King Philippe Presents the Dutch Literature Prize to Tom Lanoye

Queen Mathilde wore a copper Moiré Bowy top by Natan. Natan copper Bullet pants. Gold earrings

On October 1, 2024, King Philippe and Queen Mathilde attended the Dutch Literature Prize ceremony at the Royal Palace in Brussels. The King presented the Dutch Literature Prize to Belgian writer Tom Lanoye. The Dutch Literature Prize (Prijs der Nederlandse Letteren) is awarded every three years to an author from the Netherlands, Belgium, or, since 2005, Suriname, who writes in Dutch. The award is alternately presented by the head of state of Belgium or the Netherlands.

Queen Mathilde wore a copper Moiré Bowy top by Natan. Natan copper Bullet pants. Gold earrings

Queen Mathilde wore a copper Moiré Bowy top by Natan. Natan copper Bullet pants. Gold earrings

Queen Mathilde wore Natan Moiré Bowy Top and Bullet pants in Copper
Natan Bowy Top and Bullet Pants


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  1. Anonymous1/10/24 22:40

    Natan, Natan why do your garments look so, I don’t know what. The colour is nice and looks good on the queen. Is it the fabric, someone please enlighten me.

    1. Anonymous2/10/24 00:11

      I think that shiny fabric looks rather cheap and it never photographs well.

    2. The fabric looks flowy on the model, but the changes the Queen made to this just don't work. Turning lux lounge wear into something more professional isn't working.

    3. Anonymous2/10/24 02:59

      The metallic color of this outfit reminds me of the metal mugs Moscow Mules are served in. I do not understand why Natan seems to be so popular amongst the royal ladies.
      -Royal Watcher

    4. Hi Anon 22: 40
      I like very few Natan outfits that we see on the royal ladies.
      In my humble opinion the fabric is nearly always too stiff and shiny looking.

    5. Not the best outfit for Qn Mathilde ; it would look better on women who have a smaller size.

    6. Anonymous2/10/24 12:15

      Interesting that we observers agree on the “what IS it with Natan”? problem … very popular, very expensive yet rarely anything that we say “wow” for. It’s ok, but the cut, material, tailoring, overall style could be so much more flattering to Mathilde. Grace

    7. i can't enlighten you but I totally agree. The colour is lovely but the shiny fabric makes it look like a costume from Star Trek. I also think that the neckline on the outfit worn by the model is better than the one chosen by the Queen.

    8. Anonymous2/10/24 19:38

      I really do not understand why readers in this blog are so negative about Natan. Not today but in general QM is well dressed by Natan and that goes for Q Maxima as well. Yes and sometimes it's a not the right choice but does not that happen with all designers once in a while??

    9. I fully agree : "I really do not understand why readers in this blog are so negative about Natan". Yes there is the design and the choice made by the customer !!!

    10. Anonymous4/10/24 21:39

      Perhaps it is the shaping of the bodice. There are ways to cut the fabric to give the top shaping without relying on princess seams. Chris L.

  2. Anonymous1/10/24 22:44

    Everyone looks great. Mr Lanoye is wearing a fantastic suit. Probably from Café Costume in Antwerp or some other brand. How I wish King Philippe would have a few costumes made there. Maybe not as extravagant as this one (which suits Mr Lanoye but would not suit King Philippe), but just a tiny bit edgier sometimes.
    Damsel Dragonfly

  3. The pantsuit looks good, I like the design, and it fits well. I am not a fan of the color or the shiny fabric. Regardless she looks splendid.

  4. Anonymous2/10/24 00:54

    Ugh. That's all I got. ~~Ruthie

  5. Anonymous2/10/24 03:01

    Toujours cette ceinture sous les bras. Je n’aime pas du tout, d’autant plus que la ceinture ici n’était pas du tout nécessaire.

  6. Anonymous2/10/24 06:09

    Nice to see them out again. I don't know what Mathilde was thinking. This outfit is too shiny it looks more of a sleeping ware.

  7. Anonymous2/10/24 06:37

    Words fail me on how awful this outfit is on such a beautiful queen. The shape, fabric, colour… and shininess… there is nothing good about this, but her majesty as always has a beautiful smile and I love her hair. LRB

  8. Anonymous2/10/24 07:15

    i think it's the collar that doesn't fit on Queen M. it looks like she has no neck and is standing there bent over. it looks better on the model.

    1. Anonymous2/10/24 09:42

      I agree with you. A collar like that does not look on someone with sloping shoulders. I much prefer the neckline of the model.

    2. Anonymous2/10/24 14:25

      Queen Mathilde does not have sloping shoulders and it is not because the collar is not good, but because of the sleeves which are cut differently too than on the model. I don't know how the cut is called in English but in French they call it "des manches Raglan". Like used for sweaters and pullovers. The top that is worn by the model does not have these typical sleeves.

    3. Anonymous2/10/24 14:51

      Exactly it. Thanks for pointing it out. I couldn't figure out what was amiss. It is the collar.

  9. Anonymous2/10/24 07:40

    Pour mon ressenti cela ressemble à un pyjama

  10. Très jolie couleur mais à mon humble avis, le tissu n'avantage pas vraiment Mathilde par manque de fluidité !

  11. Anonymous2/10/24 12:55

    It doesnot matter how horrible an outfit is, Queen Mathilde looks always charming and sweet.
    This outfit is not exactly horrible, but not really good either.

    1. Anonymous3/10/24 06:56

      Yes indeed, she is such a regal lady no matter the outfit.

  12. I know that copper seems to be a trending colour right now. This ensemble, however, looks like rich people's sleep wear from the 1980's (think Denver Clan, or so). Perhaps if it were just the top, or just the pants, paired with a different piece of clothing to make it less in your face.

  13. Anonymous2/10/24 14:17

    @ Dragonfly
    I heared once that King Philippe's suits are made by a tailor who works with the Belgian fabrics of "Scabal". These fabrics are known all over the world for their quality. Did you know that President Bush, jr. ordered fabrics at Scabal when he visited Belgium. They had to be sent to his tailor in the US to make pant suits for him. I think King Phillipe is always dressed well. The man is 61, you cannot expect him to dress like a clown. There are other heads of state in Europe who can take the king as an example when ik comes to suits. The only thing that I see more and more is that the king is not always standing right up, or he suffers from back pain or it was after he broke some ribs earlier this year. He broke them when he did some wind surfing together with his son Prince Emmanuel.

    1. Anonymous2/10/24 18:03

      Thank you for your reply! I have never heard of that company, and did not know that it was that famous. I agree he is always dressed well, but we always talk about the women and never about men's fashion. With the example of Mr Lanoye next to him, I just wanted to say that I wish men would also be a little more original. When I look at the website of Scabal, they make wonderful suits in lots of colours, textures and fabrics. I hope he orders soms others than the blue, black or grey ones :-)

      Thank you so much for your reply, I learned something new today :-)
      Damsel Dragonfly

  14. Anonymous2/10/24 14:32

    Queen Maxima's green shiny dress she wore yesterday to open the ballet school didn't got as bad critics as the shiny suit of Queen Mathilde. Oh well, maybe next year when Queen Mathilde will wear it again everybody might like it. It must not always be Queen Maxima who got the bad comments.

  15. Anonymous2/10/24 17:56

    Un pyjama pour aller au cirque, est ce par modestie excessive, quel dommage elle est pourtant si jolie.

  16. Anonymous2/10/24 18:53

    No bad comments on Queen Silvia's silvery too shiny 2 pieces when she went to a musical in the evening.

  17. Anonymous2/10/24 20:20

    I’ve never quite understood the draw to Natan designs.Unfortunately this just proves the point.
    The material seems a little too shiny and too stiff.
    The cut is most unflattering on QM.A tie waist is mostly unforgiving on anyone other than someone like the model.It’s accentuates the parts most of us like to hide.
    The redeeming factor is as always QM beautiful and welcoming smile.

  18. Maybe if Q. Mathilde had worn the set as it's shown on the model it might have worked better though I don't think the tie belt could ever work on her high natural waist. She has a lovely figure but sometimes seems to work against it in her clothing selections.

  19. Anonymous3/10/24 01:44

    I like the style of Queen Mathilde's Natan ensemble and it fits her well. Since it's an evening event I can understand the choice of fabric even though the shiny material rarely photographs well. I am not a fan of the color head to toe and have very mixed feelings about the change of the neckline too. Mathilde always looks great with her hair in an up-do. I guess the only other thing that is a major positive for me is that the outfit is not a print--sometimes Mathilde's love of big, bold prints make me shake my head (personally I don't like big, bold prints so that's a me issue).


  20. Anonymous3/10/24 12:02

    No, no, no. The colour, style, fabric screams 'put me in the rubbish bin.'

  21. Anonymous4/10/24 08:06

    Lovely suit and great color, but without the belt and another neckline it would suit QM better.

  22. Anonymous4/10/24 21:44

    Happy to see metal colors are in this season! I just got a non metallic gold top, but this is about fashionable celebrities, not regular citizens like me. It has potential, sorry I'm not a Natan hater like others. Chris L.


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