Princess Sofia Attends Seminar at Riksdag on World Children's Day

Princess Sofia wore a red single-breasted blazer suit by Camilla Thulin, and a black bag by Prada

On World Children's Day, November 20, Princess Sofia of Sweden attended a seminar organized by UNICEF and the Parliament’s UN Network in the First Chamber Hall of the Riksdag (Swedish Parliament). During the seminar, UNICEF's report State of the World's Children was presented, followed by an on-stage discussion about the 35th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the report.

Princess Sofia wore a red single-breasted blazer suit by Camilla Thulin, and a black bag by Prada

Princess Sofia wore a red single-breasted blazer suit by Camilla Thulin, and a black bag by Prada

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989, and came into effect in Sweden in 1990. On January 1, 2020, the Convention became Swedish law. World Children's Day is observed annually on November 20 and serves as a global day to celebrate and promote children's rights.

Princess Sofia wore a red single-breasted blazer suit by Camilla Thulin, and a black bag by Prada

Princess Sofia wore a red single-breasted blazer suit by Camilla Thulin, and a black bag by Prada

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Great to see her looking so healthy and happy. Love the red too. LRB

  2. Red really suits her, the suit fits perfectly. Good that she has chosen black bag and shoes, looking good.

  3. A mon humble avis, le rouge est la couleur de Sofia car il rehausse son look !

  4. I hope it will be a girl for Sofia.

  5. Very pretty woman in a nice suit. Her hair looks good like this but it might be nice to see it in another style occasionally

  6. Lovely red outfit. Princess Sofia managing to look smart and professional even as she moves into the later stages of pregnancy.

  7. Virginia Dogwood21/11/24 02:49

    I love Princess Sofia's trouser suit, both the color and the lovely fit. She allows enough room in the top and jacket to showcase her pregnancy in a dignified and classy way - not skin tight. And she appears focused on the seminar - a great program to promote.

  8. Oh, she looks stunning, this color red, suits her beautifully. She looks well, engaging and happy. She is glowing.

  9. Sofia can wear the red suit on christmas eve!

  10. Une future maman lumineuse

  11. no black today

  12. Beautiful princess. Lovely looks and peaceful posture. Clearly she accepts advices and guidance. 👌

  13. A couple of visits for Princess Sofia and I am so happy to see her! She is a gorgeous woman and pregnancy looks so good on her. And oh my, red is definitely her color. Jane

  14. Love Princess Sofia--always so friendly and engaging!! Looks interested in the seminar and her outfit is professional, appropriate, and a very lovely color. Hannah

    1. Why shouldn't S bee nice and friendly, that is what we expect from everyone else, she is not hardworking and tired! Royal life is a luxury life!

  15. She looks great, a beautiful princess.

  16. Maybe a little bit too much red, a black or white top would have been nice to. glad she looks so happy. Wonder is she knows if boy or girl? I for one wish a healthy baby.

  17. Any life can be tiring. Royal or not. She is human. She is also a mother of three boys, a wife, a daughter, and pregnant. Yes, I am sure she gets tired. What an odd thing to say. She is a pretty lady. Always a smile. I always look forward to her engagements. Joanna

  18. 17.14 Not tired of hard work! She has help with everything!

    1. Anon. 10:24
      Are you at the palace when she is with her children, husband, preparing her commitments. Now that she is pregnant she has to take care of her condition and probably take a rest now and then. This site is about fashion. Personal life of the royals are not of our business. Or maybe you are working yourself at the palace and you are jealous of the princess.


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