreciated.
Delete@Coralie, I politly disagree. They are Prinz Gustav zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg and Prinzessin Carina zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, no matter in which country they live. Prince Gustav has never lost his title.
DeletePrince Harry is a prince living in the USA, Princess Madeleine was a princess when living in the USA and so on.
Coralie, that is not right. They are allowed to use these titles as a courtesy, although the countries they reside in are republics. So, indeed they may be called, or call themselves, Princess Carina (Prince Gustav, her husband, as well, plus her children), and Prince Nikolaos. They also might be addressed, when speaking to them directly, as "Your Serene Highness" (oftentimes just "Your Highness" is used, and we in Germany will also use "Durchlaucht" for them), but it is, of course, not required and just a matter of politeness and good etiquette. For Prince Nikolaos it is even "Your Royal Highness" because he is the son of a king, albeit a former, by now deceased, one. Queen Anne-Marie still will be addressed as "Your Majesty". So, their monarchies might no longer exist, but their titles do, but just not in a way that would be politically relevant or matter much to the general affairs of the country.
Delete@ Zucchina
DeleteYou cannot compare Prince Harry and Princess Madeleine who both are children from a reigning king. It is not because they (have) live(d) abroad that they are not Prince and Princess anymore.
The explanation of DSC is correct.
Coralie, das ist je nach Perspektive korrekt. In Deutschland gibt es seit 1918 keine Monarchie mehr, der frühere Titel ist nur noch Namensbestandteil. Gelten die Titel vielleicht noch in Dänemark? e.
DeleteZucchina, that's wrong. In germany monarchy ist abolished, there are no titles, only part of their names.
Delete@ zucchina Gustav Prinz of Sayn-wittgenstein never had a title, no monarchy in germany!
Delete@DSC. I'm afraid, your comment is not completely correct. The privileges of nobility have been abolished in 1919, therefore titles are only part of the name. It is not Prinz Gustav or Princess Carina, but Gustav Prinz von SWB and Carina Prinzessin von SWB. Let me quote Wikipedia "Die Bezeichnung Prinz oder Prinzessin ist in Deutschland kein Adelstitel mehr, sondern Namensbestandteil." In their own circles (where we have no access to)
Deletethey are of course still Prince and Princess. Normally such a detail on a forum for Royals wouldn't bother me were it not for Coralie's strange statement. Liebe Grüsse Mona
Yes, Mona, this is the very correct use of these titles. Thank you for elaborating. It is, however, quite common to say Princess Carina or Prince Gustav as the short form when speaking of them. We in Germany would rarely use that anyway, but I have seen journalists interviewing Prince Richard (now deceased) of SWB and indeed addressing him as "Durchlaucht". Same applies to the German relatives of the late Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, like Philip Prinz zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg. He also was addressed as "Durchlaucht" by a reporter who asked him about his great-uncle and the funeral he attended in Windsor, and who would be in German "Fürst Hohenlohe-Langenburg". It is all part of the name only, but still in use. Nevertheless, polite etiquette would suggest a formal way of addressing them, but it is not required.
DeleteI understand that I was wrong using the word "title" and @DSC explained the issue very good. How ever my point was only to say that using the words "Prinz" and "Prinzessin" of them is not wrong.
DeleteDSC, ich stimme Ihrem zweiten Kommentar absolut zu. Weil Sie Prinz Richard erwähnen, ich habe vor etlichen Jahren eine mehrteilige Doku in einem der Regionalprogramme gesehen, jede Folge war über ein anderes hochherrschaftliches Haus so auch über die SWB. Prinz Richard, der explizit nicht als Fürst angesprochen werden wollte, er nannte es "gesetzlich nicht zulässig" wenn ich mich recht erinnere, war der herzlichste, unkomplizierteste, zugänglichste Mensch den man sich vorstellen konnte. No airs and graces about him. Er verabschiedete die Reporterin mit Wangenkuss und lud sie ein die Familie wieder zu besuchen. Ein erfrischender Gegensatz zu anderen Häusern in denen es sehr formal zuging. Es würde zu weit führen, noch mehr zu erzählen, es war zum Teil recht erheiternd. Übrigens, ich schätze Ihre Kommentare sehr, gerade der heutige zum Artikel über Leonor von Spanien war informativ und kenntnisreich. Für uns Normalsterbliche sind solche Fragen wie das Namensrecht eigentlich irrelevant, da führt ein Kommentar immer zum nächsten, und dann geht meine Detailverliebtheit mit mir durch. Alles Gute für Sie. Mona
DeleteIt’s nice to see the gratitude and respect for an employee ! At least where I work it seams lost …
ReplyDeleteElegant and stylish as always. So nice to see Gustav and Corrina there as well.
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