Princess Charlene Kicked Off the 25th Edition of No Finish Line Monaco

Princess Charlène of Monaco officially opened the 25th edition of No Finish Line

On Saturday, November 16, 2024, Princess Charlène of Monaco officially opened the 25th edition of No Finish Line Monaco, an event for which she serves as patron. No Finish Line is a charity race where every kilometre completed is converted into a donation to benefit disadvantaged or sick children.

Princess Charlène of Monaco officially opened the 25th edition of No Finish Line

Princess Charlène of Monaco officially opened the 25th edition of No Finish Line

The event was established by the Jeune Chambre Économique of Monaco in 1999 to mark Monaco's first Children's Rights Day. This year, No Finish Line celebrates its 25th anniversary, running from November 16 to 24. The other two traditional events, the 24-hour trophy and the eight-day race, will take place as usual.

Princess Charlène of Monaco officially opened the 25th edition of No Finish Line

Princess Charlène of Monaco officially opened the 25th edition of No Finish Line

Princess Charlène of Monaco officially opened the 25th edition of No Finish Line

Princess Charlène of Monaco officially opened the 25th edition of No Finish Line

Princess Charlène of Monaco officially opened the 25th edition of No Finish Line

Princess Charlène of Monaco officially opened the 25th edition of No Finish Line

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  1. 3ème photo quelle beauté
    Dans son élément Charlene resplendit.
    Le sport essentiel pour le corps et l esprit.

  2. The Princess looks wonderful, she always looks happy around children. Her skin looks amazing.

    1. I agree. Princess Charlene looks great here. Happy and relaxed

  3. Her skin and makeup are flawless. She looks as beautiful as a porcelain doll and to me not as much plastic surgery others seem to think. If you look at her old photos she had her nose refined, veneers and lip fillers and some anti-aging procedures for sure but not over the top. She probably has had the advantage of filtered lenses as well!

    1. No. She looks completely different to the young woman she was before she met Albert. You can see it clearly when you compare the photos.

    2. come on her photos are altered

    3. I agree with Coralie.

    4. Who cares?

    5. She still looks like Princess Charlene just a better version and not overdone. Have you ever seen Queen Letizia's wedding photos, she has had at least 2 nose jobs yet I never read where she has altered her face and even if she did and it makes her feel better about herself I say go for it. Whatever makes you happy!

    6. Fitzhugh and Coralie, I will add that it is very evident that Charlene has had a great deal of cosmetic intervention. I think the pressure she has felt to be absolutely perfect has been immense. I thought she was radiant and natural as we first saw her in the press as an Olympic swimmer, and until very recently felt very sad for her to have changed herself so much and so regularly and to seemingly remain so unhappy … but recently with her smiles, I am just happy that she appears to be happy, each time we see photos of her. I wish her all happiness - Grace

    7. Sorry, but I agree with Coralie. She looks different. She has had more done than just her nose. She should have stopped in 2010 where you could still see remnants of her natural face.

    8. HSH is 46 years old and she honestly didn’t need to start her surgeries so early, possibly in her late 20s or early 30s. I’m with Coralie on this, she doesn’t look like how she did naturally, face shape, nose, chin, lips, eyes, her skin is tighter too (look at her smile).

      With regards to Letizia, her plastic surgery has been discussed before. And her face also looks to have had more than just two nose jobs done to it.

    9. I'm with Anon 23:12. Who cares? Why are you so obsessed with anyone who has had anything done to their face? It is none of our business, and it doesn't change anything about who they are on the inside. If the types of cruel remarks seen on this blog over the years are any indication of what these women have to go through on the international stage, I wouldn't blame any of them for wanting to look as polished as they can. I don't think any of us has ever had every one of our features studied and picked apart the way these women have.

    10. Most royal ladies have had some help along the way.
      Letizia has had a nose job
      Mary seems to have fillers,and as recently as the Olympics in Paris
      Rania has had a nose job and other tweaks.
      Meghan has had if not a face lift then some procedure.Her face has altered since 2017.
      The list goes on. But it doesn’t matter. If it makes these ladies feel good about themselves on the world stage,then good luck to them!

  4. Charlene looks beautiful here--this dressed down, casual look really suits her. I love the softness of her hair too. You can tell children and sport have a special place in heart.


  5. Superbe sur l'avant dernière photo où je remarque la délicatesse de son maquillage contrairement à ce que disent certains commentaires parlant de chirugie esthétique !

    1. Comparez les photo's prises juste avant son marriage et celles de maintenant. Quelle différence ! Elle est belle oui, mais ce n'est pas une beauté naturelle. J'ai toujours entendu dire que le prince Albert voulait qu'elle ressemble le plus possible à sa maman la princesse Grace.
      Moi je trouve cela très grave.....

    2. @Anon 17:44 It is only your opinion that Charlene is not a natural beauty. I don't agree with you. I do wonder where you ever heard such a piece of gossip--one that you don't mind spreading here--about Albert.

  6. Lovely in red. I sure hope that it is just makeup and filtered photos, not driven to procedures because of the constant criticism. She is pretty in her own way

  7. Charlene looks fantastic. Like the red jacket on her. With children's events she is in her element. Keep up the good work.

  8. Ich freue mich total, dass Charlène in letzter Zeit so ungezwungen fröhlich und freundlich ausschaut.

  9. I agree with Anonymous 17.44 !!

  10. "Vous avez entendu dire qu'Albert voulait qu'elle ressemble à sa mère "et vous écrivez donc ce que vous avez entendu dire sans aucune preuve .
    Sa beauté n'est pas naturelle?Mais toutes ces reines et princesses ne se présentent avec une beauté naturelle car elles se présentent toujours maquillées.
    Autre point:Cette princesse est mariée depuis 10 ans,elle a connu son epoux si je ne me trompe 6 ou 7 ans auparavant et vous auriez aimé qu'elle ait la même tête depuis 16 ans voir 17 ans.
    Soyez sérieuse. :Arrêtez de vous focaliser sur le physique des gens et commenter la mode car c'est le but de ce site.

    1. @ Anonymous 06:48
      Commenter la mode, je veux bien, mais si toutes les autres discutent les cheveux, le maquillage et aussi les interventions aux visages de ces dames, pourquoi moi je ne peux pas ? Je n'ai pas entendu "dire" que c'était Albert qui voulait qu'elle ressemble à la Princesse Grace, je l'ai lu plusieurs fois aux environs de leur marriage dans la presse régulière (les journaux français entre autre). Je n'ai jamais vu aucune princesse qui pleurait pendant toute la cérémonie de son marriage. Vous trouvez cela normale ? A un certain moment Albert n'était pas content du tout. Tout le monde qui a suivi l'émission à la Télé a pu le voir. Elle avait déjà fait faire des interventions je dirai esthétiques/cosmétiques le jour de son marriage. Pour terminer vous dites "vous auriez aimé qu'elle ait la même tête depuis 16 ans". Oui je préfère les gens don't le visage n'a pas changé beaucoup pendant 16 ans, au moins cela veut dire qu'ils n'ont pas veilli beaucoup et qu'ils sont heureux parce qu'ils n'ont pas besoin de faire des interventions pour se sentir bien. A l'heure actuelle on est considéré de ne pas être normale quand on n'a pas fait chipoter à son visage et autres. On n'a plus le droit de veillir d'une façon naturelle.

  11. sono tutti invidiosi di Charlene , Letizia di Spagna ha trasformato completamente il suo viso ma nessuno dice niente

  12. I always think Princess Charlene is at her happiest when the event is around children and sport. She shines.

  13. She looks glowing at this event, she always seems to be relaxed and in her element, with visits such as this, sports and children, that maybe her cinch and good for her. She looks great.

  14. Happy to see Princess Charlene happy and with peace of mind. 💕💕💕


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