Denmark's King and Queen Host a Banquet at Frederik VIII’s Palace

King Frederik and Queen Mary hosted a banquet at Frederik VIII’s Palace in Amalienborg

On January 29, 2025, King Frederik and Queen Mary of Denmark hosted a banquet at Frederik VIII’s Palace in Amalienborg, Copenhagen to mark the anniversary of the Holmen Medal of Honor. Queen Margrethe was also present. The Holmen Medal of Honor is the oldest military service medal in Denmark. Today, those who have served in the Royal Danish Navy for 25 years are eligible to receive this honor.

King Frederik and Queen Mary hosted a banquet at Frederik VIII’s Palace in Amalienborg

King Frederik and Queen Mary hosted a banquet at Frederik VIII’s Palace in Amalienborg

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  1. Anonymous30/1/25 16:29

    I love the table fashion. ;)

    1. Anonymous31/1/25 07:37

      Forks and spoons are placed upside down to prevent worn spots on the silver/gilt

    2. Anonymous31/1/25 07:39

      Forks and spoons placed upside down to prevent worn spots on silver etc

    3. You mean, the table is dressed best? 😁

  2. Anonymous30/1/25 16:44

    Really the worst dress on Queen Mary. It does absolutely nothing for her and it makes her look old. I don’t think black is a good color for her.

    1. Anonymous30/1/25 18:46

      Formal military wear for Mary. I love the table setting, did you notice the forks are upside down though? I’m used to the English formal table setting, can anyone from Denmark educate me on this?

    2. Anonymous30/1/25 22:36

      No worst dress really visible anywhere, she wears a beautifully tailored short feminine jacket as background for the military adornments she has to wear on this occasion.

    3. Anonymous31/1/25 00:41

      Anon 18:46--I have read that fork prongs/tines are placed upside when the silver has an embossed features/details on the back of the fork. The custom evidently came from the French. I recall my French aunt--who was born in 1919 by the way--setting her table this way when she and my uncle were entertaining and using their gorgeous sterling silver from Christofle. -- Janet

    4. Anonymous31/1/25 06:06

      Anon 18.46 In Danish table settings, it's actually common to place the forks with the tines facing down. It’s a subtle difference from the English style, where the tines often face up. The idea behind it is to avoid any sharp points poking out, which makes for a more relaxed and clean look.

    5. Anonymous31/1/25 10:15

      Every year same comment about Q Mary´s "dress".
      She is wearing the official female version of Royal Navy dress uniform.

    6. Anonymous31/1/25 19:02

      Thanks for the answers re the fork tines. Very interesting!!!

  3. Anonymous30/1/25 17:20

    What a lovely photo. Love queen M huge medallion brooch. Perfect amount of bling. Queen Mary has a nice uniform jacket, not fussy on her hair. Nevertheless they all look appropriately dressed, even the kings hair is looking better.

    1. Anonymous30/1/25 21:23

      Lovely photo. So glad that Queen Margrethe’s blue skirt provides a spot if colour in an otherwise very sombre line up

  4. What happened to Mary's hair?

    1. Anonymous30/1/25 18:47

      Nothing?! Why?

    2. Anonymous30/1/25 19:21

      What happened to Mary? I am a huge fan of her style but this is not a look I can find anything positive to say about, and so unusually for her , her hair is a mess. Let’s hope it is a one off. LRB

    3. Anonymous30/1/25 20:33

      @Anon 19:21: At closer inspection you'll notice that she wears a military uniform jacket and if you read Helen's introductory text, you will know the reason.

    4. Anon 18:47: Her hair looks disheveled as if she had faced a strong wind. Queen Margrethe's hair also looks a little disheveled.

    5. Anonymous31/1/25 07:24

      Replying to Anon 20:33 - I am not anon I am LRB. I don’t like her outfit she looks a mess, military jacket or not. For me, as stated, this is a rare miss. So I stick by my comment. LRB

    6. Anonymous31/1/25 08:21

      Absolutely a hair style that is not suitable for the uniform (and face?). But maybe Mary thought it would improve the look of her in this dress which I can't imagine is one of her favorites.

    7. Anonymous31/1/25 10:19

      to LRB. Mary is wearing the Royal Navy female dress/mess uniform , I don´t think she has a choice. The mess uniform was created by female officers to look more modern and offer a formal uniform with a skirt. I am sorry you don´t like it.

  5. Anonymous30/1/25 17:32

    Everyone looks lovely! I think I see one Navy woman peeking from the back row, second from the right. Does anyone know the history of the mighty jewel circle brooch pinned to Margarette’s bodice?

  6. Désolée, il n'y a que le dressage de la table qui m'intéresse !

  7. Anonymous30/1/25 19:39

    I don't know what's doing her hairdresser, this is the worst looking hair on her seems to me. Wake up call. Poltroni

  8. Anonymous30/1/25 20:27

    Bad hairday for Mary!

  9. Ava Pittman30/1/25 23:32

    It’s hard to make out what Mary is wearing!
    The table setting on the other hand—- gorgeous!!!

  10. Anonymous31/1/25 00:52

    Gorgeous table setting to honor the Holmen Medalists. I love that Queen Mary is wearing her formal evening dress uniform. She is showing great respect to her nation's military. She has worn this gown--designed by female military officers--for a number of years.


  11. Anonymous31/1/25 01:32

    What is going on with Mary’s hair???


  12. Indeed the forks are facing down, can someone enlight us about this?
    I think there is something awkward about the picture and not per se Mary looking poorly, perhaps a close up will help us understand the hairdo.
    January has been busy for the Danish pair

    1. Anonymous31/1/25 17:45

      7 sorties publiques pour Mary : le 1er, le 7 et le 8.
      Puis le 24, le 28, le 30 et le 31.

  13. Anonymous31/1/25 06:16

    I wonder why Queen Mary must wear all these military adornments. Did she ever had military training in the Danish army/navy ? I think I never saw Queen Margrethe wearing a kind of uniform and military medals and she was head of the Defence forces of her country. Queen Margrethe still looking so courageous to assist at different occasions. She seems to be happy and that is what counts.

  14. Anonymous31/1/25 08:28

    Mary must hate this uniform dress. She never looked good in it and have had her hair in a updo before which makes the whole look somber and a little old. The new hair was maybe meant to spice it up.

    1. Anonymous31/1/25 18:23

      hate-hair-somber- old seem to belong to the author more than to Queen Mary

    2. Anonymous31/1/25 20:34

      ??? 18:23

    3. Anonymous31/1/25 20:40

      18:23: Maybe yourself

  15. Anonymous31/1/25 14:40

    To come back to the table setting. I have always heard that high flower arrangements in the middle of the table must be avoided. The guests when sitting down can hardly see the other guests on the other side of the table. About the forks and spoons . I am afraid I couldn't place my forks and spoons upside down because you wouldn't see the decorations only the name of the brand. I think we follow the British way of table setting. I have to pay attention when I will see a picture of the table setting at the Royal Palace or the Grand Ducal palace.

  16. Anonymous31/1/25 19:07

    I really like Mary’s hair here. It’s just a styling for the evening though and not a major surgical intervention so I’m confused about the number of negative hair comments above including, hilariously, “wake up call”. Say what?!?!

    1. Anonymous1/2/25 10:32

      It comes from people that have no ideea about hair or style but like to pretend they are experts

  17. Anonymous2/2/25 00:15

    Love the uniforms. Q Margarethe looks great.


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