King Harald of Norway Opens the 169th Session of the Storting

Queen Sonja wore a red peplum wool jacket, and black skirt, a red cashmere cape. Crown Prince Haakon

On October 2, 2024, King Harald of Norway opened the 169th session of the Norwegian Parliament (Storting). At the opening ceremony, Queen Sonja and Crown Prince Haakon accompanied King Harald. The opening of the Storting every October constitutes an important part of His Majesty's constitutional role. This is ordinarily the only time during the year that the King, Government, Storting, and Supreme Court gather.

Queen Sonja wore a red peplum wool jacket, and black skirt, a red cashmere cape. Crown Prince Haakon

Queen Sonja wore a red peplum wool jacket, and black skirt, a red cashmere cape. Crown Prince Haakon

Queen Sonja wore a red peplum wool jacket, and black skirt, a red cashmere cape. Crown Prince Haakon

Queen Sonja wore a red peplum wool jacket, and black skirt, a red cashmere cape. Crown Prince Haakon


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  1. Anonymous2/10/24 19:43

    I am very sorry to say but Sonja not dressed very exciting and imv never was. And this jacket is very badly taylored.

    1. Anonymous3/10/24 04:14

      To debate: is a Queen’s job to “dress exciting” (sic)?! I think the jacket may be well tailored (not Taylored!, that would be highly inappropriate for a queen!) but the photo doesn’t show it. Hard to judge from a single shot. - Grace

    2. Anonymous3/10/24 09:36

      Agree with you.


  2. The King is looking very frail, sadly. Good for him for continuing to carry out his duties.

    1. Anonymous2/10/24 22:31

      His son is looking very worried

    2. Anonymous3/10/24 06:26

      As a Norwegian. Can you please stop thinking you know anything based on a photo. The King is 87 years old. Has a bad back, a problem with his knee and and is born with a problem with his foot. So please take a chill pill.

  3. Anonymous2/10/24 21:12

    Queen Sonja is looking very tired !!

    1. Anonymous3/10/24 06:27

      She is 87 years old. We would all be tired by then, but you are seeing something that isn't there.

    2. Anonymous3/10/24 16:19

      We saw Queen Silvia the other day at 80, not looking equally tired.

    3. Anonymous3/10/24 17:44

      At that age the years are counting double or triple. Queen Silvia has "only" 80 years not 87 like Queen Sonja.

    4. Anonymous4/10/24 08:17

      Well if we are gonna throw Silvia into this stupidity. There is a lot of photos of Silva llooking tired, but we have never seen a comment like this. Wonder why.

  4. Anonymous2/10/24 22:16

    The Queen’s jacket does not fit well through the torso but the colour is lovely on her. I’m struck too by how frail the King looks and by the somber expressions on both Haakon’s and his mother’s faces. (V.M.)

  5. Anonymous2/10/24 22:54

    I think the queen has a very nice suit. The peplum looks good on her as does the colour. It must be quite tiring to seat through this.

    1. Anonymous3/10/24 06:40

      It last for about 50 minutes. I think they can manage.

  6. Anonymous2/10/24 23:18

    I think everyone is concerned about the king’s health. No one is celebrating the opening of the parliament.


    1. Anonymous3/10/24 06:33

      No one is celebrating, right. We, as Norway have always had a party at the opening...The opening was at it always is, so breathe.

    2. Anonymous3/10/24 16:20

      Lol ”take chill pill”, ”breathe”…who are we talking to here a teenager?

    3. Anonymous4/10/24 08:18

      16:20 To a so-called grown up who should know better,but still...

    4. Anonymous4/10/24 17:23

      Anon 08.18, somehow all the rude answers to each poster that doesn’t fit your narrative just confirms the picture the media has writen about this household the past couple of months.

    5. Anonymous7/10/24 16:10

      I only commented once. So I guess several people think a like. Strange how some people always think it has to be one person. So how many comments have you written?

  7. Q. Sonja's jacket is sitting a bit oddly but the colors are good and she looks splendid with the big cape when they're outside. King Harald is looking very frail.

  8. Anonymous3/10/24 00:37

    My goodness. The queen actually looks...disheveled.

  9. Anonymous3/10/24 02:24

    I feel uneasy with these photos. King Harald looks so ill and frail. Haakon looks so concerned and tired. Queen Sonja looks exhausted--her normally stylish appearance is quite off. I was appalled by the photo of her alone until I could see the hat--it looked like she had not combed her hair. I know the NRF is under huge pressure right now--the king has severe health problems, the king and queen are in the their 80s so I am sure the pressure and stress are dreadful for them, the CP couple have issues with M-M's health battle and Marius' problems. The strain is showing especially on the king and queen. This is actually quite sad.


  10. I agree everyone seemed too serious/concerned. I like the Queen's outfit although is perfect for the occasion it seems a bit simple. But again, maybe she is just being respectful and trying not to get much attention herself but give the first place to the event.

  11. Anonymous3/10/24 04:45

    King Harald V looks frail to me, well he is in his 80's. He works very hard. Q Sonja looks nice, but a little worried. The future King is stone-faced. Sadly, they have to go through the mess. How come the CPss has never been there.

    1. Anonymous4/10/24 08:28

      Why do we have to go through this every year. There has NEVER been a tradition that the crown princess in Norway is participating. That's why MM isn't there. The rest you should have deleted before posting.

  12. Anonymous3/10/24 06:30

    What is wrong with you people?

    1. Anonymous3/10/24 11:57

      My thoughts exactly! Two hard-working 87 year old Royals are reduced to the worst kind of age discrimination I have ever read.
      They all look splendid, fit for the occasion. The opening of the Parliament is rooted in old national traditions and rituals, they are not attending a party!

    2. Anonymous4/10/24 08:25


  13. J'aime bien voir la reine porter cette belle association avec ce haut pΓ©plum !

  14. Anonymous3/10/24 11:56

    The photos above are just wisps of moments in time. The photo's show a family that is aging, with some health concerns, and strains, yet a family that is firmly grounded in love and caring for one another.

  15. Anonymous3/10/24 15:52

    Dear No Name 11:57, I totally agree with you, well said.
    🌞 Virginia

  16. Anonymous3/10/24 17:09

    Love so much this down-to-earth ROYALs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Anonymous3/10/24 18:06

    Why most people on this blog must always exxagerate so much ?
    King Harald and Queen Sonja are old yes. They do exactly like so many kings of their generation staying stand by until they fall. In the younger generations of kings it is slightly different, they also wish to enjoy their pension like everybody else. Every king and queen must do as they feel what's the best for them and for their family and I am sure they all have discussed this matter with their childeren and the Crown Prince(ss).

    1. Anonymous4/10/24 08:24


  18. Anonymous4/10/24 05:13

    In all the years Mette Marit, has never been there at the Opening of Parliament., can she only be there when Queen? I see her at the Nobels Ceremony. This must be Traditions and protocol. Everyone looked good.

    1. Anonymous7/10/24 16:13

      Yes, MM will only participate when she become Queen. Only King, Queen and Crown Prince participate. When Ingrid become Crown Princess she will participate with her parents like Haakon do now.

  19. Anonymous4/10/24 08:23

    Can people please start to think. This is not a smile from ear to ear party. This is a somber, traditional, respectful serious event. They look like they always do. Stop letting your own worries spill over here. You see something that isn't there.


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