Prince Albert and Jazmin Attend the Princess Grace Awards Anniversary Gala

Prince Albert and Jazmin Grace Grimaldi attended the Princess Grace awards ceremony. Princess Charlene

On October 23, 2024, Prince Albert II of Monaco and his daughter Jazmin Grace Grimaldi attended the Princess Grace Awards ceremony at The Pierre Hotel in New York City. The Princess Grace Foundation celebrated its 40th anniversary with a grand gala at The Pierre Hotel. Actor and philanthropist Michael Douglas was honored with the Prince Rainier III Award at the event. The Princess Grace Foundation-USA is dedicated to upholding the legacy of Princess Grace of Monaco.

Prince Albert and Jazmin Grace Grimaldi attended the Princess Grace awards ceremony. Princess Charlene

Prince Albert and Jazmin Grace Grimaldi attended the Princess Grace awards ceremony. Princess Charlene

Prince Albert and Jazmin Grace Grimaldi attended the Princess Grace awards ceremony. Princess Charlene

Prince Albert and Jazmin Grace Grimaldi attended the Princess Grace awards ceremony. Princess Charlene


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  1. Well, Jazmin certainly is generously gowned. The voluminous fabric is lovely in itself but layered rather overwhelmingly overall. Jazmin strongly resembles her mother, Ms. Rotolo. I do not see Princess Grace in her, in spite of her middle name.

    1. She does not look like Grace at all.

    2. What an odd comment that she does not look like Princess Grace so therefore she should not have Grace as her middle name!

    3. FITZHUGH, no one said she should not have Grace as a middle name. Simply that the name is not an indication of resemblance.

    4. I agree with FITZHUGH. Why make a comment about her middle name and the fact that she doesn't look like Grace "in spite of her middle name", if you were not implying that she didn't deserve that name?

    5. Anon 23:17. Has a name ever been an indication of resemblance? Rather strange idea.

    6. Princess Charlotte does not look like P. Diana why does she have her grandmother's name! :-)

    7. Indeed. What some people do not realize is that Jazmin has dealt with so much both internally and externally regarding "legitimacy," she should be given some compassion and a break around the snide remarks related to her heritage. It's great that they do this event together. That is a whole lot of dress! But she looks nice.

    8. @Anon 12:40 Excellent point! It is a fine example of how stupid the original comment was.

  2. Jazmin s'entend bien avec son père cela fait plaisir à voir, Gentille, mais c'est pas la distinction qui l'étouffe, ah, elle est drôle avec la main sur la hanche, Belle robe un peu encombrante mais la couleur acier, ... quelle idée...

  3. That is a statement dress! And I have to say, I'm not hating it. There's a lot going on between the texture of the material and the structure of the design but I still like it. I wonder if it's available in other colors; gold, white (what a wedding dress!), red? This would be a great dress for the Oscars.

  4. The dress almost swallows her imo

  5. Wow, great look for Jazmin. I really do like this gown; she is young she can carry it off. Sadly, Pss Charlene is not there. Well Michael Douglas and sons are there and Prince Max, was he hosting the event? I missed DvF, she is at lots of events in NYC. Seen some pictures on a different site about the event.

  6. How nice that Albert includes Jazmin in this event--I think they do this event together every year. I'm not too crazy about her gown--to frou-frou, the pattern is too busy for all the ruffles, and the bow/decoration near her shoulder needs to be removed--it looks like there was left over fabric so the designer made this whatever it is to use it up. In fact, if it were removed I think I might actually like the dress. Jazmin is young and I am sure she loves this chance to dress up and look glamorous but, though she looks lovely, this is not a win for her from me.


    1. yes i like that Jazmin and Albert bond over this event. If Monaco's succession rules were like Belgium, Jazmin would be a valuable asset to Monaco, she displays great style, charisma and Happiness.

    2. In Monaco only the eldest of the male children he has during his marriage with Princess Charlene inherite the trone.
      In Belgium the eldest child (in this case a princess) which the king and queen have together during their marriage inherite the trone.

    3. @Anon 17:35 I believe the point of Anon 08:01's comment is that Jazmin would be a princess of Monaco her if her heritage was recognized in the same way that Belgium recognized Princess Delphine. She would not be in line to the throne, but would have some status as the daughter of Prince Albert.

  7. I admire this luscious, opulent gown, and I like that the bodice is not revealing. Jazmin deserves high marks as well for her elegant updo and makeup that is just right, not over the top. Albert looks proud, and I don’t blame him. All of these things make an unattractive evening bag very forgivable 🙂👍🏻 — Jane

  8. She looks lovely, but I don't like the gown Jazmin is wearing. Michael Douglas looks so good, handsome in his tux.

  9. I like the dress. Very appropriate for the event. Hollywood style. There is money enough in this family. She'll buy another gown for another event. Why wouldn't Prince Albert not includes Jazmin in this event ? He is her father, remember.

  10. Très jolie Jazmin dans ce modèle époustouflant - Je suis vraiment déçue de ne pas voir Charlène qui aurait certainement eu l'occasion de nous éblouir !

    1. La Princess Charlène est rarement présente quand le Prince Albert est en compagnie d'un de ces enfants qu'il a eu avant son marriage.

  11. This dress is a wow! This a very glamourous gown for a glamourous event. Not being a royal, she does not have the same restrictions regarding their attire that some people like to attach to royals. She carries herself well, and looks comfortable on the red carpet. It appears to have been a lovely father-daughter evening.

  12. Gorgeous Jazmin and gorgeous dress. Yes, it's alot of dress and kinda over the top, but it's a festive occasion and she looks very pretty in it. I just wish she would have had it in a prettier color to complement her blondeness.

  13. Like the gown a lot. Perhaps the shoulder detail looks a bit odd but I get the idea of it as a whole. Regarding the comments on Jazmin's looks compared to Princess Grace - well, if one looks closely enough, there is a slight resemblance. Which has, in fact, nothing at all to do with her middle name which was, of course, given to her after birth when no one could have even guessed how she would look later on. That is just a lovely nod to her late paternal grandmother.


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