Queen Camilla Hosts a Christmas Tree Trimming Party at Clarence House

Helen & Douglas House and Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity

On Thursday, December 12, Queen Camilla hosted a Christmas party at her residence, Clarence House, in London. The event is part of an annual initiative organized for the parents and children supported by Helen & Douglas House and Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity. These charities provide medical, emotional, and practical support to seriously ill children and their families. Queen Camilla serves as the patron of both organizations.

Helen & Douglas House and Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity

Helen & Douglas House and Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity

Helen & Douglas House and Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity

Helen & Douglas House and Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity


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  1. These photos are all so touching, but that 2nd photo is so moving. The sincere look on the Queen's face, something little one won't forget. What a treat, simply marvelous and the Queen is right in her element. The children look to be having a good time, so beautiful to see. Merry Xmas to them. x

  2. This is the highlight for the children and their families. The Queen enjoys having the children there. As every year.

  3. P. the original13/12/24 13:15

    This annual reception is one which deeply touches my heart.
    Queen Camilla hits the high notes, no...
    I'm not interested in anything related to fashion...
    Just her way of welcoming and caring for these children and their families, that' all about that.
    She knows how to create the magic and give these little angeles what can make them most happy: having tea (I guess) with a real Queen, trimming a majestic Christmas tree inside of a real Royal mansion.
    This is that bit of fairytale atmosphere they totally deserve.
    Special mention to the charities involved in supporting these children and families in all their practical and emotional needs and...
    Thank you from me too, Queen Camilla.

    1. P. the original. Well said, you nailed it! Beautifully articulated. It brought tears to my eyes, just seeing the little ones! powerful images yet with such clarity. Hugs

    2. Having tea ? With sausages and brocolli ?

    3. P. the original14/12/24 10:42

      Hello, Anonymou at 7;00
      What beautiful comment you posted just the type of claryfication ,which was needed on a post like this one.
      I see that you are focusing more on the food served than on the meaning of this event.
      Food must be very relevant to you.
      Then, please, let me remind you of what you yourself once wrote, sounding like this:
      " Broccoli grow on trees".
      I understand that Queen Camilla must have requested someone of her staff picking them up on trees and bring them to the kitchen for the meal.
      Would you like to add something about the prominence of this reception?

    4. P. the original14/12/24 10:48

      Yes, my dearest Ava.
      It's so hard to find the right words to comment on this post.
      Thank you so much.
      And yes, pics speak volumes leaving each blogger to think over them silently.
      Words seem almost out of place, just superflous.
      Yes, the little ones, they melt my heart .

    5. You are so perfect that you didn't even see yourself that it was not tea she was serving ..."what can make them most happy having tea (I guess) with a real queen".... If you look in the back of the picture you see a black lady with a saucière on a plate...I didn't know you need sauce when having tea ? What I do know is, if you click on the pictures they are becoming bigger and clearer. In case you, who are so smart, didn't know that either or maybe you forgot to put on your glasses ?

    6. P. the original15/12/24 09:22

      @Anonymous 15:12

      Firstly: nowhere did I say or think I'm perfect.
      It must be just your own perception so, come on, please, do show some self- confidence .
      Secondly, please...
      may I ask you to look up into an English dictionary before dropping your pointless lines about me?
      I wrote: " I guess", which means:
      " I assume/ I'm making a guess".
      It does not mean: "I'm absolutely sure that they are having tea!"
      I do not need glasses.
      What about you?
      Thirdly: as I said , food & beverages must be very relevant to you , much more than the party Q.Camilla held for these ill little angels.
      may I ask you what your priorities in life are?
      Looking at these poignant pics and the little ones portrayed in them or writing an unnecessary review about the food served?
      Fourtly: I inform you that you would be shocked to see English people- this means: generally speaking- sipping their teas at any time of the day including meals, irrispective of the type of courses served.
      This would be even more shocking to you, if you happened to visit ( I doubt it) nordic countries such as Sweden.
      A Swedish friend of mine used to make an infusion with a mixture of teas, spices , ginger and dried rosebuds.
      She sipped It throughout the day due to the freezing cold and at meal times as well.
      I had a cup of It too and it truly tasted delicious!
      better you improve your English .
      Your evergreen translator isn't everything in life😉

    7. Amen.

  4. C'est dans une ambiance particulière que Camilla reçoit ses petits invités ; je pense que certains doivent y être sensibles afin de pouvoir s'amuser !
    PS Est-ce mon écran mais je trouve que la robe de Camilla nous montre des bandes noires sur fond bleu roi ?!

  5. She is a very kind and compassionate woman.

  6. Always a beautiful and touching event. Queen Camilla brings such joy into the lives of these children and their families. She is gracious and so caring. I cannot imagine how challenging this annual event is for her but every single year she makes Christmas magic happen here. She is a blessing.



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