King Charles and Princess Anne Attend Sunday Service in Sandringham

Princess Anne wore a blue pleated skirt paired with a matching wool-blend suit jacket

On December 29, 2024, King Charles attended a Sunday service at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham. King Charles was accompanied by his sister, Princess Anne, who wore a blue pleated skirt paired with a matching wool-blend suit jacket. Princess Anne's husband, Sir Timothy Laurence, also attended the service. They were welcomed by Paul Williams, the Rector of Sandringham.

Princess Anne wore a blue pleated skirt paired with a matching wool-blend suit jacket

Princess Anne wore a blue pleated skirt paired with a matching wool-blend suit jacket

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Don’t think much of the hat but like the old style skirt suit enlivened by the red scarf

    1. Au contraire, i love her Pudelmütze, makes me smile and think of my childhood... anna e.

  2. You have to love her, really, for offering today not only those well-known long tassels but also a surprise pompom cap.

  3. Si je dois avoir un avis sur le look de la princesse Anne, je ne garderais pas son bonnet qui contraste trop avec le reste de sa tenue !

  4. It is a shame that only the older royals attend church on a regular basis, especially that William as the next supreme governor of the church of England does not attend more often. Only in church for special occasions and pomp.

    1. Depuis que Charles est devenu roi, William est effectivement plus en retrait. Ce qui ne veut pas dire pour autant qu'il ne fait rien.
      Charles, vu son âge et ses soucis de santé, sait que son règne sera assez court, peut-être 10 ans ou moins (je lui souhaite le plus longtemps possible). Il a évidemment envie de s'impliquer à fond, de se montrer : c'est logique et légitime, ça se comprend.
      Ce n'est pas de l'orgueil. Mais il ne veut pas être un roi trop vite oublié.
      William aura logiquement un règne assez long et donc beaucoup d'obligations, de voyages, de représentations. On aura le temps de le voir souvent. (Et là certains se plaindront qu'on le voit trop !).
      Donc, je suppose (je n'affirme rien bien sûr) qu'ils ont passé un accord et que William se montre moins. C'est plausible.
      Et cela lui permet aussi d'être plus présent pour ses enfants.
      Quand ils feront des études dans des universités éloignées, ils auront leur indépendance et auront moins besoin de leurs parents, donc finalement cela semble plutôt bien organisé.
      Qui vivra verra et chaque chose en son temps ;-)

    2. So you find something to complain about …. Really? Besides how do you know the family doesn’t go to church?

    3. I agree.

    4. William is very lazy,we all know that

    5. I think it is clear that William and Kate do not have a strong faith. I think William has said as much. In itself that is nothing to be concerned about, but as future head of the Church it is. I am not religious so not judging as such - but perhaps the Church needs to consider whether the role of the monarch should be changed. I accept that now is not the time given the fact the Archbishop of Canterbury has had to resign, pretty much in disgrace. Time will tell. LRB

    6. My favourite coat is the lady behind in the red coat.. I feel I should know who she is… can anyone tell me? Not a fan of the fur hat though, I think Camilla has stopped wearing real fur, and on occasions like this others invited should do the same. LRB

    7. Greet it is not a complaint just an observation that he and his children are not regular church goers, only when cameras are out.

    8. Ananym.13;01: who is “we”?
      Definitely not me!

    9. Hello Anon 13:09.
      I think it is unfair and unkind to say that William is lazy.
      I feel he is desperately trying to give his children a “normal” family life while fulfilling his duty as future king. He doesn’t want to see the repeat of the sadness that he and his brother were subjected to in their childhood.
      I congratulate him on how he is handling his role as husband, father and future king.
      He is intelligent, brave and above all a super dad.
      No, he is not lazy.
      Fashion wise, Nice to see Princess Anne being faithful to her pre-vintage outfits. Love her bonnet.

    10. Anonymous2/1/25 17:23

      It is clear that William and Kate do not have a strong faith -
      the Prioress said as Anon.17:24 -while praying day and night for her clear sins to be forgiven by God.

  5. Woolly hat perfect for a cold morning. Maybe less fashionable than a straight brimmed hat … but none of those keep your ears warm!

  6. Did Anne find this clothes in a charity shop?

    1. Do you mean to offend? Or is that a compliment? Nothing like a brilliant charity shop buy for reusing clothes instead of having them land in landfill. I guess Anne would fill you in if you dared ask her.

    2. I suspect she found them in her closet. And if so, to that I say well done! How many of us can still wear the same clothes we wore twenty years (or more) ago and have them still fit?

    3. Anonymous1/1/25 01:15

      Anonymous 15:30. I still have clothes in my closet from 20 years ago...but alas, they don't fit lol.
      Anne is in great shape and I love that she rewears classics. I don't always agree with her choice, but you have to respect it!

    4. Anonymous1/1/25 11:48

      She only found the kids hat there.

    5. Anonymous2/1/25 18:54

      Anon.08:19 You have a sharp eye when it comes to some details!

  7. You have to love Anne, a no nonsense gal, wears what the weather dictates or what will be functional. I do like her suit retro or not it is a lovely fit. I am not keen on the long tassels on her boots, however the quality is probably so good that they will never wear out. Just a thought maybe she leaves a set of clothes here to use while visiting. Saves packing up for a few days away from home.

  8. Anonymous2/1/25 23:55

    Always nice to see them. Church service is one very important part of their lives. Wish other members would join in as well.


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