Queen Mathilde Visits Two Projects Supported by Her Fund

Queen Mathilde wore a black feather print silk blouse in blue by Diane von Furstenberg, and blue trousers, and dark gray cape

Queen Mathilde has visited two projects supported by the Queen Mathilde Fund (KMF - Koningin Mathildefonds) as part of the 'I SEE IDEA I DO' call for projects. Over the course of three years (2021-24), this initiative has been helping young people offer solutions to local challenges. The Queen Mathilde Fund has been providing them with financial support and professional guidance to bring their ideas to life.

Queen Mathilde wore a black feather print silk blouse in blue by Diane von Furstenberg, and blue trousers, and dark gray cape

Queen Mathilde wore a black feather print silk blouse in blue by Diane von Furstenberg, and blue trousers, and dark gray cape

Queen Mathilde wore a black feather print silk blouse in blue by Diane von Furstenberg, and blue trousers, and dark gray cape

The first project the Queen visited in Hasselt is a community center for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): the Prikkelarm Jeugdhuis (Low-stimulus Youth Center), run by the organization 'Autism Lives!' For the second project, the Queen later visited SCAN-R in Verviers, a French-speaking platform for civic expression aimed at young people between the ages of 12 and 25.

Queen Mathilde wore a black feather print silk blouse in blue by Diane von Furstenberg, and blue trousers, and dark gray cape

Queen Mathilde wore a black feather print silk blouse in blue by Diane von Furstenberg, and blue trousers, and dark gray cape

Queen Mathilde wore a black feather print silk blouse in blue by Diane von Furstenberg, and blue trousers, and dark gray cape

Queen Mathilde wore a black feather print silk blouse in blue by Diane von Furstenberg, and blue trousers, and dark gray cape

Queen Mathilde wore a black feather print silk blouse in blue by Diane von Furstenberg, and blue trousers, and dark gray cape

Queen Mathilde wore a black feather print silk blouse in blue by Diane von Furstenberg, and blue trousers, and dark gray cape


(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Lovely! Queen Mathilde's style has been gorgeous this week!

  2. Quel spectacle : des gens derrière des grillages, de quoi les nobles ont-ils peur ?

    1. It may have been a fence to keep the children on the playground safe from the cars in the parking lot. Chris L.

    2. Chris, you are right, of course!

  3. lol. I always a problem with royalty greeting people through a fence. I know it's just me - my problem. Just sharing with the class. (No pun intended.)

    1. No, not just you. That was my immediate reaction as well. Other than to say that Mathilde looks lovely in her blue ensemble, I was going to say that I felt rather sad by that first photo. It just strikes one so differently on so many levels, most of them probably unintentional.
      - Anon 9:13

    2. At "Anon 2:39," Thank you.

  4. Honteux cette approche derrière les grillages.
    De quoi avez-vous peur Mathilde ?

    1. It’s not fear! - it’s just she got out of a car in a carpark and the kids are in their yard, watching her arrive. No drama, just a queen arriving for a visit and a whole lot of excited kids waiting to see her as she arrives! - Grace

    2. Look better!
      The fence is to pretend the children from falling down in the parking space and has nothing to do with royalty!

    3. @ Grace
      Thank you.

    4. @ Anon. 22:40
      1. Ce n'est pas la reine qui a fait placé les grilles mais l'école pour protéger les enfants.
      2. Vous ne pouvez pas savoir quand la photo a été prise, à l'arrivée de la reine ou à son départ.
      3. La reine est entrée dans l'école, elle n'est pas restée dehors derrière la grille.
      Apparamment vous ne connaissez pas bien la Reine Mathilde, elle aime les enfants. C'est honteux de votre part de penser ainsi d'une personne toujours gentille, toujours souriante dans chaque circonstance et à tout le monde specialement aux enfants.

  5. A very nice look today. The coat looks good too.

  6. Les boucles d'oreilles sont jolies. Paloma.

  7. What a beautiful color, glorious. She looks stunning, lovely outfit and cape.

  8. Love it! Beautiful shade of blue! Beautiful blouse, beautiful pants and no belt 😮 👍👏👏👏 Do not like the cape. But I rarely like capes.

  9. Another great outfit from Queen Mathilde! The blues are beautiful on her--shades of blue really highlight her pretty eyes and so flatter her complexion. I'm loving her interaction with children who are representative of a wide age span. She looks to be truly enjoying herself.


  10. In every school in Belgium wether it are little children or teenagers there are fences for the security of the children and not only for cars and traffic but to protect the children for intruders who can do a lot of harm in a school environment. The picture you are seeing here is taken or upon arrival of queen Mathilde before entering the school or when she left and the children gathered at the fence to wave her goodbeye. In the school of my grandson the fences who are between the school and the street only opens when the parents are there to bring or pick up the children and there are always 2 staff members to control which child is picked up by which parent or grandparent or relative.
    I am sick and tired about the people on this blog lately who think they have an answer on everything. Queen Mathilde loves children. There is a picture of that little boy who is offering her a paper crown he made for her (pic. 2) Well I have seen another picture when she puts that paper crown on her hair and made the child happy by saying thank you for your beautiful present.
    Fashionwise : Queen Mathilde is looking good in her blue pants and blouse and the dark blue cape she is wearing.

    1. Hear hear!
      You are so right in every aspect!!

    2. You are absolutely right. Such ridiculous comments on the fence. The queen looks great in blues. Lovely outfit.

  11. Superbe imprimé dont le bleu met en valeur la beauté de Mathilde ; pas vraiment fan de sa cape qui a tendance à trop cacher sa silhouette !

  12. Beautiful outfit for the occasion.
    The fence shows many things to many people, yet it was in place to protect the children from harm, from people and vehicles.


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