Princess Madeleine Visits Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital

Princess Madeleine wore a black leather midi skirt, and a burgundy high neck sweater by Toteme

On November 20, World Children's Day, Princess Madeleine of Sweden conducted two visits: Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital at Karolinska University Hospital in Solna and the Min Stora Dag office in Vasastaden. During her hospital visit, the Princess met with children receiving treatment. World Children's Day is observed annually on November 20 and serves as a global day to celebrate and promote children's rights.

Princess Madeleine wore a black leather midi skirt, and a burgundy high neck sweater by Toteme

Princess Madeleine wore a black leather midi skirt, and a burgundy high neck sweater by Toteme

Princess Madeleine wore a black leather midi skirt, and a burgundy high neck sweater by Toteme

Princess Madeleine wore a black leather midi skirt, and a burgundy high neck sweater by Toteme

Later, Princess Madeleine visited the Min Stora Dag office in Vasastaden, where she met the organization’s staff and expressed her gratitude for their work supporting children with serious illnesses and diagnoses. The Princess is patron of the organization. Min Stora Dag is a nationwide organization that collaborates with hospitals and healthcare providers across Sweden to create joyful experiences for children with serious illnesses.

Princess Madeleine wore a black leather midi skirt, and a burgundy high neck sweater by Toteme

Princess Madeleine wore a black leather midi skirt, and a burgundy high neck sweater by Toteme

Princess Madeleine wore a black leather midi skirt, and a burgundy high neck sweater by Toteme

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  1. I m not usually a fan of leather garments, but this skirt is nice because it doesnt seems so stiff.

  2. So wonderful to see P M in Sweden again!

  3. The little boy is just too sweet! Don’t like Madeleine’s skirt particularly the belt. The color of her sweater is beautiful.

    1. Just my thought, you can really see how the little boy is proud and stretching himself to sit up straight in the photo... Madeleine looks very nice and appropriately dressed for this meeting.

  4. Oh, I like this! The sweater softens the look of the leather, and the colors are so warm and yummy. Very nice for autumn. I have always loved leather, and this skirt is a very nice take on a leather skirt. Perfect with boots.

  5. Ah she looks marvellous and real. I am delighted to see that the photographer has not touched up her face and we can see all those laughter lines. What a beautiful woman! I don’t love the tie around the skirt but the rest suits Stockholm in November extremely well - Grace

  6. Virginia Dogwood21/11/24 02:39

    Princess Madeleine looks great in this deep merlot sweater. This color seems to be a popular trend this Fall. I like the skirt with the tie.

  7. Oh, little one is just adorable. The 2nd photo is adorable. I love how they are smiling and looking at each other.

  8. Love what she is wearing so regal. Mary

    1. What's so regal with a leather skirt and a big sweater? This is what we wear, at least me, but you have never seen QMargerethe, Sonja, Silvia, Beatrix or Sophia in something like this. So regal?

    2. @Anon 08:41 Women in their ninth decade of life don't typically dress like a woman half their age. Not a great example.

    3. They haven't always been in their ninth decade of life have they? If we are not able to think outside the box we have a big problem..

    4. Why are you commenters being snarky to each other? No need. Keep this nice and kind please (Annie)

    5. Anon. 8:41
      You seem to forget when the queens you selected here had the same age as Princess Madeleine they wore the clothes which were fashion in those days. They could not have worn the style of clothes we are wearing now because it didn't exist yet. On the one hand royal ladies/men who are wearing "normal" clothes, one can find among the popular brands, are applauded because they act so normal. On the other hand they are wearing gala and evening dresses that common people never wear because they do not have to participate at gala banquets or an evening reception with kings and queens.
      What's regal are not the clothes, but the attitude, the fact that a real royal always keeps in mind that he/she always has to stand right up,
      legs and feet closed. When he/she is sitting at a dinner table always keep their back straight and their hands visible on the table. When he/she walks from one person to another always do it calm, with a smile and shake hands with the other people. There are more rules they have to keep in mind but I will stop here otherwise my text will be too long.

  9. What a great day!

  10. Gonna molto bella, sembra anche morbida. La cintura a fiocco non mi piace, ma lei la indossa bene perché è alta e magra.
    A mio parere Madeleine è la reale più “stilosa”, più cool.
    Rossella 🖤

  11. I find that everything gives to big vibes. Like the idea of the outfit, but here I feel she is drowning in her clothes, maybe better with a more fitted sweater?

  12. I didn’t see any outfits because the little guy smelt my heart 🥰

  13. J'adore voir les regards du petit garçon qui est trop craquant ; je suis toute émue - Je retrouve Madeleine élégamment vêtue de Bordeaux et noir qui se combinent très bien !

  14. So good to see Princess Madeleine back in Sweden and back to work.

    Wonderful photos, I especially loved first and second photo. So sweet and so sad at the same time that little kids suffer. All the best for the little ones!

    Princess Madeleine looks lovely. I love the color of her jumper, great for an autumn. Not fond of leather clothes. But somehow she makes this outfit work and look more edgy = less boring.

  15. It's a nice outfit, in the sense that it could be an outfit I would wear on my day off. Relaxed and casual. The sweater has too long sleeves.

  16. Elle a fondu ?? Son visage est marqué et a perdu de sa fraîcheur et de sa beauté . Des kilos en moins ? Probablement

  17. She looked happier in Florida. I like her sweater's color.

  18. Nice to see her with children. Not a bad looking outfit.


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