Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako Visit Oita Prefecture

Empress Masako wore a royal blue wool blazer pants suit, and she wore a turquoise black trimed skirt suit

Japan's Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako visited Oita Prefecture to attend the 43rd National Marine Convention in Oita City. On November 9, 2024, they viewed an exhibition of calligraphy works at the Hotel Nikko Oita Oasis Tower. The following day, on November 10, they attended the main events of the 43rd National Marine Convention held in the southwestern city of Oita, the capital of the prefecture with the same name.

Empress Masako wore a royal blue wool blazer pants suit, and she wore a turquoise black trimed skirt suit

Empress Masako wore a royal blue wool blazer pants suit, and she wore a turquoise black trimed skirt suit

Empress Masako wore a royal blue wool blazer pants suit, and she wore a turquoise black trimed skirt suit

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako participated in the opening ceremony of the annual Marine Convention in Oita, which originally began in 1981 in the same prefecture. Later, they traveled to Beppu, a city within Oita Prefecture, where they released young marbled flounder and red sea bream into the sea from Beppu Port.

Empress Masako wore a royal blue wool blazer pants suit, and she wore a turquoise black trimed skirt suit

Empress Masako wore a royal blue wool blazer pants suit, and she wore a turquoise black trimed skirt suit

Empress Masako wore a royal blue wool blazer pants suit, and she wore a turquoise black trimed skirt suit

Empress Masako wore a royal blue wool blazer pants suit, and she wore a turquoise black trimed skirt suit

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  1. Masako vêtue d'une veste/pantalon ou jupe est élégante mais avec un changement coloré ; j'adore la voir porter un nouveau style de chapeau dont les couleurs se retrouvent dans la cravate de son époux qui est toujours très classe dans son costume sans un faux pli !

  2. The first look is perfect. The color, fabric and accessories make Empress Masako look extremely elegant. The second look is also very good. Even with the wrinkled skirt.

  3. It's nice to the Empress wear some color.

  4. It's nice to see Empress Masako wear some color.

  5. I like the first outfit, even though it is what we usually see E. Masako wearing, and she wears it well. The second outfit reminds me of a school uniform, in both colour and style. However I like the slightly different hat.
    - Anon 9:13

  6. Beautiful blue outfits for the Empress

  7. I really like the pantsuits worn by Masako, I would add one to my collection right away.
    But I want to say it straight: hey, the skirts are terrible - actually the skirts of other Japanese royals, including young ladies like her daughter. They mostly resemble sacks.
    Just don't start reminding me of Japanese protocol. I'm sure that skilled tailors could make a nicer midi length skirt. Princess Hisako Takamado wears great costumes and great skirts, she is living proof that it can be done in Japan too. (PS: Princess Hisako often represents the Japanese royal family, put her in the search engine and you will see how well she dresses)

    1. I love Princess Hisako! She is always so elegant and beautifully turned out. Yes, she is very fashionable. And she does somehow manage to comply with the stringent dress requirements but still look fashionable. Perhaps one element has to do with her standing in the family in terms of the line of succession. Masako as Empress, Aiko as daughter of the Emperor, Kiko as Crown Princess, and Kako as daughter of the Crown Prince--perhaps Hisako can push the limits more? No matter what--you are 100% right! Janet

  8. Lovely outfits and a little color. Great look for today again.

  9. Lovely trouser suit in a beautiful color for the Empress. I'm on the fence about her other outfit. I guess its the smushed hat and the skirt that I find my fingers itching to grab a pair of scissors and cut off. The hat has some beautiful elements--the trim and bow. The skirt is hopeless--too long and too wide. I do love Masako's attempts to modernize her fashion by wearing the trouser suits. It's just a shame that she (or more likely her husband) cannot make changes to the Imperial Fashion Police's control over the styles of ladies of the Imperial House.


  10. I like the way he always coordinates his ties with the dresses his wife wears.

    1. 天皇陛下のネクタイは沖縄県の伝統織物「みんさー織り」です。中央に白い模様が見えますか。この模様には「末永く一緒に居よう」という願いが込められています。天皇陛下は歴史的に苦難の多かった沖縄県にいつも心を寄せていて、この織物のネクタイを愛用なさっています。

    2. à Anonyme 11112024 03:20
      Après traduction de votre commentaire, j'ai pu apprécier vos précisions sur ce textile traditionnel que je ne connais pas ; encore merci !

  11. 宮内庁のインスタグラムを見ました。この時、海上にはたくさんの漁船が出ていて漁師さんが天皇皇后両陛下に手を振っています。皇后陛下の服は遠くからでもはっきりと見えるように考えられているのでしょうね。

    1. Thank you for sharing this information !!

  12. Ava Pittman11/11/24 08:26

    I totally love this pantsuit. Impeccable fit and suits her well.
    The colour is pretty. Love the pearl necklace.
    The second outfit looks smart, the skirt though imo is a tad too long. Regardless the splash of colours of both outfits are a welcome addition.

  13. 興味深い情報をありがとうございました。

    Kyōmibukai jōhō o arigatōgozaimashita.

    Thank you for the very interesting additional information.

  14. I've posted this article before, but will re-post here. As I was reading it, my mind went to the movie, "The Devil Wears Prada" about the world of fashion. There is a line that has stuck with me spoken by Meryl Streep's character. "Just remember, a year from now women will be wearing what I am telling them to wear. " Here is the article I posted before:

    "Since Japanese fashion is often a topic here, I thought I would copy and paste this information about the evolution of Japanese fashion."The conservative dress style observed among many Japanese women can be attributed to several cultural, social, and historical factors:

    Cultural Norms: Japan has a long history of valuing modesty and subtlety in personal presentation. Traditional aesthetics emphasize simplicity and understated elegance, which influences contemporary fashion.
    Social Expectations: There are societal expectations regarding how women should present themselves, particularly in professional and formal settings. Many women adhere to these norms, which often favor conservative attire.
    Fashion Trends: While Japan has a diverse fashion scene, including more avant-garde styles, mainstream fashion trends often lean towards modesty. Brands and styles that promote conservative looks are widely accepted and popular.
    Weather Considerations: Although summers can be hot, many Japanese women choose fabrics and styles that provide coverage to protect against the sun and heat. Lightweight, breathable materials are often used in conservative styles.
    Dress Codes: In certain environments, such as schools and workplaces, there are specific dress codes that encourage or require modest attire. This can influence personal choices outside of those settings as well.
    Influence of Subcultures: While conservative dress is common, Japan also has vibrant subcultures (like Harajuku fashion) that embrace bold and revealing styles. However, these are often seen as niche rather than mainstream.

    Overall, while there may be some strict dress codes in specific contexts, the conservative dressing styles is largely a reflection of social norms rather than enforced rules.
    https://www.quora.com/Why-do-Japanese-women dress so conservatively and almost never wear skin revealing clothes.

    But there's also the famous Japanese expression "the nail that sticks out gets hammered down", so mainstream adult fashion is notoriously conformist.

  15. Très joli tailleur-pantalon qui lui va bien, c'est un superbe bleu.
    Je n'aime pas la seconde tenue, trop grande pour elle. Paloma.

  16. 写真の子どもたちの服装に個性は感じられませんが、母親がこの日のために慎重に選んだものだと分かります。

  17. Empress Masako is lovely in both outfits, Emperor Naruhito needs a good hair cut, but his smile is warm and engaging.


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