Princess Caroline and her daughters Attend Prince Pierre Foundation's Award Ceremony

Princess Caroline and Charlotte Casiraghi wore a cardigan by Chanel, and Princess Alexandra wore a jacket by Dior

The winners of the 2024 Prince Pierre Foundation prizes were announced at the award ceremony held at Monte-Carlo's Opera Garnier, in the presence of the Foundation's President, Princess Caroline of Hanover, and hosted by Arnaud Merlin, a journalist for France Musique. Charlotte Casiraghi and Princess Alexandra were also present at the award ceremony. Princess Caroline presented the Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation's 2024 Prizes.

Princess Caroline and Charlotte Casiraghi wore a cardigan by Chanel, and Princess Alexandra wore a jacket by Dior

Princess Caroline and Charlotte Casiraghi wore a cardigan by Chanel, and Princess Alexandra wore a jacket by Dior

Princess Caroline and Charlotte Casiraghi wore a cardigan by Chanel, and Princess Alexandra wore a jacket by Dior

The 2024 winners were: The Literary Prize: Mathieu Belezi for his entire body of work; The Discovery Grant: Mokhtar Amoudi for his first novel, Les conditions idéales; The High School Pupils' Favourite Choice: Cécile Tlili for her first novel, Un simple dîner; Musical Composition Prize: Hans Abrahamsen for his entire body of work; The Young Musicians' Favourite Choice: Paul Novak for his work Prisms and mirrors; and The Principality Prize: Souleymane Bachir Diagne for his entire body of work.

Princess Caroline and Charlotte Casiraghi wore a cardigan by Chanel, and Princess Alexandra wore a jacket by Dior

Princess Caroline and Charlotte Casiraghi wore a cardigan by Chanel, and Princess Alexandra wore a jacket by Dior

Princess Caroline and Charlotte Casiraghi wore a cardigan by Chanel, and Princess Alexandra wore a jacket by Dior

Princess Caroline and Charlotte Casiraghi wore a cardigan by Chanel, and Princess Alexandra wore a jacket by Dior

Charlotte Casiraghi wore Chanel 2024 black white edge knitted cardigan polo style
Chanel cardigan


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  1. Caroline's suit is gorgeous. But how can you go wrong with a classic Chanel suit? I love the enhancements on the neckline, cuffs and pockets. The metallic thread that runs though the fabric along with the beautiful buttons also add a lot to the overall effect of the outfit.

  2. Eine Überdosis Chanel kann tatsächlich langweilig wirken, wer hätte das gedacht. Aber Prinzessin Caroline sieht fabelhaft aus, ihre Frisur ist heute wirklich gut, ihr Complet sehr chic.

    1. Stimme zu, Caroline ist hier die einzig elegante, klassisch!

  3. Charlotte's Prison Pajamas Chic continues. She should check her contract with Chanel the next time around, to ensure that she gets to choose what she wears and not just what they send her. Because it seems to me that if she had more of a choice, things would be different.

    1. But the "prison pyjama chic" looks already a little bit better than last time!

  4. Dès la première photo, j'ai eu un soupçon d'hésitation pour reconnaître Caroline élégante ainsi que ses filles vêtues de noir avec une touche de blanc pour chacune !

  5. Caroline - still a Beauty!

  6. Caroline looks fabulous--very beautiful in this classic Chanel evening suit. Charlotte sadly looks to be wearing pajamas courtesy of what passes as Chanel couture nowadays. Alexandra looks like she is wearing a cute dress but that jacket is dreadful and ruins what could have been a very pretty outfit. Too bad Caroline cannot choose clothes for her daughters any longer--both would do well to either borrow from her closet or allow her to style them.


  7. Hooray! At last, Princess Caroline has put some colour into her drab grey locks, and styled them and doesn't she look quite stunning. Easily the best she has looked in recent months and the suit is both classic and classy. Wonderful
    I quite like Princess Alexandra's dress but there's too much white trim on the whole outfit. Charlotte's outfit seems shapeless to me but I've seen worse!

  8. Charlotte, stop wearing these dowdy looking outfits, Chanel is not doing you any favor.

  9. Le tailleur de Caroline est chic. Mais quel dommage de voir toutes ces tenues noires. C'est une soirée festive, des couleurs seraient agréables.
    Et moi aussi j'ai pensé à un pyjama en voyant la tenue de Charlotte.

  10. Encore un pyjama pour Charlotte.
    La tenue de Caroline trop classique mais convient pour son âge avec un visage fatigué, des yeux à demi fermés
    Il y a fort longtemps qu elle a perdu de sa superbe.

  11. Caroline est très chic avec ce très magnifique tailleur, elle porte un collier de diamants, l'effet est superbe, mais les filles sont fagotées, pourquoi du noir, non et non.

  12. Caroline is soo elegant. I even love her strap shoes, they look lovely on her slim legs. Charlotte appears to be wearing Chanel's version of a man's bowling shirt.
    Mrs. Cleaver

  13. Oh my goodness. Pss Caroline looks so good and so fresh. Her hair, makeup, on point suit, it all works.

    I don't understand P. Alexandra's aesthetic so will wait for wiser commentators.

    Charlotte is truly beautiful but the outfit looks like a waste of great fabric.

    1. I was also waiting for any elocuent comments on the "girls" outfits. Pas Caroline indeed looking beautiful as ever.

  14. Princess Caroline is looking very good this time, especially on the 1st picture.
    Her daughters could learn a lot from her : how to dress themselves, which make-up they should wear and how to pose in case there are camera's.

  15. Wow. All of their sartorial choices are in good taste and appropriate for the occasion. :-o Is Mercury in retrograde? Is this one of the seven signs of the apocalypse? :-o RUN!!

    1. ... but not with those shoes on!

  16. VA VA VA VOOM P. CAROLINE you look SENSATIONAL!! Makeup gorgeous, CHECK, Hair gorgeous CHECK and Chanel Suite SENSATIONAL!! CHECK CHECK CHECK!! LOVE to see her back in the groove!! Daughters, not so much but MAMA got it going on!!

  17. Princess Caroline looks so elegant, graceful, poised and she still looks as beautiful as she did as a young lady. This how you grow old gracefully and with pure class and in a Chanel too. Someone made the comment that Charlotte should be able to choose what she wants and not what Chanel wants. Chanel choses their newest collections and expects her to wear them I am sure and that is how it should be!

  18. Caroline's suit is gorgeous, the suit is beautiful. She looks stunning.
    Charlotte's outfit, I don't like at all, nothing attractive about it at all. Princess Alexandra's outfit, is too busy, I don't like this style at all.

  19. Total fail for the young ‘uns here…Alexandra usually dresses beautifully and looks cute as a button, but this outfit is weirdly and unflatteringly proportioned. I’ve never thought Charlotte has much fashion sense, and agree with those who think Chanel failed her here. Again, it’s a matter of unflattering proportions in the cut and the black and white values. Caroline looks great here; over the years her sartorial choices have been all over the place, but it seems she has settled into a more consistent pattern of classic, conservative dressing as she has aged.

  20. And the winner is, Caroline. Alexandras dress and Charlottes pantsuit I can only say what happen. Channel really went down a peg, sadly.


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