On January 1, 2025, Japan’s Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako hosted a New Year reception at the Imperial Palace for members of the government, judiciary, and diplomatic corps. The Emperor and Empress were accompanied by Princess Aiko, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko, and Princess Kako. The Mikasa and Takamado families did not attend the reception due to the recent passing of Princess Yuriko.
Empress Masako wore the Meiji Scroll Tiara, Crown Princess Kiko wore the Diamond Scroll Tiara, Princess Aiko wore Princess Sayako’s Mikimoto Tiara, and Princess Kako wore her Mikimoto Tiara at the New Year’s Reception.
Lovely to see so many glittering jewellery. I find it worth to note that some of the ladies wear more jewellery than the empress. I am not sure I've ever seen someone wear heavier jewellery than QE II, I'm not sure if that was her choice, a coincidence or regulated by some (un)written protocol.
ReplyDeleteThe Meiji Tiara worn by the Empress might look smaller than the scroll tiara worn by the CP but the diamonds are immense. Very beautiful and impressive.
DeleteThe Japanese tiaras usually come as a parure with a matching necklace. I think the Empress is the "odd one out", so to speak, by making use of different diamonds she has access to.
Does anyone know a blog or website where I can find more information on these tiaras? I'd like to know their background. Thanks!
DeleteDamsel Dragonfly
https://www.fnn.jp/articles/-/24835 日本のテレビ局が運営するサイトです。ご参考になれば良いのですけれど。
Delete@anon 04:49: thank you so much for the link. Very interesting to read.
DeleteDamsel Dragonfly
You can also read about them at https://www.thecourtjeweller.com/
DeleteEveryone looks elegant in their signature gowns. The jewels are exceptional, each suited to their personality.
ReplyDeleteTous les bijoux éblouissants sont de sortie ; même en l'ayant agrandi, je ne pense pas avoir déjà vu le collier de la princesse héritière ?!
ReplyDeleteJust gorgeous
ReplyDeleteTiaras galore, love it. Lovely gowns.
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