Prince Guillaume Officially Becomes Grand Duke Henri’s Lieutenant Representative

Princess Stephanie wore a yellow dress by Natan, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a red dress by Carolina Herrera

On October 8, 2024, Prince Guillaume was appointed Lieutenant Representative by his father, Grand Duke Henri, meaning that Prince Guillaume now assumes most of his father’s constitutional powers. On his official birthday, June 23, 2024, Grand Duke Henri announced his plans to appoint his son as Lieutenant Representative (regent) in October. Traditionally, this signals Grand Duke Henri's intention to abdicate in the future.

Princess Stephanie wore a yellow dress by Natan, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a red dress by Carolina Herrera

Princess Stephanie wore a yellow dress by Natan, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a red dress by Carolina Herrera

Princess Stephanie wore a yellow dress by Natan, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a red dress by Carolina Herrera

On Tuesday, October 8, 2024, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume took the oath as Lieutenant Representative (regent) of Grand Duke Henri at the Chamber of Deputies. Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie were present at the Lieutenancy Ceremony at the Grand Ducal Palace.

Princess Stephanie wore a yellow dress by Natan, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a red dress by Carolina Herrera

Princess Stephanie wore a yellow dress by Natan, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a red dress by Carolina Herrera

Princess Stephanie wore a yellow dress by Natan, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a red dress by Carolina Herrera


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  1. Anonymous8/10/24 18:09

    They all look very good! Stephanie’s dress and hairstyle are particularly lovely and flattering. MT has allowed the deep red color to provide enough drama and she toned down the bling for this official occasion.

  2. Anonymous8/10/24 18:30

    Stephanie has really upgraded her style this year with simple bold colors. Also nice matching style with mother in law.

    1. I totally agree! It's a welcome evolution that flatters her, and makes her at the level expected for her role and responsibilities. Bravo!

  3. Anonymous8/10/24 18:34

    After a long time, I can finally praise Grand Duchess Maria Theresa. I agree with an old well-known saying: there is beauty in simplicity. The simple clean lines of the raspberry red dress and the right length for her figure, classic real jewelry. Very well.
    Princess Stephanie - also a very good outfit, very propriet, just a small note: the yellow dress could have been 10 cm longer.

    1. Anonymous9/10/24 02:08

      I agree with you. GD Maria Theresa’s dress is one of the nicest items she has worn recently. Beautiful colour, great cut, flattering neckline and no fussy bits. While Princess Stéphanie also looks good, the dress needs those extra few centimetres, as you say, for the best look

  4. Très émouvant, les années passent trop vite.
    La Grande-Duchesse héritière Stéphanie est magnifique !

  5. HGD Stephanie will never be a Royal fashion plate but her innate class will serve her husband and her adopted country very well. And those delicious little boys!

    Lucky Luxembourg

    1. Anonymous9/10/24 11:44

      Her adopted country ? Belgium and the GD of Luxemburg are almost the same. The Belgian Province of Luxemburg and the GD of Luxemburg have a border in common but the people who live there are practically the same.

  6. Anonymous8/10/24 19:44

    Both MT and Stephanie look really good in these simple, monochromatic dresses, but especially Stephanie. This style suits her very well. Would have liked MT's dress to be just an inch shorter but she still looks great in it.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous8/10/24 21:54

      Totally agree

    2. Anonymous9/10/24 06:43

      I agree. Extra credits for the nice hairdos and make-up. They all look excited with this decision. I wish them all the best. Looking forward to the official part next year or within 2 years...
      Damsel Dragonfly

  7. Anonymous8/10/24 19:50

    An Eleganz nicht zu überbieten, stilvoll einfach wunderschön. Harmonisches Miteinander, zukünftig viel Freude und Kraft dem jungen Paar. Bin gespannt, ob wir die Erbherzogin Stephanie auch öfters bei Veranstaltungen sehen werden. Das gelbe Kleid ist sehr edel und ein guter Start in Sachen Mode für ihrer zukünftigen Aufgaben. Wollen wir wünschen, das der Erbherzogin ein gutes Styling Team an die Seite gestellt wird und sie uns vielleicht auch mehr an Broschen, Ohrschmuck und Geschmeide aus der Schatulle zeigen mag. Sie kann sich hochfeinste Stoffe und Wolle leisten, sie ist optisch eine sehr hübsche Frau und so sollte sie zu jedem Pulli eine Brosche tragen, wer sollte es ihr verbieten? Ich glaube auf so eine Idee kommen die wenigsten königlichen Damen - schade um diese so wertvollen und wunderschönen Broschen wenn sie nur in ihren Schatullen vor sich hin glitzern dürfen. Man möchte rufen, holt sie heraus ; ) -Dorothe-

  8. Anonymous8/10/24 21:01

    Elles sont élégantes toutes les deux, c'est sobre et chic, sans chichis. J'aime bien la robe rouge-rose. Et la robe jaune fait années 60 et va très bien à Stéphanie, elle devrait porter plus souvent ce style. Son chignon est parfait. Paloma.

  9. Anonymous8/10/24 21:10

    Stephanie looks very elegant here. I like the style of her dress as well as her updo.
    -Royal Watcher

  10. I have never seen Stephanie look like this - sophisticated and chic.

  11. One of the nicest appearances from Stephanie in a while. Love the dress and color of her accessories, the overall look is very flattering. GD MT looks equally lovely, her dress suits her well.

  12. Anonymous9/10/24 01:23

    Lovely dresses on the ladies. Christine

  13. Anonymous9/10/24 02:36

    Stephanie looks quite nice in this shade of yellow and the neckline is fabulous.

  14. Anonymous9/10/24 03:30

    Praise be 🙌 oh my gosh, our beautiful Stephanie looks like a future Grand Duchess — a stunning study in simple elegance. I could cry — the classic, matching shoes and bag, the chic, flattering dress, the elegant hairstyle — she is a dream. (A dream that I hope is the first of many more to come 🥲.) Brava!!!

  15. Elégantes toutes les deux avec une préférence pour Stéphanie dont le style de robe lui va bien ; sa coiffure met en valeur sa beauté !

  16. Anonymous9/10/24 10:19

    Stephanie looks wonderful - dress is a great shape for her, hair & make up and more so her beautiful smile are all on point. MT lovely too in this shade of red.

  17. Anonymous9/10/24 11:53

    HGD Stéphanie's dress is beautiful, but a bit too short. Her knees should have been covered not because it is not done, but because it goes better with the dress. I like the neckline and the soft yellow color. GD Maria Teresa's dress is also beautiful but a bit too long. The dress should end just under her knees The wine red color goes very well with M.T.'s hair and skin tone.


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