Queen Silvia Receives the 2024 Christmas Trees with Her Grandchildren

Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Prince Alexander, Prince Gabriel, Prince Julian, Princess Leonore and Princess Adrienne

On December 16, 2024, Queen Silvia, accompanied by Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Prince Alexander, Prince Gabriel, Prince Julian, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, and Princess Adrienne, received this year’s Christmas trees at the Royal Palace in Stockholm. The Christmas trees were traditionally presented by forestry students from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in UmeĂĄ.

Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Prince Alexander, Prince Gabriel, Prince Julian, Princess Leonore and Princess Adrienne

Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Prince Alexander, Prince Gabriel, Prince Julian, Princess Leonore and Princess Adrienne

Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Prince Alexander, Prince Gabriel, Prince Julian, Princess Leonore and Princess Adrienne

Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Prince Alexander, Prince Gabriel, Prince Julian, Princess Leonore and Princess Adrienne

Since the 1960s, SLU students have upheld the tradition of delivering Christmas trees to the Royal Palace. The "Kungsgran" (King’s Spruce) derives its name from this custom. Previously, it was commonly known as the Nordmann Spruce.

Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Prince Alexander, Prince Gabriel, Prince Julian, Princess Leonore and Princess Adrienne

Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Prince Alexander, Prince Gabriel, Prince Julian, Princess Leonore and Princess Adrienne

Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Prince Alexander, Prince Gabriel, Prince Julian, Princess Leonore and Princess Adrienne

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. J'adore particulièrement la dernière photo où la reine est très bien entourée ; je remarque que la princesse Estelle grandit bien vite !

  2. En Suède comme en France les jeunes ados portent de vilaines chaussures des godillots,
    Bon je suis mamie vous me pardonnerez.

    1. Well, that is your opinion, which you are entitled to. Just be mindful that combat and lug bottom boots are not just for teens. I wear them myself, and I am far from being a teen. I know many women my age that do. I don't think they are ugly at all! It would have been nicer to find something complimentary to say, since they are children.

    2. Fear not, Froufrou; the clunky shoes are, for most, one of fashion’s passing fads that will eventually be replaced (hopefully) by something prettier.

    3. @Anon 12:58 They are hardly a fad. They have been popular for decades.




    4. Here in the Nordic climate, it’s more important to dress practically and comfortably. You’d better have warm shoes with a good friction sole.

  3. Lovely photos! Little Nicholas seems less shy and withdrawn. In my opinion, this is the prettiest european royal family.

    1. They’re all pretty. It would be a shame for the young people to come across comments where we rank them.

    2. Anon 22 55. What a depressing comment on these photos. Do you need to be so defensive? Who is ranking them?

  4. So sweet photos. Alexander has a new haircut and little Julian is adorable, they all are. How nice for queen Silvia to have all her grandchildren near her.

  5. This is such a heartwarming tradition. Lovely family pictures.
    -Royal Watcher

  6. So nice to see the queen just being able to be grandma. Everyone is dressed well, looks like they have fun.

  7. Estelle est mignonne avec sa tenue rouge cerise, ça lui va bien :-)
    Les filles de Madeleine sont habillées comme en 1940.
    Ils doivent être bien contents les enfants d'avoir plusieurs sapins à décorer, c'est ça la vie de château ! Paloma.

    1. Leonore is wearing Estelle's Ralph Lauren dress.

  8. wallis de simpson16/12/24 23:27

    what happened to my little estelle :(

    1. I know…she’s so tall!

    2. Wallis Warfield Simpson the woman King Edward VIII gave up his throne for!

    3. 12 looks so different nowadays, she looks 21

    4. My thoughts too! She is growing into a beauty!

  9. Wonderful pictures of the grandchildren and the Queen. Next year is number 9 there, maybe Estelle will hold the new baby. Estelle has grown so much. All the children look so cute.

  10. Estelle is just soooo tall!

  11. These are beautiful photos.

  12. These pictures are lovely;all the children look good and are having fun,I like all the different jumpers etc.Queen Sylvia looks good ;I like her hair(Tara)

  13. i like that Madelline brings her kids to Sweden so they get to have memories with their cousins, grandparents and family

    1. It's wonderful that M with family is back again!

  14. Smart outfit on Silvia for visiting with active grandchildren. Nice outfit on Estelle. Don't blink, the next few years are going to pass quickly as Estelle grows. Chris L

  15. What lovely photos and what lovely children. Cute little Estelle is now a young giantess, towering over her grandmother. Love her red outfit, though not the ugly boots. Princess Leonore’s & Adrienne’s dresses are lovely. And the boys are so handsome, especially the sons of Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia, now they have got rid of the long hair. Wishing them all a lovely Christmas


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