Queen Mary Attends Annual Celebration of the University of Copenhagen

Queen Mary wore a green Yahvi midi dress by Beulah London, Jewlscph coral earrings, Gianvito Rossi python pumps

On November 8, 2024, Queen Mary of Denmark attended the annual commemoration ceremony held at the Ceremonial Hall of the University of Copenhagen (Københavns Universitet) in Copenhagen, Denmark. Founded in 1479, the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) has commemorated its foundation annually ever since. This celebration takes place on the second Friday in November with participation from the Royal Family.

Queen Mary wore a green Yahvi midi dress by Beulah London, Jewlscph coral earrings, Gianvito Rossi python pumps

Queen Mary wore a green Yahvi midi dress by Beulah London, Jewlscph coral earrings, Gianvito Rossi python pumps

Queen Mary wore a green Yahvi midi dress by Beulah London, Jewlscph coral earrings, Gianvito Rossi python pumps

For the ceremony, the University administration invites more than 700 internal and external guests, including representatives of the University's staff and students, research councils, foundations, ministries, and other key partners, along with the University's various prize winners, appointed doctors, and honorary doctors of the year.

Queen Mary wore a green Yahvi midi dress by Beulah London, Jewlscph coral earrings, Gianvito Rossi python pumps

Queen Mary wore a green Yahvi midi dress by Beulah London, Jewlscph coral earrings, Gianvito Rossi python pumps

Queen Mary wore a green Yahvi midi dress by Beulah London, Jewlscph coral earrings, Gianvito Rossi python pumps

Queen Mary wore a green Yahvi midi dress by Beulah London, Jewlscph coral earrings, Gianvito Rossi python pumps

Queen Mary wore Beulah London Yahvi Olive Green Midi Dress
Beulah London Yahvi Olive Green Midi Dress
  1. Anonymous8/11/24 16:58

    Nice colour on her. Glad she had the bell sleeve removed. Now shorten her hair a bit and it would frame her face better. Leave the long hair to her young daughters

    1. Anonymous8/11/24 19:39

      Nothing wrong with long hair and it is gorgeous. This is very mean thing to say.

    2. Anonymous8/11/24 21:17

      If we love our long hair, we love our long hair. No need to cut it for another’s preference. I love Mary’s dress here, both colour and movement. - Grace

    3. Anonymous9/11/24 00:26

      How right you absolutely are spot spot spot on big time cut that hair to a bob or shoulder length bob no long then shoulder or it’s tacky. I am all about framing your face

    4. Anonymous9/11/24 01:01

      Her hair is beautiful. I always wonder if the ones who want the royals to cut their long hair are women who can't grow their hair as long.

    5. Anonymous9/11/24 01:44

      Yes! The color is lovely with her hair and complexion.

    6. Please leave her to decide on the hairstyle she wants! There is probably an age gap between the bloggers asking for shorter hair and the queen. However, the longer the hair is, the more demanding it is to style it nicely. It was so nice on November 6th.

    7. Anonymous9/11/24 14:03

      I agree about the hair, it's just too long and would look so much better a bit shorter framing her face. And as for the commenter who says it is a mean comment, what's mean about it? Simply a comment.

    8. Anonymous9/11/24 15:08

      One week the royals like M has much shorter hair, a week later it has grown a lot, maybe extensions, must be fun to use!

    9. Anonymous9/11/24 21:49

      Agree, hair extensions have been in fit a long time now & it can be used when needed. Why some respondents R so negative & use a word mean? Comment is a comment & nothing mean about it! Our Queen Mary is a beautiful person inside and out! Much less fuss & no hysteria like the POMs do it. Queen Mary an excellent role model for everyone. Good luck 🍀 to Her Majesty

    10. 9/11/24 21:49 : An excellent role model for everyone????

  2. Anonymous8/11/24 17:18

    Very good dress in dito colour, lovely colourfull bouquet, awfull cape ( but I loathe capes always)

    1. I love the bouquets at this time of the year with their rich, sombre autumnal tones.
      However, Queen Mary's bouquet today has got too much of an air of spring about it - IMO.
      More autumn tonings would complement her dress nicely.

    2. Anonymous9/11/24 09:00

      The colors of the flowers in her bouquet are still in the gardens where I live and it is not in the South of Europe. Dark yellow, burnt orange and burgundy or wine red are autumn colors.

    3. @deadeggs Huh? These are autumn colors. A beautiful bouquet.

  3. Anonymous8/11/24 18:08

    So much hair M has!

  4. Anonymous8/11/24 18:30

    She looks lovely.

    Somewhat off the fashion topic but, I know he's busy but shouldn't the King be attending some these functions? This one in particular seems like the King should be present. Just wondering out loud.

    1. Anonymous8/11/24 19:09

      He probably could have attended this event with her, but they both have such busy schedules (go to the Royal site to see his schedule) that they figure they can cover more ground if they work separately.
      This event was also probably of a rank that was more in sync with her rank of Queen, rather than having two high ranking royals attend.
      Then again on the other hand, perhaps the University only requested her to attend on the invitation.
      - Anon 9:13

    2. Anonymous8/11/24 19:32

      I read that Mary stepped in for Queen Margrethe, who obviously usually attends the University event.

  5. Anonymous8/11/24 19:47

    I find this queen does so much more than the Kings’s farther did as consort. It was QM that did all of these, so I am curious too why the King is not out and about more.

    1. Anonymous8/11/24 21:10

      He has a very busy schedule - more than she does (go to the royal site to see it). Since this is a fashion blog, he is not featured here, only she is.
      His royal activities are freely detailed on other social media.
      - Anon 9:13

    2. Anonymous8/11/24 21:18

      He probably is but not shown on women’s fashions blogs to the same extent. - Grace

    3. Anonymous9/11/24 10:00

      you are right out Prince Henrik the consort he didn't care much about Denmark, he spent most of his days at the vineyard in France

    4. Anonymous9/11/24 10:21

      That is absolutely not true. Prince Henrik did a lot nationally as well as internationally in his role as prince and consort. Also he had many talents. He was an artist just as Queen Margrethe is.

  6. Anonymous8/11/24 20:08

    What great look, also very nice color.

  7. Beautiful dress. Mary is hitting the mark every time.

  8. Anonymous8/11/24 21:09

    Love the dress looks like the sleeves have been adjusted I think that makes the dress look better. Mary

  9. Anonymous8/11/24 22:36

    Great color for Mary..

  10. Anonymous9/11/24 01:22

    What a lovely dress. Love both style and colour. Queen Mary’s looking great. Agree with first comment that she would look even better with shorter hair, cf Queen Letizia

    1. Anonymous9/11/24 08:56

      @ Anonymous 02:22
      1. In the meantime Queen Letizia's hair has been growing.
      2. Why one queen must copy another ? Everybody also non royals must wear and do their hair like they prefer, not what is considered as being the standard for royals or other aristocratic ladies. If everybody is doing the same it will becoming very boring.

  11. The dress is beautiful and I love the cape. Her hair looks good, very natural.

  12. Anonymous9/11/24 03:08

    Beautiful, elegant dress in a perfect color for Queen Mary. She looks fabulous here!


  13. I think my favorite royal Queen Mary looks beautiful as always and it is nice to see her re-wear many of her same outfits. What I will say about her hair is that I like the way she wore it off of her face for the King and Queen awards because you can see her face and features better!

  14. Anonymous9/11/24 07:40

    This dress by Beulah London has been worn in all kind of colors by many princesses already (mainly from the U.K.). I love the green color for Queen Mary it suits her lovely brown hair. I would have liked however a different style of dress : a smaller skirt and no ruffles on the sleeves. The shoes are not a good choice either. I would have chosen cognac shoes and a cognac clutch or black shoes and a cognac clutch.

    1. Anonymous9/11/24 08:22

      she has no ruffles on her sleeves, customised to suit her.

    2. Anonymous9/11/24 09:03

      I see the ruffles has been removed already on her dress. Sorry
      Anonymous 9/11/24 07:40

    3. Yes, this green Beulah dress has been worn by Princess Catherine of Wales too. And Princess Beatrice has a fuchsia version while Duchess Sophie has a yellow and a coral one. The dress is lovely and very versatile. I like Queen Mary's styling with the camel cape and snake leather pumps.

    4. Exactly, same as Catherine removed the ruffles from the sleeves when she wore it years ago.

  15. Anonymous9/11/24 09:30

    Perfect, love the red earrings!

  16. Elégant modèle de robe verte qui va à ravir avec sa couleur de cheveux ; j'ai remarqué qu'elle n'a pas gardé les manches cloche comme celles du mannequin. A mon avis, les chaussures n'ont pas été bien choisies au niveau de la couleur ; dans une teinte camel unie, cela aurait été parfait !

  17. Anonymous9/11/24 11:34

    Mary wants to be sexy!

  18. Great dress, again reminds way too much of the English royals. Mary has an unique opportunity to promote Danish Fashion. Why wearing so many UK brands and copying the english royals fashion? Such a pity because this is a missed opportunity - I've worked and lived in Denmark and honestly their fashion brands are amazing. I am literally wearing more Danish brands than the Danish Queen.

  19. One of my favorite looks on her, the hair colour, dress colour, dress style. Immaculate.


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