King Charles and Members of the Royal Family Attend Festival of Remembrance

The Prince and Princess of Wales, the Princess Royal and Sir Tim Laurence, and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester

Every year, the Royal British Legion’s Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall honors the service and sacrifices of the British and Commonwealth Armed Forces community. On November 9, 2024, King Charles, the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, the Princess Royal and Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester attended the Festival of Remembrance.

The Prince and Princess of Wales, the Princess Royal and Sir Tim Laurence, and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester

The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh

The Prince and Princess of Wales, the Princess Royal and Sir Tim Laurence, and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester

The Prince and Princess of Wales, the Princess Royal and Sir Tim Laurence, and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester

Queen Camilla was unable to attend the event due to a chest infection. The Festival of Remembrance marked Catherine’s first public engagement since Wimbledon. During the event, Welsh legend Sir Tom Jones, along with Jack Savoretti, Masabane Cecilia Rangwanasha, Samantha Barks, Alexandra Burke, and Jake Isaac, performed.

The Prince and Princess of Wales, the Princess Royal and Sir Tim Laurence, and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester

The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh

The Prince and Princess of Wales, the Princess Royal and Sir Tim Laurence, and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester

The Prince and Princess of Wales, the Princess Royal and Sir Tim Laurence, and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester

The Prince and Princess of Wales, the Princess Royal and Sir Tim Laurence, and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester

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  1. The Duchess of Gloucester looks beautiful. Her black dress with adequate flare of the skirt really looks good. The lace inserts within the sleeves and bodice, looks fabulous, very effective and a nice touch. Her brooch looks lovely.
    The Princess of Wales looks stunning. Love her coat dress. The skirt of her dress sits well and has some flair also. Her hair looks beautiful. The pearl necklace and earrings look perfect. The Princess Royal looks particularly lovely, her outfit overall looks stunning. Her colorful scarf, is a nice addition. Her pearl necklace and earrings as well as her brooch look divine. King Charles look well groomed, he looks well.

    1. Ava, I feel better about life just by reading your lovely upbeat review! Thank you for seeing and reporting the positive! - Grace

    2. Well written Ava but you have left out Sophie whose dress looks like it may be made out of velvet.

    3. Ava Pittman10/11/24 09:33

      Anon 05.21 thank you for your kind words.

    4. Ava Pittman10/11/24 09:38

      Cate. 06.30. Goodness, thank you for alerting me to this. Sophie looks fabulous. Yes, it does look like velvet. I love velvet dresses/ gowns, so elegant looking.
      Suits her perfectly. I’m not quite sure what jewel pieces she is wearing, regardless a lovely presentation by the Duchess. PS —- Cate thank you

  2. Anonymous9/11/24 21:56

    All of the BRF ladies look marvelous! Catherine looks radiant and its wonderful to see her. I miss Queen Camilla and hope she is feeling better soon.


  3. It is wonderful to see Catherine again. She is such a brave lady. She looks stunning here. I wish her a complete recovery.

  4. Anonymous9/11/24 22:04

    Wie wundervoll die Familie wieder so zu sehen. Alle sehen sehr würdevoll für diesen Anlass gekleidet aus. Endlich wieder eine Augenfreude für so stilvolle Kleidung der Frauen wie auch der Männer. Das ist Power und Eleganz auf ganz hohem Niveau. Ein freundliches Lächeln in die Kameras wenn es sich ergibt aber niemals aber wirklich nie ein Lächeln oder ein nach der Kamera suchendes Mitglied. Viel Kraft und Gesundheit für wundervolle Jahre und Ereignisse - hier macht doch wirklich jedes Ereignis große Freude anzusehen vor allem das modische Perfekt : ) -Dorothe-

    1. You are extraordinary kind.

  5. Anonymous9/11/24 23:10

    Everyone well dressed for the occasion, the exception was the PofW he should of worn a black suit.

    1. I did have the same thought. He stands out, and not in a good way. I am really over the blue suits.

  6. All the RL look wonderful. So nice to see them all there. Sadly, the Q was missing still ill hope she will recover soon.

  7. I am glad to see Catherine is well enough to attend. She looks appropriate for the event. I think she has parted her hair on a different side than usual. Although I normally like her long hairstyle, I think the way it is styled here is a bit much - to me, it has a 1980’s vibe, looks dated. The Duchess of Gloucester is always a favorite, but I don’t particularly care for the large, round brooch pinned at the neck of her dress.
    -Royal Watcher

    1. it looks like Catherine's hair has more volume, perhaps hair piece added

    2. Volume does not mean hair has been added. It is the way it is styled.

    3. What is outdated about her hair? The hair is beautiful - strong, shiny, no damaged ends (like Maxima from the Netherlands). Am I to take it that you consider any hair that length (like PoW's) to be 80's style? I always wanted to have such beautiful thick hair like Princess Catherine's. It would be a shame to hide them, I'm glad that he shows them from time to time.

    4. @Stephanie - I agree, Catherine has beautiful, healthy hair. I do like her long hair and normally I like the way she styles it. I think the styling here looks somewhat dated to me due to the extreme side part, volume on top, and many curls. That is just my opinion, of course. Others may disagree.
      -Royal Watcher

    5. I, too, think the style is somewhat dated. It is reminiscent of her first years as a royal.

  8. Great to see Catherine she looks radiant. Mary

  9. Duchess Sophie dress, although shorter than usual, is still too long. The waistline of this dress is too high and it doesn't suit her. Princess Catherine is looking very good in her black coat dress, the length is perfect. There is however something odd I've noticed : there is one red button among the black ones in the front of her coat dress (picture N° 6). On the sleeves there are golden buttons (picture N°8). Prince William's beard doesn't suit him. It only makes him look older. The Duchess of Gloucester is wearing a beautiful dress but it is too long to be midi and too short to be long. On top of that she is wearing thick black boots which ruin the whole outfit. Is it that cold in the Royal Albert hall ? What always surprises me among the members of the Royal Family, are all the decorations, brooches, jewelery they are wearing.
    On the one hand they are wearing black like for a funeral and on the other hand they are decorated like Christmas Trees. I wonder what the program is on such a Remembrance festival ? Classic music, military marches or lighter amusement like ballet, circus acts or choreography ?

    1. Pour Sans Nom 06 : 41.
      Le bouton n'est pas rouge mais doré comme les autres, c'est tout simplement le reflet du tapis rouge avec les nombreux flashs des photographes.
      La duchesse de Gloucester ne porte pas des bottes : autres photos sur d'autres sites. Paloma.

    2. So glad to see the royal family almost back in full force for this event. All ladies and gentlemen look very elegant in their own style. The Duchess of Gloucester is my favourite. I like William's beard, although I think it'd look a little better (and fuller) if it was 5 milimeters longer.
      Damsel Dragonfly

    3. Merci Paloma. Je viens de bouger mon écran un peu et maitenant je vois que ce sont en effet des chaussures qu'elle porte. Mais avec la robe noire qui est trop longue - à mon avis - et les bas noirs opaques, j'avais l'impression qu'elle portait des bottes.

    4. William's beard suits him just fine. He is wearing it as is the style.

    5. The Festival of Remembrance is just that - remembering the fallen from conflicts. Lots of military involvement, personal stories from veterans and service families, thanksgiving for peace etc.

  10. Sophie in her velvet dress is the winner of all smart dressed ladies for me, and her husband for the men! His doublebreasted suits are always impeccable.
    The suit of William is too blue.

  11. Toutes ces dames vêtues de noir sont élégantes, chacune avec sa petite touche personnelle ; j'aime particulièrement la duchesse de Gloucester très classe après avoir adopté une coiffure dont le style court lui convient bien - Je remarque une nouvelle broche sortie de son écrin à bijoux ; dommage, j'aurais aimé mieux la voir ?!

  12. J'aime bien la robe de la duchesse d'Edimbourg, c'est un beau velours.
    La princesse Anne est chic. La tenue de la princesse Catherine est nouvelle, parait-il, mais elle ressemble à d'autres robes déjà vues. Paloma.

  13. The one person who stands out the most for me is the Duchess of Gloucester.
    She looks amazing in photo #5 in every way - hair, dress and jewellery.
    - Anon 9:13

  14. Love Catherine's hair here - the side part suits her really well! The coat dress reminds me a bit of her early DoC looks, she still rocks it! The rest is a bit of a mixed bag. While I like velvet in principle, the dress looks shapeless on Sophie - the cut is something we normally see on Camilla, it ages her. On the contrary, I like the shape on the Duchess of Gloucester, but something about the top section seems off to me - I think I would've preferred it if the whole shoulder section had been transparent/lace, without the bodice bit underneath. Not a fan of those "undershirt" situations. Anne is Anne - she looks good.

  15. Everyone looks nice , I particularly like the king in black. I am not a fan of beards.
    They do not look nice in the salt and pepper stage, and to me imo I feel a clean shaven man takes time for their appearance. Trend or no trend not all men look good in beards

  16. I loved the DoG dress,but I felt the enormous round brooch distracting.
    I feel Sophie is in desperate need of a stylist. She has an enviable gorgeous figure,and yet she seems to miss the mark time and time again.She doesn’t seem to see what works for shape.
    Catherine looked stunning in her coat dress,I wondered if it was the same one she wore to the late Queen funeral. Her hair is stunning!
    Princess Anne not known as a clothes horse,yet always looks well turned out.

  17. P. the original11/11/24 10:12

    Here again, I feel that same sensation.
    It looks like there are just two people on this post: the King and the Princess.
    All the others members of the Family seem to be standing miles apart from these two central figures imo.
    Again a pensive King, again a smiling Princess, each of them battling bravely an invisible enemy .
    The Fallen fought against real humans and perished to defend Freedom and its related values.
    The King's and the Princess's " wars" are taking place inside their bodies and minds instead.
    On the fashion front there's not much I can say.
    All that I can see are the right somber and measured outfits expected on this particular event.
    I applaud Kate's hair and I am sure that it is just her fabulous and natural hair overall.
    From a technical point of view,- I myself have my hair styled like this sometimes- you can get this kind of waves with an iron piece called more or less " large waves" as opposed to another piece called " narrow waves".
    The iron is applied to hair previously treated with a fixing spray and a heat protection.
    I love the way her hair has been parted into two groups: waves on her shoulders and a thicker part hanging on the front softly.

    1. Always talking about herself in any situation.

  18. The ladies all look fabulous, each in their own way. The men are handsome and well dressed as usual.


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