Princess Charlene Opens the 2024 Christmas Village in Monaco

Princess Charlene wore a brown leather jacket by Chloe, Princess Gabriella wore faux shearling coat by Chloe

On the evening of Friday, December 6, Princess Charlene of Monaco, together with her children, Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques, attended the official inauguration of the Christmas Village at Port Hercule in Monaco for 2024. Organized by the Municipality of Monaco, the village features 24 sales chalets and 23 food and attraction chalets, including a Ferris wheel, a sledding slide, and Santa’s sleighs.

Princess Charlene wore a brown leather jacket by Chloe, Princess Gabriella wore faux shearling coat by Chloe

Princess Charlene wore a brown leather jacket by Chloe, Princess Gabriella wore faux shearling coat by Chloe

Princess Charlene wore a brown leather jacket by Chloe, Princess Gabriella wore faux shearling coat by Chloe

Princess Charlene wore a brown leather jacket by Chloe, Princess Gabriella wore faux shearling coat by Chloe

Princess Charlene wore a brown leather jacket by Chloe, Princess Gabriella wore faux shearling coat by Chloe

Princess Charlene wore Chloe Embroidered-logo Leather Jacket in Brown
Chloe Embroidered-logo Leather Jacket

Princess Gabriella wore Chloe Kids Recycled Polyester Faux Shearling Coat
Chloe Kids Recycled Polyester Faux Shearling Coat

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous7/12/24 01:53

    Charlene’s jacket is quite unusual and it looks a bit uncomfortable particularly around her neck. But it looks like melted caramel which is a good thing! The children look so sweet holding hands. It’s lovely they are so close.

    1. Anonymous7/12/24 08:50

      Donot you see their uneasiness?

    2. Anonymous7/12/24 16:15

      @Anonymous 7/12 08:50 - Don’t you see your projection?

    3. Agree with Anonymous 08:50. But take care: Other royals have fans, Charlene has Talibans, like someone on this blog once wrote.

    4. Anonymous7/12/24 22:59

      There are a lot of pics where kids look very relaxed...please join some other sides.

    5. Anonymous7/12/24 23:12

      Anonymus 16;15: did you hold your brothers/ sisters hand when you were nearly ten?

    6. Anonymous7/12/24 23:22

      Don’t see any uneasiness…they look fine to me!

    7. Anonymous8/12/24 19:42

      Don't forget they are twins. There is always something special between twins.

  2. Anonymous7/12/24 04:13

    I am not keen on the short jacket, although it fits well, perhaps it just looks too stiff. Gabrielle’s coat is nice, her boots make her feet look awkwardly big. Jacque is dapper as always

  3. Sweet Princess Charlene certainly has her share of leather jackets to choose from even though this is not my favorite of hers!

  4. Anonymous7/12/24 08:37

    Ils sint beaux tous les 3 et élégants

  5. Anonymous7/12/24 08:51

    I donot see anyone enjoying this, all sad and I’ll at ease.

    1. Anonymous7/12/24 15:22

      No don’t see it as sad, it is a Christmas village after all. Sometimes I think Gabrielle just doesn’t want the attention or to take photos and would rather explore the sights. Nothing wrong with taking a fee minutes to do their job for the people of their principality.

    2. Anonymous8/12/24 04:06

      How do you get sad out of these pictures?

  6. Anonymous7/12/24 10:34

    Je craque pour le manteau de Gabriella.
    Jacques est joliment vêtu:Ce petit garçon est d'une beauté
    De plus,il a un visage doux et me paraît très gentil et observateur.

  7. Anonymous7/12/24 10:36

    Princess Charlene is doing very well - good job. Her outfit goes with the event.
    These children are beautiful.


    1. Anonymous7/12/24 23:27

      Agree…she seems to be doing very well.

  8. Chaudement vêtue, la famille princière est superbe dans sa tenue idéale pour cette inauguration ; j''adore le blouson de Charlène qui me fait penser à du caramel foncé ; oh que je suis gourmande ! - Je n'oublie pas les jumeaux qui sont élégants chacun dans son propre style !

  9. Anonymous7/12/24 17:04

    Pour moi ce style de blouson n'a rien d'élégant, ni ceux des enfants.
    Charlène ne devrait pas emmener sa fille avec elle, il est clair qu'elle déteste ça et qu'elle subit une corvée à chaque fois.
    Il y a sûrement de très nombreuses petites Monégasques qui adoreraient être à sa place ! Je pense que ce serait une bonne idée de permettre à des petites filles de vivre des bons moments et on les verrait avec des grands sourires ! Ce serait plaisant pour tout le monde :-)

    1. Anonymous7/12/24 17:17

      Well said Paloma, thank you!!

    2. Anonymous7/12/24 17:55

      The children were born into this role and their income come from the principality. They are gently being guided in this role, which means attending an event or posing for a photo once in a while. They have their mother a none royal born princess that knows how to bring normality to their lives. These kids are very privileged, they lack nothing including kid time.

    3. Anonymous8/12/24 04:11

      The children have responsibilities, few that they are, to be present and take a few photos. They must learn how to handle their future roles. I applaud Albert and Charlene for allowing them to be themselves. If they don't want to smile on command, so what? They will become more comfortable in their roles as time goes on.

    4. Anonymous8/12/24 16:37

      Totally disagree, children don’t make the decisions. No smile does not equate to not happy to be there. As a shy person myself you would never of known by photos that I was glad to be at an event with strangers.

  10. Anonymous7/12/24 18:21

    "Il est clair qu'elle déteste cela"
    Comment pouvez vous écrire une telle idiotie"
    Vous êtes peut être dans la tête de cette petite fille ou peut être un membre de sa famille.
    Libre à cette petite fille de sourire ou de ne pas sourire.
    Je ne pense pas que vous auriez aimé être "matraqué "par des photographes à chacune de vos sorties.

  11. Anonymous7/12/24 19:19

    Uneasy? Charlene is a champion an athelet. She looks great.

    1. Anonymous7/12/24 23:19

      Agree! They all look fine to me,

  12. Anonymous7/12/24 20:00

    What a magical event for everyone to attend.
    I want to love Princess Charlene jacket,but there’s something unusual around the neck. I do love the quality. She herself looks so well.
    The kiddies are coming upto to their 10th birthday,they like the royal children of the UK,are probably unsure of the endless cameras and flash lights,but it’s something they’ll adapt to as they get a little older. But for today,they both looked lovely in their Winter coats.

  13. Anonymous7/12/24 20:10

    I have yet to see one picture of Princess Gabriella smiling.

    1. Anonymous7/12/24 23:20

      There are pictures of her smiling. She seems to be quite shy.

  14. Anonymous7/12/24 20:25

    Les enfants sont trop comme des gravures de mode, un grand manque de simplicité, la petite Gabrielle n'est pas habillée en petite fille de son âge comme la princesse Charlotte d'Angleterre tellement charmante, robe de velours , manteau anglais en laine, boutons et col en velours. Gabrielle a le temps d'être habillée en petite jeune-fille. Charlène paraît en retrait et figée ne parlant pas avec les gens, cela glace peut-être la petite fille.

  15. Anonymous7/12/24 20:38

    Prince Jacques a l'air si impuissant et perdu sur toutes les photos...
    La princesse Gabriella lui tient toujours la main, protectrice et attentionnée...
    La famille princière monégasque devrait repenser et modifier la succession en faveur de Princesse Gabriella...
    Sans Princesse Gabriella :)) pas de futur Prince Jacques ;)

    1. Anonymous8/12/24 04:14

      They are children! You are basing your opinion on how children are handling a hoard of photographers. The average adult would be uneasy. Of course children are going to have a great amount of difficulty with that amount of attention.

  16. Anonymous7/12/24 20:39

    Prince Jacques a l'air si impuissant et perdu sur toutes les photos...
    La princesse Gabriella lui tient toujours la main, protectrice et attentionnée...
    La famille princière monégasque devrait repenser et modifier la succession en faveur de Princesse Gabriella...
    Sans Princesse Gabriella :)) pas de futur Prince Jacques ;)

    1. Anonymous7/12/24 23:09

      You dare to write what I think to have seen for many years but never dared to mention

    2. Anonymous8/12/24 04:56

      Look at photo 4 it is Gabrielle that is holding her mothers hand.

  17. Anonymous7/12/24 21:49

    Quand les photos ne sont pas des poses Gabriella est souriante naturellement.
    Ses 2 derniers manteaux ont deja ete portés en 2023.
    J écris cela pour certaines personnes médisantes
    Rue de la Paix

  18. Anonymous7/12/24 21:51

    Vous écrivez des bêtises.
    Ils se tiennent souvent la main
    Qui vous dit que ce n'est pas Jacques qui tient la main de sa sœur..
    Pourquoi ne pas adresser un courrier à Albert afin qu'il modifie sa succession.
    Vous avez de la chance:La bêtise humaine ne tue pas.

  19. Anonymous7/12/24 22:04

    If I were Princess Gabriella I would be happiest wearing the beautiful costumes of the little dancers. It looks like so much fun! And the boy dancer is looking quite pleased, too. Do I spy Princess Stephanie's little granddaughter in her mother's arms in photo #2?

  20. Very well dresed and handsome family. The children are well behaved.

  21. Gabrielle’s coat is beautiful. The twins are adorable. Charlene looks beautiful.

  22. Anonymous7/12/24 23:59

    Charlene looks very nice and happy. Like this jacket. The Twins are so grown up already. In 3 days, they have a birthday, the best to them and lots of presents.

  23. Anonymous8/12/24 09:52

    "Charlene paraît en retrait et figée :Vous êtes certainement aveugle
    Aller consulter un ophtalmologue.
    Elle ne parle:Etiez vous présente à ce village de Noël ?

  24. Anonymous8/12/24 18:05

    @ Anonymous7/12/24 23:09___I followed this brother-sister relationship from the beginning... I feel sorry for the two children....;)


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