Princess Stephanie Visits Princess Grace Hospital Center in Monaco

Princess Stéphanie wore a beige cream wool and cashmere midi coat, and Chanel printed silk  scarf

At the initiative of the Monaco Red Cross, Princess Stéphanie visited the Rainier III Center to participate in the distribution of Christmas gifts to the residents. Afterwards, Princess Stéphanie visited the hospital assistance section of the Princess Grace Hospital Center. Accompanied by Professor Bruno Taillan, Head of the Internal Medicine, Hematology, and Oncology Department, she met with patients and presented them with boxes of chocolates.

Princess Stéphanie wore a beige cream wool and cashmere midi coat, and Chanel printed silk  scarf

Princess Stéphanie wore a beige cream wool and cashmere midi coat, and Chanel printed silk  scarf

Princess Stéphanie wore a beige cream wool and cashmere midi coat, and Chanel printed silk  scarf

Princess Stéphanie wore a beige cream wool and cashmere midi coat, and Chanel printed silk  scarf

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  1. C'est une gentille attention mais peut-être pas une très bonne idée...
    Quand on est en hémato-oncologie on n'a pratiquement pas d'appétit et un perpétuel goût métallique dans la bouche (ou des aphtes très douloureux qui empêchent de mâcher), alors les chocolats ils ne les mangeront pas... Paloma

    1. Pardon Paloma, mais il y a plus qu'un seulement medecine chimiotherapie. Sympathies pour votre experience. Pardon le manque de marque d'accents. Christine

    2. Liebe Paloma, diese Störungen , wie von Ihnen beschrieben, können tatsächlich auftreten. Bei manchen Chemo- oder Immuntherapien ist es hingegen hilfreich, etwas süßes wie Schokolade zu lutschen. Das hilft gegen Übelkeit. Letztendlich ist es einfach eine freundliche Geste, zu schenken.

      Mich wundert nur der warme Mantel, während andere T-Shirts oder Blusen tragen.

  2. It might be silly what I am about to say, but the fact that they (the royals) often keep their coats on while everybody else is in light clothes one wears inside, gives me the impression that it is just a five minute photo shoot.
    Ana Katarina

    1. What are you saying!

    2. If you think about it, we don't typically see photos of the royals removing their coats, with the very recent exception of Maxima. It is an ordeal, requiring a private space for them to removed out of camera sight, a place for coats to be stored or someone to carry them, and the royal removing a coat will want to readjust their clothing in order to look their best. "Royal etiquette" dictates that female royals should not be seen removing their coats publicly because it is "unladylike". After seeing years and years of photos of the royal ladies, I can honestly say that seeing the picture of Maxima mid coat removal was awkward.

    3. Ana Katarina, I think you’re right that if the coats are on it’s either a very quick visit with photos - or the photos were only taken as they were arriving / departing.

    4. I don't think Queen Maxima has a problem with taking her coat off in the presence of other people. It is you who have problems with it. Isn't it time the royals are liberated from these sometimes stupid protocol rules.

    5. @Anon 14:19 Why so aggressive? Please don't accuse me or anyone else of things that aren't true. No one has a problem with Maxima removing a coat in public. I said the photos I recently saw looked awkward. They stood out because it is not something we typically see. I think it is refreshing to see the royals doing the everyday tasks we mere mortals do daily. There is no end to the information about the royals coats being removed in public. It is something I have always known. As the BRF is usually the most strict about such things, articles about them flood the internet. If you look back through the pictures on this blog, no matter the family/country, we don't typically see pictures of the royals removing their coats. I agree with your last statement. Many of the rules they must follow are antiquated to me.,frowned%20upon%20by%20the%20crown.

  3. Stéphanie is such a sweet old lady!

    1. Omg she is definitely not an old lady yet !!

    2. She is only 59 !!

    3. Sweeet but not old I think!

    4. Oh où voyez-vous une vieille dame ?

    5. This is a very unfortunate comment.

    6. I hope that was not meant to be a troll comment, but an actual reaction to her appearance. Stephanie and I are the identical age, within a couple of days. She does look much, much older than I do. The way she has lived her life shows on her skin. Too much sun, smoking, and partying will age you quickly. It also doesn't appear as though she has had a regular skincare routine. That being said, I think she has a youthful mentality, which is just as important.

    7. 22:33, it’s not just sun and partying, and the climate we live in, but different skin ages differently due to genetics. You’re lucky - and me with the same age, always with suncream, hat, protected skin, no smoking etc, I am as wrinkled as Stephanie! (But much prefer this than the Botox / cosmetic surgery route… love the stories our wrinkles tell!).

    8. 15.41 will doch nur provozieren, fallt nicht darauf herein!

    9. @ 3:31 Yes, genetics play a big role, as does one's coloring. My poor mother-in-law was thought to be my father-in-law's MOTHER(!) on a flight back from Hawaii. They are the same age, but my MIL is of Irish decent, and her skin doesn't handle the sun at all. My FIL tans easily and was bronzed and healthy looking. In her forties, she began calling her wrinkles her "cracks". Realistically, Botox is targeted and only smooths out lines on the forehead, or relaxes crows feet, or laugh lines. It isn't of much use when the skin ages beyond a certain point. At least it only lasts 3-4 months. Cosmetic surgery is permanent and can be botched. I can't judge anyone for the decisions they make. I believe we all need to do what makes us feel our best.

  4. Une belle princesse au grand cœur.

  5. Princess Stephanie looks so much more youthful than she did a few years ago. I think it’s the hairstyle but she also seems generally happier

  6. So sweet and classy the elderly gentleman getting dressed in jacket and tie to receive the princess. She is very natural with people, no pretence. As far as the gift, even if the person can’t consume, they have a treat to offer their family and visitors. Its a lovely jester.

  7. Oh où voyez-vous une vieille dame ?

  8. This was a lovely visit by the Princess, very uplifting and moral boosting for the patients. I love what she is wearing, particularly the colorful scarf.

  9. She seems like such a kind person.

  10. Stephanie seems to have such a kind heart--she seems to be very natural with everyone during this visit. The joy in her face and of all those around her is evident to see. I love that the elderly gentleman is all dressed up to meet his princess--it is very sweet and I am sure it was much appreciated. The selfie with the other patient is sweet. In terms of fashion--she is wearing a beautiful coat and very pretty scarf.


  11. I suppose you all know that it is not Princess Stephanie who is offering these chocolates to the patients, but like it is explained in the introduction "at the intitiative of the Red cross of Monaco", just like Prince Albert and Princess Charlene distributed the Christmas gifts to the people who are supported by the Monaco Red Cross social service. I never heard the Red Cross is asking the royals of other countries to do the distribution of Christmas gifts in their country. I never heard the Red Cross is distributing Christmas gifts in my country.


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