Spain’s Royal Family Visits the Village of Sotres in Cabrales

Queen Letizia wore an essential checked coat by Springfield, Princess Leonor wore a wool check pattern jacket

On October 26, 2024, King Felipe and Queen Letizia, accompanied by Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia, presented the 2024 Exemplary Town of Asturias Award to the village of Sotres in the Cabrales Council. The Princess of Asturias Award jury selected Sotres as the recipient of this award for preserving and promoting tourism and a traditional, extensive, and sustainable livestock activity in a high mountain region.

Queen Letizia wore an essential checked coat by Springfield, Princess Leonor wore a wool check pattern jacket

Queen Letizia wore an essential checked coat by Springfield, Princess Leonor wore a wool check pattern jacket

Queen Letizia wore an essential checked coat by Springfield, Princess Leonor wore a wool check pattern jacket

Queen Letizia wore an essential checked coat by Springfield, Princess Leonor wore a wool check pattern jacket

Sotres is a village in the Cabrales Council located in the Europa National Park and UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. The village is part of the European GR footpath network, serving as the endpoint of the GR-71 route known as the 'Path of the Saja Nature Reserve,' which begins in Corconte, Cantabria, and traverses the hills and valleys of the region.

Queen Letizia wore an essential checked coat by Springfield, Princess Leonor wore a wool check pattern jacket

Queen Letizia wore an essential checked coat by Springfield, Princess Leonor wore a wool check pattern jacket

Queen Letizia wore an essential checked coat by Springfield, Princess Leonor wore a wool check pattern jacket

Queen Letizia wore Springfield Essential Checked Coat
Springfield Essential Checked Coat

Princess Leonor wore Sezane Will Jacket Edinburgh Check Print
Sezane Will Jacket Edinburgh Check Print

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. I like the Springfield jacket on the queen. A nice length. All look good in their comfy clothes

  2. Beautifull family in beautifull countryside!
    They do these representations together seemingly very relaxed, welldone!

  3. Tenues adéquates pour cette sortie.

  4. All of them look good ... does somebody know the brand of Leonors Jacket? Thank you ...

    1. The jacket brand is mentioned above; the jacket is from Sézane.

    2. People don't do the effort to read everything concerning a subject.

    3. Anon 06:42 ... don't write bullshit ... of course I looked for the jacket but, when I searched the jacket wasn't mentioned above. It was added later.

    4. Ladie ladies, language please

    5. Your correct the brand of jacket was added later

  5. The casual gear looks great on the ladies. Leonor's jacket is fabulous

  6. I like the casual outfits on the RF. The coat on the Q is very nice would wear it myself. Here casual means PJ pants and some kind of top, even on Highschoolers, really sad.

    1. They are wearing sweaters underneath their coat because they are in the mountains. In this season, it is always colder in the mountains even if there is a lot of sunshine

  7. Thank you .... sadly too expensive (210 €) for me, I think it's very pretty ... Letizias Coat ist "only" about 80 € ...

    1. On Sezane website Leonore’s jacket is priced €175

  8. ... 210 € ... thank's anyway ...

    1. $210 dollars...195 € euros...

    2. Actually 170 € if you change the web into Spain as the delivery country , you have United States and dollars...

  9. When priced in £ online clothes are always more expensive than in €.

  10. The Spanish Royal Family is looking great - good job.

    These Brands are not as expensive, as other Royals use to wear.

  11. Quelle bonne idée d'avoir rajouté la veste à imprimé carreaux ; je la verrais bien portée avec une jupe droite !

    1. Les jeunes d'aujourdh'ui ne portent pas des vestes comme cell-ci avec une jupe et certainement pas pour se promener dans les montagnes.

  12. Everyone looks fantastic. I love Infanta Sofia's jeans and jumper, Princess Leonor's Jacket and jeans, the Queen's jacket, and the king's jacket. I wish we had some details of the king's jacket - I often wear my some of my husband's clothing items.


  13. Lovely pictures of a very loving family. I'm a bit worried about Sofia's posture. She is a beautiful girl, I hope her height doesn't bother her.

  14. Sometimes it is very comfortable to be tall. I am rather short and I can assure you it is not always easy especially when one is getting older. I try to avoid climbing on chairs or steps and I am putting everything that I am not using very often in the high closets and cupboards. Sofia will not have that problem and she can reach her things which are stored in high closets without doing any effort. After her father she is the tallest in the family.

  15. Loving family doing their very best to handle their commitments with both Grace and interest while being mindful of their privilege. In all the years that I have tracked this family I have seen a tight unit without showing off in outrageously expensive attire.


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