British Royal Family Attend the 2024 National Service of Remembrance

King Charles, the Princess of Wales, the Duchess of Edinburgh, the Duchess of Gloucester and Princess Anne

On November 10, 2024, King Charles III, the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, Princess Anne, Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, and the Duke of Kent attended the 2024 Remembrance Sunday ceremony at The Cenotaph in London. This annual service is held on the second Sunday of November to commemorate the signing of the armistice that ended World War I at "the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" in 1918. Across the U.K., services are conducted at the same time in memory of the dead.

King Charles, the Princess of Wales, the Duchess of Edinburgh, the Duchess of Gloucester and Princess Anne

King Charles, the Princess of Wales, the Duchess of Edinburgh, the Duchess of Gloucester and Princess Anne

King Charles, the Princess of Wales, the Duchess of Edinburgh, the Duchess of Gloucester and Princess Anne

King Charles, the Princess of Wales, the Duchess of Edinburgh, the Duchess of Gloucester and Princess Anne

King Charles, the Princess of Wales, the Duchess of Edinburgh, the Duchess of Gloucester and Princess Anne

King Charles, the Princess of Wales, the Duchess of Edinburgh, the Duchess of Gloucester and Princess Anne

King Charles, the Princess of Wales, the Duchess of Edinburgh, the Duchess of Gloucester and Princess Anne

King Charles, the Princess of Wales, the Duchess of Edinburgh, the Duchess of Gloucester and Princess Anne

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  1. Lovely to see Kate again 🥰

    1. Indeed. Amazing that she has not lost her hair due to chemotherapy. Abby

  2. It's nice to see them out and about, even though they all look a bit tired and sombre (beyond the solemn cause of the outing). Fashion-wise I really like Sophie's style - the hat is gorgeous and the dress suits her well. I'm only a bit worried it might be a tad too cold? Catherine also looks pretty. Her hat is lovely. Not entirely on board with the bow - it clashes with the military style of the coat and looks a bit like a last-minute add-on. The Duchess of Gloucester looks nice as always.

    1. Agree with your comment about not a very military look, but lovely to see Pr Catherine looking so feminine

    2. No, I think the bow is perfect!

    3. Why should she always have that military look ? I prefer her much more this way not too military ? Let the military to those who served, in this case mostly men.

  3. Meravigliosa Catherine, mi sei mancata molto ♥️
    Un gesto tenero e accogliente la mano di Sophie sulla spalla della principessa, sono belle entrambe.
    Rossella 🖤

  4. I’m always glad to see her. It’s been a tough year for her and her family. I do hope nothing flares up again. I'm truly hoping, in fact. I think she looks the same as always, seamlessly carrying on with her appearance and style. Frieda

  5. Despite the solemn occasion, I must say that the DoE looks fantastic; the hat as well as the V-shape top look great on her.

  6. Catherine looks stunning.

  7. The RL looks great, it is always nice to see them out on work-events. Today's solemn occasion should be a reminder to us all, we owe a debt we cannot repay. The fallen did give us the gift of Freedom willingly, for Love of Country. Generations present and future own them the Gratitude for this. Let us never forget. Thank you for their Service and Sacrifice.

  8. Always a somber and reflective day. All the royal ladies did themselves proud.
    So lovely to see Catherine. I thought she looked tired,and she is probably still feeling the ravages of her chemotherapy treatments. I hope and wish she’s getting stronger everyday!

  9. Both royal ladies look great. The photo that shows their elegant up dos is good. Since we don't have a full length photo, we can assume that Sophie's dress is a perfect "just below the knee" length and worn with smart heeled courts! :-)

  10. Catherine and Sophie look stunning!!! Both are so elegant but in different ways. Catherine's velvet touches and the netting on her hat are beautiful. Sophie just might be the fashion winner here for me. Her dress and the neckline are beautiful and the string of pearls is perfection. Then there's her hat--absolutely gorgeous! The boater style is marvelous with the open style of the neckline. It is so touching to see Sophie caring for the Princess--Sophie's hand on Catherine's back is so poignant.The Duchess of Gloucester is lovely--I like her hat with its military-like feather flourish. How wonderful it is that the Duke of Kent was able to attend--his dedication and sense of duty are remarkable.


  11. The ladies on the balconies look exquisite and respectful. I am also glad to see the Duke of Kent present; what a steadfast support for the Crown he is. Princess Anne is a boss, as usual. I admire her so much.
    -Royal Watcher

  12. WOW. The first photo, looks more like Philip, the father, not Charles the son. Look at the silhouette from the right side of the photo (do not look at Charles cheeks/jowl area).

  13. Such a sweet gesture by princess Sophie!

  14. Kate looks really stunning!
    Sophie’s hat makes her a bit old, pity.
    Every year an impressive commemoration.

    1. Ooh no, no pity required; I think Sophie’s hat is in every way enhancing. Even the pics taken from the back show a stunning hat which is very becoming for her, in my opinion. I love the dress neckline / pearls / hat combo for her. I also am most taken by the very first photo on this post, a stunning portrait of King Charles. - Grace

    2. Sophie's hat is beautiful but she should have put it a bit more backwards on her head. Her eyes are almost not visible. With a little hat like Kate's you do not have that problem.

  15. Ava Puttman11/11/24 08:32

    Sophie looks beautiful, love the hat! Her single strand pearl necklace, brilliant choice.
    Delightful appearance!
    Catherine, marvellous to see her. She looks well. It’s wonderful she was able to attend. I hope she keeps on the path of recovery and all is well with her .
    She looks beautiful. Love what she is wearing.
    The Duchess looks well groomed and elegant.

    1. P. the original11/11/24 10:24

      Hello, Ava!
      How are you?
      I'm fine.
      Another beautiful comment from you, thank you.
      Hugs for you.
      Hope to hear from you soon👍👋

    2. P.the original Hello, how wonderful to read your message, thank you so much for your warm words. I hope you’re doing well and all is fine in your neck of the world. I am well and all is okay!
      Wonderful to read your input on the blog. You have been missed! I agree with your opinion below especially about Sophie, she is precious. Heartfelt words and beautifully articulated from you.
      Take good care. Hugs

    3. P. the original. I'm so sorry I don't know why my message to you came up without my name! I hope you realized it was me. 05.50 !
      My sincere apologies. Hope you are well. Hugs

    4. P. the original13/11/24 12:59

      Dearest Ava,
      thank you.
      Oh, don't worry, I recognized immediately it was you in both your messages!
      You know, how could I get confused given your lovely and kind messages for me?
      And, I just want to add that I can sort out Anonymous trolls amongst all the comments published on this blog.
      Trolls do not deserve my attention and their nasty and envious tone is so easily detectable for me by now!
      Sorry for not being able to write you back sooner.
      So glad to know you' re doing well.
      Yes, I'm fine.
      Hugsss to you!!

    5. P. the original13/11/24 13:03

      @ Ava P.
      Sorry, it was meant to be: "sort through".

    6. P the original LOL! Never apologies, its always, lovely, and a pleasure to read you messages and your thoughts here on the blog. The trolls' yes, agree, its too much wastage of energy! and time. Take good care, hugs to you

  16. P. the original11/11/24 09:26

    This time I'm struggling to write what I really feel.
    I'd divide this post into two parts strongly tied one to the other: the King and the Princess paying their tribute to the fallen.
    Two great themes: Life and Death.
    The first pic has impressed me most of all: a pensive and emotional King.
    He looks like standing apart, far away from all the others members of the Family.
    I feel a sense of almost loneliness and sadness pervading him.
    He looks like saying: " I know what It means when you' re battling against an enemy".
    Princess Kate is beyond beautiful and dignified.
    While I'm so glad to see her back to some of her engagements , I can't t help but feel that same sensation of inner strugge for life pervading her too.
    Both the King and the Princess know how precious Life Is, now more than ever.
    D.Sophie's tender closeness and phisical and moral support shown to Kate is priceless.
    Sophie's body language speak volumes.

  17. There something so striking about princess Kate. When she smile, her face lights up into a flash of beauty. How great and admirable is this young woman. So happy that she is back. When I am hearing on social media about some of the nasty comments, then I admire her even more for her grace, love for her family and her

    1. Ava Pittman12/11/24 05:51

      Lovely comment , agree with you.

  18. Ravie de voir Kate nous montrer son superbe sourire ; elle me manquait - J"espère que nous aurons l'occasion de la revoir plus souvent !

  19. Am I the only one who thinks the last 2 pictures are so sweet? Sophie taking care of Kate while she doesn’t have hubby beside her🥰


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